| Forum Reply | Random irritations.. at 16:11 25 Feb 2025
Drivers that use their fog lights when there is absolutely no fog and no need to. We can all see vehicles with the normal headlights on and don't need to be blinded by additional fog lights. Even worse when travelling down roads with no street lights. Turn em off and stop blinding me with your need to be seen by everyone!! |
 | Forum Reply | One Game at a Time. Pasoti preview at 18:44 22 Aug 2024
We seemed to have signed a new player called Sorenson! Not only that but he's now injured according to this piece. |
 | Forum Thread | Tannoy at the stadium at 13:30 10 Aug 2024
What’s that about? Can’t hear a single thing being said in the Stan Bowles Stand!! |
 | Forum Reply | Leaving loftus road... at 16:03 14 Jun 2024
Would it matter? Yes, my fathers ashes are in the ground and it remains one of the few connections I still have with him. At the beginning of last season I seriously debated as to whether to cancel my season ticket due to the football and results happening. The fact that I was able to be at the same place that he visited so often and now is at rest there, kept me going. Selfish? yes. Tenuous? yes. But it's the memories and attachment I have that goes further than the venue. |
 | Forum Reply | Fantasy Football Teams at 14:00 12 Jul 2023
With the change in prices this year it means that you will most probably only be able to have two "premium" players in a squad. LAst year managed Salah, Haaland and Kane in my squad. This year with Haaland at £14m and Salah at £12.5m it doesn't leave a lot of room for another. Raya in goal at £5m is worth a punt as he has been solid for the last two years. Otherwise, as stated, full-backs in defence, midfielders (Rice at £5m and going to Arsenal, looks a good buy) that take free-kicks and corners and Forwards that play regularly and perhaps take penalties. Be aware of teams that rotate squads as that will have an impact and if you are playing the official game, understand the different "tokens" and how and when to use them. Good luck, it's as equally frustrating as it is enjoyable. |
 | Forum Reply | Your first match without the person who first took you at 13:27 11 Jun 2023
My first match with my father was against Leeds United in the 74/75 season. He passed away early February 2019 and the first match after his death was the 3-4 home defeat against Birmingham. Through ill health and a falling out of love with the game he decided not to renew his season ticket at the end of the 2016/2017 season, taking his seat sticker with his name with him. We had gone to Rangers together for twenty years before that, along with a very close friend and I continue to go to Rangers with that close friend. The first game without him would have been the 2-0 win against Reading at the beginning of the 2017/2018 season and at the time it felt very strange not going with him, but we still shared our views on the club and games when we met up, keeping the commonality alive so to speak. His ashes are at the stadium and I still say hello to him every time I go to a home game. The first time being the 2 all draw with 'Boro on the 9th of November 2019. The lord only knows what he would have thought of last season. |
 | Forum Reply | Hols at 13:55 11 Mar 2022
Just back from two weeks out in Orlando. None of the theme park malarkey just relaxing and doing local stuff like Melbourne beach and local lakes. Lovely weather, terrible traffic. That will teach us to go over Presidents day and Spring Break as well as Snowbird quarter. |
 | Forum Reply | Auto cup tie tickets at 15:19 16 Aug 2021
Found in www.eticketing.co.uk/qpr/Events. Found and paid for, just need to see it appear in my email, wallet thingy now! |
 | Forum Reply | The dark cloud of depression at 11:00 20 Jul 2021
It's great to see so many responses on this topic, one which I have been under on and off for the last 25 years or so. A result of a mixture of a terrible marriage and the resultant separation and protracted divorce, redundancy, unemployment, the loss of my father, new job with an absolute abhorrent manager, unemployment again and COVID-19. All over the last 8 years. I have tried CBT, been on and off meds, tried hypnotherapy and talking therapy. What works for me is the "one day at a time" mantra and switching negative self-talk to positive talk. I became mindful of what I was saying to myself and started questioning why I was saying the things I said - I wouldn't say them to my closest friend, why was I saying them to myself? My therapist asked me to think of what soothed me and this, for me, would be music (Shout out to the Frankie Friday Thread!!), spending quality time with my new partner and getting outside. I have had to find the right solution for me as I believe there is not a one size fits all solution. Hated being on meds and have recently finished a phased withdrawal. I hope that I have learnt to identify my triggers and manage these accordingly and I am very grateful to have a very understanding partner who has been through the same thing which has helped immensely. What I have found comforting is the knowledge that I am not the only one going through this, it just hasn't been talked about much in the past and was always regarded as a weakness. A great post and the OP is to be applauded for being so brave, difficult to start the conversation, easier to join in. I wish everyone that has gone through, is going through this debilitating illness peace of mind, stability and happiness in whatever shape it comes. |
 | Forum Reply | Scone or Scone at 19:08 8 Oct 2020
I was always told it's a scone until it's been eaten then its scon. Taxi .....!! |
 | Forum Reply | Hounslowites at 09:53 1 Sep 2020
Based at the bottom of Phoenix Way in Heston, a stones throw from the M4 Heston Services |
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