| Forum Reply | Tns v Haverfordwest at 15:03 25 Oct 2020
Nice to see a thread on this. I though Haverfordwest played exceptionally well against a team who should have battered them. Real shame for the young keeper on loan from Leeds no less! And yes, Merthyr should one million percent play in the Welsh pyramid. [Post edited 25 Oct 2020 15:04]
 | Forum Thread | Ashley Williams at 12:49 6 Sep 2020
Yes he's way past his best, waaaaaay past it, but we are in dire need of some experience at the back and he might just say Yes for old times sake. Thoughts? |
 | Forum Reply | Cooper at 18:22 12 Jul 2020
It’s worse than that, he doesn’t seem capable of learning from his mistakes. To me he simply comes across a bit thick. |
 | Forum Reply | Wigan fall under administration at 19:53 1 Jul 2020
And this is one of the many reasons why I am more excited about watching Haverfordwest in the Cymru Premier than the Swans next season. The professional game looks very very ugly with the "ambition" that the clubs show. |
 | Forum Reply | Haverfordwest County at 00:21 20 Jun 2020
Exactly so can't really invest in infrastructure - unless they do a Cardiff Met but then they are a specialist Sports Uni I think? |
 | Forum Reply | Haverfordwest County at 20:25 19 Jun 2020
I would say this but the criteria are known by all the clubs competing so if you really want to get promoted you get your house in order. I agree it's a shame for Swansea Uni but I actually think they have overachieved for their infrastructure and they need to catch up. |
 | Forum Reply | Haverfordwest County at 12:14 5 Jun 2020
It's the County Town and a lot of through traffic to Milford, Fishguard have to go through or around. If you haven't been for a while you'll be amazed at the state of the place now :-( |
 | Forum Reply | Haverfordwest County at 08:47 5 Jun 2020
The town desperately needs something, when did you have. a few good nights out there? It's a bit of a dive now sadly. And I don't mind rough pubs either! |
 | Forum Reply | Haverfordwest County at 11:51 2 Jun 2020
Yeah, don't get me wrong, it's a great pitch, set up and location for the level of football. The fact that it has got it's UEFA licences means that if HCFC qualified for Europe I think they could play their home games there, which would be excellent. I mean that if a businessman wanted to buy a club in Wales to simply sell the site and make some money, then thee would by many better locations in Wales, in and around Cardiff etc. |
 | Forum Reply | Haverfordwest County at 13:37 1 Jun 2020
That's so shocking and explains why they have had such a poor season. No loyalty to the club at all. |
 | Forum Reply | Haverfordwest County at 09:52 1 Jun 2020
The land and physical assets have been ringfenced as part of the deal. Also, anyone who knows Haverfordwest knows that the Bridge Meadow Stadium whilst when you are in it has spectacular views, is not in a part of town or Pembrokeshire which would be worth a particularly huge amount. |
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