Not a local of Derbyshire? Can't afford to subscribe to hear your beloved Rams? Well here at RamZone we are doing our best to bring match day action live to you!
MatchZone is a new RamZone interactive feature that follows the Rams match-by-match as each game unfolds - and invites you to join in the chatter!
We will be trialling our new idea over this and coming matches when one of our team is available, as we hope to make it a permanent RamZone feature!
It's possible we could move MatchZone to the interactive chat room or even our Facebook or Twitter page.
We will start a MatchZone thread before the match kicks off that you can follow for the whole game and beyond - so go to MatchZone here:
We’re looking for more helpers who want to join the summarising team too, so that we can make MatchZone a permanent fixture on your matchday schedule - write in to RamZone if you’re able to assist.
The coverage will be interspersed with score updates and news from football in general, so make a date on matchdays to login and tune in to Derby County’s progress!
We’re sure that far-flung fans like to read on-the-spot updates, as do fans at home that can’t get to the games, so MatchZone is the way to keep up with matchday events, and to join in with all the groans and the glee, the thrills and the spills as Derby’s 2010-11 campaign unfolds.
Join in and become a bigger part of Match day for fans all over the world!
Come on you Rams!