| Forum Reply | Ian Paisley RIP at 21:13 12 Sep 2014
Cheers. Was just passing through really as I got bored of the right-wing tosspots on here long time ago, heading up to Chelski tomorrow - was just seeing if I could find out how many we are taking up. Looking forward! Cheerio chaps. |
| Forum Reply | Ian Paisley RIP at 20:59 12 Sep 2014
Errr... how would that work seeing as half of my family are English and my actual ethnicity is probably Scandinavian/Irish? Would be a bit stupid of me to be a "Welsh ethnic nationalist" given these facts. I'm not anti-English at all, I'm anti-British establishment/monarchy which is totally different. The life of the colonial state known as the "United Kingdom" is coming to an end and this pleases me; an ugly empire... slavery, greed, plunder, rape, pillage, butchery, mass murder, subjugation, racism, capitalism, imperialism, house of lords, monarchy and the symbol of it all the "Union flag" - none of this will be missed by me once it's gone! |
| Forum Reply | Ian Paisley RIP at 20:43 12 Sep 2014
Actually I'm a civic nationalist of the Welsh type... which is a left-wing trait... as opposed to ethnic nationalism, which is a right-wing trait. I also consider myself an internationalist. Get it right mush. |
| Forum Reply | Ian Paisley RIP at 20:16 12 Sep 2014
Not sure if I fully understand the question but I'll give it a crack... If you mean earlier in their lives before they became c*nts then NO, but if you mean earlier as in whilst they were in their careers as c*nts then YES. |
| Forum Reply | Ian Paisley RIP at 20:06 12 Sep 2014
Glad Hitler is dead. Glad Thatcher is dead. Glad Bin Laden is dead etc... Who cares? People who were c*nts in life do not get let off the hook just because they are now 6 feet under. F*ck them. World is better without people who inflicted misery upon thousands, sowed the seeds of hate and/or murdered millions etc etc. Paisley was a filthy vicious sectarian bag of shite and a right-wing Brit nationalist ... I say F*CK HIM. You are far too PC... get a grip mun. |
| Forum Reply | Welsh tattoo at 22:48 30 Sep 2013
I would say... "Cymro trwy ras duw" |
| Forum Reply | The Planet Swans political thread at 18:53 22 Sep 2013
"the only people likely to be offended are....?" People who hate the British Army. I.e. Most people around the world and also many inside the UK - for example, myself. |
| Forum Reply | Syria World War 3 at 08:21 27 Aug 2013
For those on Twitter who are interested in what is happening in Syria I suggest the following accounts to follow for breaking news and news straight from actual Syrian people, all tweet in English: @syria24english @PartisanGirl @hussamov11 (Based in Aleppo) @maridosa_ @prosyriana |
| Forum Reply | Flag ideas at 08:09 27 Aug 2013
There was a nice Welsh Republican / Free Wales Army flag in the East Stand the other night - I was sitting in the West and couldn't make out what it said along the top but "Fe Godwn Ni Eto" was written along the bottom. A few more of those and a few less Union rags and the Liberty will be looking more like a Welsh ground and not an English/British one. |
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