| Forum Reply | Sunak at 08:16 22 Jul 2024
I’ll happily pay a bit more tax on my pension(s) if it means that I can access a GP in a timely fashion and I can get my hip or knee operation without endless, painful delay. If my grandchildren’s school isn’t crumbling around their ears I’ll pay a bit more. The previous government taxed us to the highest levels since the war and failed in the unwritten contract to put the money somewhere that improves our lives. Too many people seem to want low tax and great public services. |
 | Forum Reply | George Floyd - The Truth at 14:54 18 Jul 2024
This thread encapsulates one of the biggest problems facing us today and in the future. Where do you source your information from? Most people seek out sources thatthey know will agree with their already form ed opinions thus entrenching their views. People then become more and more polarised in tbeir views and the days of respect for other opinions and consensus politics are left further and further behind. |
 | Forum Reply | Huw Jenkins at 15:22 16 Jul 2024
Any other version is lies. Mel Nurse himself confirmed the true story to many people enjoying a drink in his hotel over the years. He wanted to donate his shares to the Trust but was prevented from doing so by the shareholder’s agreement. I heard it from the horse’s mouth. Later, the shareholder’s agreement apparently didn’t exist according to those who used it to ensure that Mel’s shares were distributed pro rata. |
 | Forum Reply | Gonzalo Franco at 00:02 16 Jul 2024
Not convinced. He’s really weak at saving penalties. |
 | Forum Reply | Will Reform win a single seat? at 13:43 12 Jul 2024
It could be. It wouldn’t make much sense, but it could be. Our individual deal with Australia is disastrous for British farming. In contrast the EU deal is infinitely better. But then, the strength in negotiating on behalf of 26 countries is always going to be more than one isolated country. |
 | Forum Reply | Will Reform win a single seat? at 11:25 12 Jul 2024
Good post. It’s been described as the only time in history that a nation has voted to impose trade tariffs on itself. |
 | Forum Reply | 🔴 Swans News Update signings etc … at 11:22 12 Jul 2024
My late father was the chairman of Bridgend Town in the 1980s. A very promising local lad called Sean McCarthy was desperate to join the Swans following an enquiry. My father was a Swans fan and didn’t want to put any obstacles in Sean’s way so he agreed a deal with Doug Sharpe that the transfer fee would be two sets of first team kits for Bridgend. They shook hands on the deal. McCarthy went on to have a decent career, even scoring in the Premier League. Bridgend Town’s two kits never turned up… |
 | Forum Reply | And so it begins at 14:05 11 Jul 2024
We know three people who have paid for their own operations (one knee, two hip) in the last year. All in their early seventies, they weren’t prepared to wait until they reached the top of the NHS waiting list. None of them are what I would call wealthy but all are fairly comfortable. Would they accept a trade off whereby they pay some more tax but guarantee to have their operations within say, six months? Too many people expect the government of the day to reduce both tax and NHS waiting lists. No political party is honest about it. |
 | Forum Reply | Gonzalo Franco at 18:54 10 Jul 2024
Unfortunately, the players that don’t have any weaknesses are being signed by Real Madrid, Man City and Barcelona. |
 | Forum Reply | The tainted First Minister at 10:11 10 Jul 2024
Indeed. She doesn't even need to turn up as she didn't for the vote of no confidence. She can justifiably say that she's so upset by the way she's been treated that she needs time to reflect. Meanwhile Gething loses every vote... |
 | Forum Reply | Labour less popular now than under Corbyn? at 21:40 9 Jul 2024
I still think that he was about to be challenged for the leadership with the number of letters going in to the 1922 committee mounting. There were rumours that if he was challenged that he’d call a GE straight away. |
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