| Forum Reply | Madness ? at 12:37 2 Feb 2025
Investing in infrastructure of the club and locally (Wrexham Lager Brewery). Despite the hype genuinely investing in Wrexham as a whole. |
 | Forum Reply | The Debate at 09:02 11 Sep 2024
Interestingly Gwyn, the betting markets have moved. Trump was yesterday the narrow favourite. Harris has now moved ahead in the betting. |
 | Forum Reply | Doctors offered a pay rise by Govt at 17:25 1 Aug 2024
Indeed this is the case-lots of female GPs (including my cousin) work 0.4-0.6 FTE, though she does a day in hospital respiratory clinic on top of 2.5 days as a GP. Same with vets and dentists-many work around family life |
 | Forum Reply | Doctors offered a pay rise by Govt at 11:51 1 Aug 2024
More like £60-100k for most. Incentives long gone, it's not the 1980s now. £120k would be a Senior Consultant, though private work can add £50k. Remember each quack costs the taxpayer over £250,000 to train. |
 | Forum Reply | SiriKi Dembele at 11:46 1 Aug 2024
Maybe a conversion like Lowe. Came as a winger and did OK up front. Sold at a profit |
 | Forum Reply | Indian variant or Vaccine adverse effects at 16:36 16 May 2021
How many will the medication save-less than 10%. It may kill as many used indiscriminately. Getting vaccination out is the key. Not wasting time navel gazing on therapies will little effect. Concentrate on using the steroids that work, are cheap and safe and look to the newer drugs which are in the pipeline. Compare than with at least 95% vaccine efficacy against death. |
 | Forum Reply | Hama and Israel -again at 12:02 13 May 2021
Apart from the two years in Iceland-most miserable time eating whale meat. Very quiet man. I think the accident haunted him for years afterwards. He was talking to a young lad working on the site-a crane jib collapsed killing the boy and trapping my grandfather's leg. He was talking to the lad, saying they would be OK etc., but he was already gone.. |
 | Forum Reply | Hama and Israel -again at 10:16 13 May 2021
Yes. Very much at the forefront of left-wing politics in particular. Including the Millibands of course. Antisemitism is not really of the left, it's of a particular kind of world view-very much of the Corbynista territory. Lohengrin's post yesterday is a good illustration of the close relationship between Judaism and Labour. Of course Hitler also linked Judaism to communism as part of his propaganda. Certainly CPGB has had a long jewish tradition. |
 | Forum Reply | Hama and Israel -again at 10:10 13 May 2021
Decided to change user names-going for Peruvian terrorists as more bizarre. |
 | Forum Reply | Hama and Israel -again at 10:08 13 May 2021
He was from Spalding in Lincolnshire Loh-Joined in 1936 and primarily in Sherwood Foresters. Was in the BEF in 1940 but was one of the less fortunate ones cut off and marched the length of the Loire and down to La Rochelle where he got out in June (I think). The Iceland garrison 1941-1943 before back for D-Day. Wounded (like Forrest Gump) later in 1944 by a shot to the buttocks in the Netherlands. Recuperation in South Wales where he met my grandmother. As an experienced NCO became a Red Cap late '45 and did 18 months in Palestine. Discharged in early 1947 before the worst of the revolution/terrorism (pick according to world view). Became a Clerk of Works for Civil Engineering firms. Lost his leg in 1963 during construction of what was the Port Talbot bypass. moved to Neath as more work in 1960s and 70s with big projects. Passed away in 1997-was a big influence on my life. Proudly have his medals and books. |
 | Forum Reply | A free UK at 07:41 11 May 2021
Clearly people considered below those from Swansea. |
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