| News Comment | Southampton To Give Ralph Hasenhuttl More Time at 20:45:46
Correct analysis of our position. I think a new team and coaching staff need time to bed in. If we are in real trouble at the break action may be taken. However I suspect another par performance this season is more likely. I have had enough of the neanderthal fans on social media full of doom But that has always been part of the club's problem and why we never quite reach out full potential. Keep up the good work. |
 | News Comment | Southampton At Manchester United The Verdict at 13:37:04
Couldn't agree more, a great summation of the situation. This isn't the same as the LC game. Bad decisions and very poor rules application, along with the huge injury list, caused the result. As for those throwing their toys out the pram about the transfer window and Gao. Just look at how much business was done by any other club. A total of 70m compared to 230m last year all told. Most of it loan deals. A certain section of our fan base need to grow up and smell the coffee. To be honest I think part of the improved Saints lockdown results at home, is down to the absence of those doom and gloom, so called fans. |
 | News Comment | Help The Saints Disabled Supporters Assn Tell The Squad "We Miss You" at 21:24:40
A good idea and I tentatively support it. However given some of the right wing political tweets I have seen on there Twitter feed over the years. I for one have missgivings about a football supporters organisation posting political views. So unfortunately i will not be sending my £10. |
 | News Comment | How Many Supporters Will Be Allowed Back Into St Mary's ? at 12:17:25
Think you are being a bit optimistic that all season ticket holders will be back by Christmas. I have severe doubts that the capacity will ever be much over a third. Until there is a vaccine, or something changes, I've resigned myself to the fact I may not see a game. But renewed in hope I'm wrong. |
 | News Comment | Two Out Of First Three Saints Games On Free To View at 22:41:39
I have heard nothing about a free stream? As a season ticket holder it should be made available to watch as a home game, as already said it's not like I can pop to the pub to watch it. |
 | News Comment | Gao Rumoured To Be Slashing The Price To Sell at 16:20:51
Well put piece, Gao has done a not bad job. Too many fans forget he has run the club properly in the same spirit as ML would have wanted. Go on a spending spree we can't afford end like Pompey. |
 | News Comment | Saints V West Ham United The Verdict at 22:59:13
I will say this again . We maybe rubbish and have a league 1 defence. But I have had enough of the crowd at At Mary's the sit on your hands attitude and even worse booing. You people sicken me! There is even a post on here demanding the lib repay his Now TV pass. You sad excuses for humanity are what's wrong with this club. Rotten to the core like it's pathetic jeering support who enjoy the self-flagellation. Sod off the lot off you. |
 | News Comment | Who Should Stay And Who Should Go ! at 23:02:21
Great analysis as ever. What I will say is JWP is a Southampton buy become a man. He's a keeper. Maybe a one man club legend or am I just getting too old. |
 | News Comment | Saints V Bournemouth The Verdict at 00:03:09
Well written, great analysis of the position. Has Long become the striker we sign ? With MO back next season ? Someone at the back ? Maybe two . But in Ralph we trust. |
 | News Comment | Vote Rupert Lowe For The Euro Parliament at 23:52:34
I love how this has turned into a Brexit story. While people claim they want politics left out as they spout their views. Hey Rob ? Rupert ran this club to the point of extinction. If anyone thinks he should be allowed to run a bath. They need a check up from the neck up ! He belongs where he is ! |
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