| Forum Reply | Buffalo Shootings at 12:15 17 May 2022
I think you should. You have denied the huge racism problem in the US, you deny that this is being perpetuated by right wing media (stand up Tucker) and the right of the GOP. It this was perpetuated by BLM or an islamist attack you would be all over it. Usual lack of principles on here (not principals-please note). Had enough of the right wing take over on here. So bye! |
 | Forum Thread | Buffalo Shootings at 09:42 17 May 2022
Surprised there is no post. Or is is simply too embarrassing for the usual commentators that racist, white terrorism is a problem in the US and indeed the UK? |
 | Forum Reply | Sinn Fein at 12:09 13 May 2022
Hardly though- high skill and high tech economy based on IT, software, pharmaceuticals and financial services. Largely greased by a generous taxation regime. 4th highest per capita GDP in the world. Almost a model of what Johnson claims he wants the UK to be. Of course large part of Ireland are very centred on the traditional industries of booze, bloodstock and agriculture, but the cities are far from the image we think of (Cork is what Swansea could be) As for NI-Harland and Wolf are a small employer these days, though Shorts/Bombardier are still a big player. With the profits heading back to Canada. Many look at Dublin with envy, as many in the UK look at the wealth of London. Funny to look back that Geldof, living in the UK, wrote 'Banana Republic' about a backwards Republic of Ireland. Forty years on it's almost the reverse. |
 | Forum Reply | Starmer under investigation at 12:30 8 May 2022
You are correct. Pikey has a clear resentment of education. No doubt we will have the ‘left wing training camp’ nonsense again. Perhaps Pikey should reflect on the extent he is protected by the high levels of taxation all these educated ‘lefties’ are bearing. You know-the professional types |
 | Forum Reply | Care Homes and covid at 13:37 5 May 2022
I've never, as someone who has spent a lifetime in infection and immunity research, seen someone get things as consistently wrong as you, It's like you have taken the worst advice from You Tube 'nutrition' gurus without any basis in science. Vitamin D is needed for normal immune function and it was sensible advice to ensure sufficient intake along with other important micronutrients. But it can't boost immunity. It's a nonsense. |
 | Forum Reply | Exocet missiles at 17:34 4 May 2022
It's a patent bit of DM nonsense. The Exocet is not controlled remotely. The 'codes' are to match the missile to the plane (in this case the Super Etendard) and these were withheld to prevent use of more than a handful of missiles. Furthermore as the RN operated the Exocet as a ship-to-ship missile off destroyers, then it's tech was already well known. In fact the French supplied specs on the aircraft to easier pick up its signature. I think 6 -7 missiles were launched conventionally -sinking Sheffield with a single hit and two hit the Atlantic Conveyor. Additional (originally ship-based) missiles were launched off land causing to damage to HMS Glamorgan. The other ships were sunk by conventional bombs from A4 Skyhawks. |
 | Forum Reply | The Passport Hiatus. at 12:43 28 Apr 2022
There are also significant problems with the Animals in Science Regulatory Unit in the Home Office with staff shortages, delays and changes to working practices-mainly to reduce the level of inspection and replace with a paper audit trail. |
 | Forum Reply | Cardiff Airport at 19:43 27 Apr 2022
Poor location with dreadful transport links. Poor facilities. Lack of schedule that links into major airlines for long haul. Limited low-cost and lack of large holiday companies. Liverpool is comparable but has upgraded. Needs some real out-of-the -box thought. Shuttle flights to Manchester would allow connections to all the big Asian/Middle Eastern and many North American Airlines. It’s how US regional airports and places like Bordeaux operate linking to CDG and Schipol |
 | Forum Reply | Nathan Jones at 00:26 23 Apr 2022
Nathan (Dusters) was in my wife’s class in secondary school and we have mutual friends. Not heard a bad word about him. He’s a Cardiff fan like most from Rhondda. |
 | Forum Reply | The best advice? at 00:19 23 Apr 2022
Very work related for me. ‘Don’t spread yourself too thinly’ and ‘Don’t go for potboilers’. Was good advice which has seen me well for the last two decades |
 | Forum Reply | Lockdown positive or negative for you ? at 13:11 22 Apr 2022
My wife's a teaching assistant. One of three who ran the 'bubble school' for vulnerable and key worker kids while the teachers delivered online. But you saw the horror first hand Jim. I hope time heals for you. |
 | Forum Reply | Florida punish Disney at 13:08 22 Apr 2022
Well said. Same experiences (and same age). There's another thread here, one of many exemplars of kids abused and killed by 'normal' heterosexual couples. Love and care is not a queer or straight thing. |
 | Forum Reply | Florida punish Disney at 09:59 22 Apr 2022
Predictable response from a bigot too. Nothing to do with left or right. Everything to do with humanity. Do you not think there are homosexuals or bisexuals on the right? Not least the deputy speaker of HoC. |
 | Forum Reply | Florida punish Disney at 09:04 22 Apr 2022
Unfortunately it still has to be said. Disney has in excess of 20 million visitors to Disneyworld each year. Employs around 80,000 directly and probably more indirectly. Average spend per visitor is big, As you will know if you ever visit. On top of that the residents of Orange and Osceola counties will have to foot the bill for public services currently provided by Disney. Going to hit the pocket. |
 | Forum Reply | Florida punish Disney at 08:51 22 Apr 2022
Yet this idea of homosexuality is a perversion persist and is propagated by the likes of DeSantis and the evangelical right. It's a low denominator to play to fears and in-bedded bigotry of the brain-washed or poorly educated. The use of conversion therapies to deny people their natural instinct. Most gay people I have met have known they are gay from a young age. Denial of that love is nothing but hatred and bigotry. |
 | Forum Reply | Lockdown positive or negative for you ? at 21:19 21 Apr 2022
Well it’s allowing me to move to a University 200 miles away without moving. Some of the issues of loss/reduction of face-to-face teaching are around much poorer experience of research projects, loss of presentations to groups and the worst has been the PhD viva by Zoom. Others like some committee meetings being foreshortened by online are great. It has also driven some reflection in improving the visual appeal of lectures. |
 | Forum Reply | Lockdown positive or negative for you ? at 14:51 21 Apr 2022
Personally it was fine. Weather was good. We got a second dog. In terms of work I have lost 18 months research time. Workload of admin and teaching much increased. Ruined a couple of junior researcher careers as they could not deliver on projects. Scummy government made ODA cutbacks that have hugely damaged international research and the Uk’s reputation. New start in July |
 | Forum Reply | Florida punish Disney at 14:36 21 Apr 2022
Back on the reliable sources I see. It’s nothing but bigotry and de Santis’s ambitions for the MAGA bigots. Disney is hardly a left wing organisation out to corrupt. It’s reflecting its customer base which are pretty wealth and educated. Many are gay. Perhaps the governor and his homophobic cronies want to reflect on the 20 million visitors each year to the House of Mouse. Not just supporting Disney but thousands of jobs and businesses. So-called Christians again supporting hatred, bigotry and avarice. |
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