| Forum Reply | Manchester NORTH at 11:47 30 May 2020
That's very kind of you to say that Kel. Are you feeling alright? 😠|
 | Forum Reply | Manchester NORTH at 11:41 30 May 2020
I used to come on this board quite a bit Kel. That was back in the day when we used to have football team! I've distanced myself from football more or less so I only have a quick glance around various sites every once in a while. I seem to remember that you were up to about 700000 last time I looked? |
 | Forum Reply | Manchester NORTH at 10:38 30 May 2020
Just passing through and I noticed this. No thanks, I wouldn't go anywhere near it. I'd rather go to Ramsbottom, Prestwich or Radcliffe myself. By the way 300 pages and 1.2 million clicks on the other topic I see! Wow! |
 | Forum Reply | Half and half scarf. at 19:27 27 Sep 2019
I'm going to be buying a half and half Bury/United scarf next season. The only thing is, it will be more of a quarter and three-quarters job with Skelmersdale being such a long name. |
 | Forum Reply | Which way would you vote in a General Election at 18:27 5 Sep 2019
I have voted labour all my life. But I wouldn't vote for Jeremy Corbyn if he was only one on the ballot paper and voting was compulsory on pain of death. The conservatives are in disarray and any decent leader of any opposition party wood be absolutely slaughtering them now, so for me that speaks volumes. Corbyn, Abbott and McDonald or whatever his name is would destroy this country in no time. [Post edited 5 Sep 2019 18:29]
 | Forum Reply | Which way would you vote in a General Election at 18:10 5 Sep 2019
Men and women all around the world have died, and in some places are still dying now for the right to register their vote. For someone to be in a great and free country and refuse to vote because they don't like the people they are voting for must seem a very trivial matter to those people don't you think? |
 | Forum Reply | How much would you care if bury fc went out of existence at 12:44 28 Jul 2019
Crawley Town? Forest Green Veggies? Stevenage? Class of 92 fc? Next up could be exciting trips to the football hotspots like Boring Wood? FC Kirkham of the Fylde? Solihull Moors? Maidenhead? Not really like for like changes are they? Most of the traditional type clubs that are struggling are in the north or midlands and the upcoming clubs with money to burn are largely in the south, mirrors what is happening in the country in general I suppose [Post edited 28 Jul 2019 12:57]
 | Forum Reply | tomorrow can't come quick enough at 18:27 12 Jul 2019
I'm still here. Not got much to say but would you have if you were in our shoes. Reading stuff on here as I'm not registered on the Bury board. I got banned before it was the Beardyman for disagreeing with the clique and vowed never to join it again, though I did read it when it became no membership. If we get through this mess alive I will be shocked NWCL will be just fine thanks. For the record I always class myself as a realistic Bury fan and I don't think I ever got carried away with grand dreams here or anywhere else, don't know if any of you have encountered me before? I'm going back to my darkened cell now and cross my fingers again! Might see you soon and might not. |
 | Forum Reply | tomorrow can't come quick enough at 10:44 25 May 2019
Congratulations on reaching 💯 pages! Keep it up and you'll reach half a million views. I heard about this thread and thought I would have a quick gander at it, not all of it obviously just the last few pages of it. Two things stand out for me, one or two comments as regards the fans trying to help the office staff were unkind. I hope that the people making the comments won't expect too much sympathy when a robot replacement starts doing their job or some overseas company takes their firm over and starts shipping jobs abroad. But the thing that stood out very plain is the hatred that quite a few of you have for us. I've been to countless games between us,infact it's one of the first thing I look for on new fixtures day, without feeling this.? |
 | Forum Reply | BBM Needs Help at 15:15 13 Mar 2019
As a neutral observer and occasional visitor on here I thought I would see what you think of BBM in his first days. I'd like him to do well with you .as I had a lot of time for him as a player with us. I came across this item by Ernst Stavro with some good points in it and wondered why 2 people have marked it down. What he put seems ok to me. Is it marked down because he dared to show Bury in a good light. Some of you seem you would be happy being the 91 st best team in the country so long as Bury are the number 92. |
 | Forum Reply | Match thread at 15:31 20 Feb 2019
Being an outsider I have just dismissed the Rochdale fans complaints about Hill as bad treatment of a man they owe much to. A bit like Arsenal fans with Wenger. Had a good look around the past week or so and I now realise that you're right and he is the problem and he doesn't seem to be concerned about the possibility of a relegation. What ever happens next I don't know, but I think that Mr. Dunphy's hasty retreat must have been a sign of the way things are at your club. I couldn't understand why the best chairman in the lower leagues left halfway through the season. Hope you sort it out smartish like, and I hope you're still in league one next year as it looks like we may be back. Good luck with or without Keith. |
 | Forum Reply | When did Xmas Eve boxes become a thing? at 11:56 21 Dec 2018
Black Friday..... Baby Showers.... So....... Can I get........ Holidays are coming........ Turkey at Thanksgiving....... ( It's coming, believe me! ) Coca bloody Cola....... Halloween overkill...... Celebrity Roasts..... Xmas Eve Boxes .... Could be another thing we have to thank the yanks for? And many more too,, we take to them like they're our own and it is so embarrassing! |
 | Forum Reply | Rochdale Pubs at 17:05 16 Dec 2018
Eight pubs closed permanently on one estate, assuming Midd. is part of Rochdale? |
 | Forum Reply | Lisa Stansfield on t'tram at 13:47 30 Sep 2018
Relax! I'm only on a chain pulling mission. You get to the games how you like, it's not really anybody else's business is it? Especially mine! |
 | Forum Reply | Lisa Stansfield on t'tram at 08:18 30 Sep 2018
That's absolutely shocking! Why would you get on a supporters bus to go six miles? |
 | Forum Reply | Transfer Window Activity at 12:13 10 Aug 2018
Well, it really did happen I can assure you that. He wasn't a development player either. Must have been around 10 years ago, so? Tom Aldred hasn't set Bury on fire, but he's a good player everywhere else, so we'll have to assume that the fault lies with Bury F. C.rather than the footballer. Wish him all the best at Motherwell, hope it works out for the lad. EDIT Ahhh ... just read ddb's point, ok. [Post edited 10 Aug 2018 12:17]
 | Forum Reply | Transfer Window Activity at 10:10 10 Aug 2018
Just a possible warning if he goes to Scotland. A few years ago one of the Bury players ( I think it was Chris Porter) moved to a Scottish club, we had a sell on clause on him, but because he went to Scotland we lost out and got nothing. It's a good while ago now so maybe that rule has now been altered? |
 | Forum Reply | Money at 17:57 21 Jul 2018
I have fond memories of Handy Andy from years gone by! I always think that his version of " Donald, where's your Troosers? " was an absolute musical masterpiece Or was that Handy Stewart? |
 | Forum Reply | England v Croatia at 22:17 11 Jul 2018
Moonydale. Is he Nostradamus? Or is he Captain Obvious? |
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