| Forum Reply | RIP David Armstrong at 00:09 22 Aug 2022
Sad news. A top player who was a big part of a great era for us. Nice bloke too. |
 | Forum Reply | John Petersfield Westwood on tour at 23:56 21 Aug 2022
Mate of mine spotted him outside SMS when we played Portsmyth in the 2-2 game. He was being guarded by 3 SFC stewards. My mate introduced himself and gave said nonce every opportunity to explain his appearance. The ponce hid behind the stewards. Just saying . |
 | Forum Reply | Those new shirts at 22:03 14 Aug 2022
"And the white shirts are flooding forward" heard on radio commentary as we looked for a winner. Its just wrong. I would advice fans not to buy this non-Saints shirt. |
 | Forum Reply | Those new shirts at 17:12 14 Aug 2022
"And the white shirts are flooding forward" heard on radio commentary as we looked for a winner. Its just wrong. I would advice fans not to buy this non-Saints shirt. |
 | Forum Reply | Did Ralph save us a point or at 17:05 14 Aug 2022
It's clear to all Ralph should have started the game with four at the back, had he done so there's a good chance we would have won. But I think he'd on borrowed time. |
 | Forum Reply | Rishi sunak at 20:02 8 Apr 2020
No he's not. A simple Google search will tell you what A). A human rights Barrister earns and B) What the directed of Public prosecutions earns. Try harder ffs [Post edited 8 Apr 2020 20:06]
 | Forum Reply | Quiz Question at 20:00 8 Apr 2020
20 years ago I regularly made deliveries all over Portsmouth. I used to wear a Saints baseball cap just to wind up the locals and enjoyed a fun bit of bantz with the skates. But after an initial back and forth, the Portsmourh local would always say something like, " of course I'm a Chelsea/spurs fan really" Never stopped amazing me how few Portsmouth locals supported Portsmouth. |
 | Forum Reply | Rishi sunak at 19:50 8 Apr 2020
He might be one of your own mush, but he isn't one of mine. And I'm Southampton born and bred. When this lock down is over and it had to be paid for it will be the likes of you and I paying for it with more under funded schools, hospitals, pensions, and local services, while multi millionaire Rishi and the other Tory creeps will be laughing at you. Keep doffing your caps boys. |
 | Forum Reply | As our brave but poorly protected NHS staff lose their lives at 15:46 6 Apr 2020
It was Jacob Rees Mogg who was campaigning hard for Brexit saying Britain would thrive, at the same time moving his investment business to Ireland to ' guard against economic difficulties following Brexit. Horrible little pencil- necked tosser. |
 | Forum Reply | Dentyne Chewing Gum at 19:20 5 Apr 2020
It was the 2nd May, the final was on the 1st. Sorry, just saying. |
 | Forum Reply | Matt Hancock at 19:17 5 Apr 2020
He took his lead from Boris who swore to his constituents he would lie down in the path of the bulldozers if Heathrow was to get another runway. When it was time to vote he went on holiday instead. |
 | Forum Reply | Only 30 British ventilators delivered whilst another doctor dies at 13:10 2 Apr 2020
It's been a shambles from the start. When the rest of Eurpe started isolating our moron of a PM was talking about herd immunity. Now it turns out just 2,000 NHS staff have been tested, and all Boris can say is "it's very disapointing". You're in charge you prat, if its disapointing its because you screwed up. |
 | Forum Reply | Benefits for Billionaires at 12:56 2 Apr 2020
Whenever a crisis comes along, the people like Richard Branson and Mike Ashley get away with it while everyone else pays. Just like the financial crisis of 2007, caused by greedy bankers, paid for by the tax payer with 13 years if austerity and cuts to services we rely on but bankers dont. |
 | Forum Reply | Lockdown at 21:18 23 Mar 2020
Because if Labour was in power you would be saying the same eh? |
 | Forum Reply | Spurs Replay Ticket Details Announced at 17:08 27 Jan 2020
Why the fook did we sell tickets to Spurs fans at 10 and to our own fans at £20 in the first place ??????? Whoever sets the ticket prices is a kunt. Fact. And why didn't the kunt responsible get an agreement from spurs that in the case of a replay they would charge our fans the same. Double kunt. [Post edited 27 Jan 2020 17:09]
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