| Forum Reply | Take the knee England. at 13:06 15 Jun 2022
Omg, a woman presenting the football. I must go onto a forum and start a pathetic thread about it. Embarrassing. |
 | Forum Reply | Todd Kane and Brentford at 13:10 21 Jun 2021
Pretty simple really. Is being xenophobic or racist acceptable - no. If someone says something xenophobic or racist should there be consequences - yes. I think (hope) we can all agree racism and xenophobia is not ok. In order to drive out racism in society you need to educate people first and have a zero tolerance approach when it crops up. You can't be saying that's only a bit racist and this is more racist etc etc. Yes people say disgusting things to people all the time, it doesn't make it ok. I'm sure we've all done something we regret. And I'm pretty sure everyone knows what is not ok to say. It's really not hard to just not say them... If they don't, your're gonna need to educate them (sorry if that sounds patronising) and dish out an appropriate punishment. Thankfully people who are on the receiving end are getting more of a voice these days and we should be swallowing our pride, opening our minds, listening and changing. Something that seems in short supply atm. In the context of previous bans/things you heard back in the day it seems harsh but there has to be serious punishments otherwise nothing will change. Personally in my opinion I'm proud of QPR these last few years. We can only do what we can as individuals, and I think on this the club are mostly getting it right. |
 | Forum Reply | SKY at 18:50 21 Sep 2020
Oh how awful, it's so hard isn't it lol |
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