| Forum Reply | Matchday Parking at 19:34 3 Jan 2024
Hi, I drive up from Wroughton for the last 25years+, season ticket holder with my son & grandson. Have always managed to park in Galloway Road / Adelaide Grove area ( opposite the Conningham) |
 | Forum Reply | Ukraine V England at 19:40 9 Sep 2023
Southgate stating post match that we didn't have enough creativity in the final third! WTF, he's the TW4T who picked the team. How Maguire, Henderson and Phillips are anywhere near an England squad is beyond me |
 | Forum Reply | London ULEZ, who can afford it now at 18:35 2 Sep 2023
It's no going to end with ULEZ Sadiq Khan’s Green Globalist Gang Suggests Daily 44g Meat Allowance and Rations Lower Than Second World War BY CHRIS MORRISON 31 AUGUST 2023 9:00 AM London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s Ulez punch-down on cars and vans owned by the less affluent is just one example of the attacks planned against town dwellers living in modern industrial societies. Khan is the current chairman of C40, a global network of city mayors backed by numerous hard-Left billionaire foundations. Removing cars from cities is just one of its aims. In a Headline Report published by the group in 2019 and re-emphasised earlier this year, a “progressive” target for 2030 was set of a daily per person allowance of 44g of meat (enough for two small meatballs), a daily limit of 2,500 calories, (less than the ration in the Second World War), one short haul flight every three years, eight new clothing items a year and private cars available for only one in five people. This “pioneering piece of thought leadership” was said to seek a “radical, and rapid, shift in consumption patterns”. When the report about future urban consumption was first published in 2019, it received little publicity in the media. Some of its proposals looked a bit cranky even for mainstream publications. For instance, under an “ambitious” 2030 target, the mayors looked to ban meat and private vehicles altogether. But groundwork was clearly being laid. Mark Watts, executive director of C40, observed that average consumption-based emissions in the wealthier C40 cities must fall by “two thirds or more” by 2030. It was said that reducing vehicle ownership would lead to significant reclamation of roads and 25,000 kms of cycle lanes. This plan is now well advance since the Covid lockdowns provided cover for mass street closures. Recent years have also seen large increases in cycle lanes, and of course the Ulez war on those driving older vehicles, not necessarily by choice. Signatory cities are committed to “high impact accelerators”, which include creating low or zero emissions zones along with “implanting vehicle restrictions or financial incentives/disincentives such as road use or parking charges”. An early sighting here, perhaps of Khan’s suspected wish to implement road pricing after his Ulez infrastructure is in place. There is also an early sighting of unsourced statistics with a claim that eating less meat and more vegetables and fruit could prevent 160,000 annual deaths associated with diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes and strokes in C40 cities. It is not immediately clear if these deaths actually occur in such precise numbers, or whether they are a Ulez-style ‘statistical construct‘. Over 100 cities around the world are part of the C40 network and they are required to sign up to “performance-based requirements” based on a number of leadership standards. One of these standards specifies that they must innovate and start taking inclusive and resilient action, “to address emissions beyond the direct control of city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city”. The largely unpublicised C40 operation is backed by finance and support from many well-known green foundations including Climate Works, Hewlett, IKEA, Oak, FR and Clinton. Three “strategic funders” are identified including Christopher Hohn’s Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, a major financial contributor to Extinction Rebellion. Another strategic funder is Bloomberg Philanthropies, whose controller Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, is president of the C40 board. Of course interest is now growing in what all these people have been smoking over the last few years, as the Con/Lab green blob (different countries, different mainstream political combinations) organise to de-industrialise and cut human progress in the name of tackling a supposed ‘climate crisis’. The C40 Headline Report gives clear guidance of the scale of economic and societal change required under a collectivist Net Zero agenda. U.K. Fires is an academic project funded by the British Government, and it also gives a brutal assessment of life under what it terms absolute net zero carbon dioxide emissions. Again it is not discussed much in the public prints, but the Daily Sceptic has reported on its findings. These include no flying and shipping by 2050, drastic cuts in home heating, bans on beef and lamb consumption and a ruthless purge of traditional building materials such as bricks, glass, steel and cement. Such is the admirable honesty on display in their reports that they note these building materials can be replaced with “rammed earth” – mud huts for the lower classes in other words. Sadiq Khan has been badly shaken by a popular uprising against his hated Ulez scheme. Backing in his own Labour party is wearing thin, not because most senior members are particularly anti-Ulez, but because after the Uxbridge by-election they can see a little more clearly that attacking the cars of the poor is a slam-dunk vote loser. For his part, Khan seems to have become more hysterical attacking those who oppose Ulez as conspiracy theorists. Earlier this year, reports the Daily Mail, Khan said that some of those who opposed the scheme’s growth across all London boroughs were “anti-vaxxers, Covid deniers, conspiracy theorists and Nazis”. The evidence provide by Khan’s own C40 Headline Report, along with the work of U.K. Fires, shows clearly the actual agenda that is now being ruthlessly deployed. The only conspiracy rabbithole in sight would appear to be that occupied by a freaked Mayor Sadiq Khan. Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor. |
 | Forum Reply | London ULEZ, who can afford it now at 17:33 16 Aug 2023
What's in the Air? By volume, the dry air in Earth's atmosphere is about 78.08 percent nitrogen, 20.95 percent oxygen, and 0.93 percent argon. A brew of trace gases accounts for the other approximately 0.04 percent, including the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone.9 Oct 2019 |
 | Forum Reply | ULEZ passes at 18:30 28 Jul 2023
Freedom of information request to DVLA by Talk Radio informs there are 700,000 non compliant vehicles in expanded ULEZ area, not to mention the people that live outside area but travel in for work etc. |
 | Forum Reply | ULEZ passes at 18:27 28 Jul 2023
Shame he cannot tax knife crime as that is just as much of a threat to young people's lives in London. |
 | Forum Reply | Electric cars… at 06:41 27 Jul 2023
As a home owner in Andalusia Spain, and witness to several forest fires over the years in this region, wildfires and started by humans. Either by Arson, wild campers, discarded glass or a in the case of the one we had last year an illegal bonfire. We always have hot summers and the forest / grass is always tinderbox dry at this time of year. I have never ever read a report of a forest or grassland instantaneously combust! British media are good on reporting the fires but don't report on the causes, just a constant agenda |
 | Forum Reply | Charging Cost at 13:08 29 Apr 2023
Cannot afford to buy an EV, or afford the cost of solar panels. Guess I'll have to stay as one of the great unwashed! |
 | Forum Reply | Energy bills at 12:03 26 Oct 2022
The main cause of increasing energy prices is due to every political party and almost every politician's blinkered rush to net zero. As you say, storage facilities closed, extraction of oil & gas reduced (although this would still be at market cost) and no new nuclear power stations built. Renewables on a good day count on average 15% of supply. Yet the renewable energy providers have no windfall placed on their profits despite wind and sun being 'free' meaning massive dividend payouts to their companies shareholders. Green energy levies account for almost 25% of our electricity bills. Time to green energy levies and VAT on energy bills, place a windfall tax on renewables and put net zero on hold until the world settles down |
 | Forum Reply | The Pound at 20:13 17 Oct 2022
Not to mention a potential massive increase in energy prices next April. I find it laughable. Turkeys voting for Christmas |
 | Forum Reply | Fans Forum at 11:40 14 Oct 2022
I believe any money spent on training ground, acadamy or new stadium has no impact on FFP. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong |
 | Forum Reply | Qpr v Ipswich U23 at 12:45 9 Nov 2021
Signed up for this, said available from 12.30. All I’ve got is a banner |
 | Forum Reply | Entry Issues at 09:54 28 Aug 2021
Horrified and amazed on all the problems people have had. I’ve been to all home games this season, and QR code in my google pay wallet has worked first time every time. Not had a problem getting a beer at the shack in the lower loft concourse, Shipyard Pale Ale and Carlsberg on tap |
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