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Cullen misses another gold plated cross with his head.
at 18:28 20 Oct 2024

Come back Walter Boyd.

Possibly the greatest header of the ball to grace the Swans colours.
Swansea City v Bristol City : Match day thread : SUNDAY !
at 17:55 29 Sep 2024

I genuinely think that we could be looking at something really promising here.

If we can just add a couple of central defenders , find a winger who might be able to beat my granny in a 20 yard dash.

Scout out another 4 or 5 players who actually can trap a bag of cement and/or pass the ball 5 yards to their own side, and I think that we could have something special on our hands here.

All crafted by a promising young manager who has almost got the side purring like a finely tuned engine.
[Post edited 1 Oct 0:03]
Stage 1 100 million
at 11:17 17 Sep 2024


Trams are great but I was going to refer to Edinburgh myself in regards to the massive increase in costs and the conflict with vehicles in a number of spots.

I'd be surprised if its any different in Cardiff
The death of the "Screamer"
at 22:54 14 Sep 2024

Not really I'm quite sure when I watch the EFL highlights tonight I'll see wonder shot after wonder shot popping in from all 3 lower divisions.

No doubt helped by more modern footballs and presumably better and more athletic technique by todays footballers.

The other thing that never fails to amaze me these days is every single week hapless goalkeeper after goalkeeper in games galore giving away goal after goal by attempting to be Bobby Moore in playing out of defence when its quite clear that they have the footballing abilities of Dudley Moore.

One can only assume that they are under instruction from managers like several of the recent Swans managers who couldn't grasp that their Keepers wouldn't be in goal if they were any good as an outfield player and defenders who couldn't trap a bag of cement or react faster than a stricken oil tanker when trying to field said goalkeepers pitiful attempts at playing out from the six yard box.
[Post edited 14 Sep 23:07]
The death of the "Screamer"
at 20:35 14 Sep 2024

I don't think that I've ever seen so many long distance wonder goals than those scored every week these days throughout the divisions.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Autumn internationals
at 14:06 14 Sep 2024

One of the major reasons that Welsh rugby is dying out.

For years the 6 nations comp decimated the second half of the rugby season but the sport just about survived the great spectacle that the 6 national was/is.

However the ramping up of the nothing more than the money making exercise that is the Autumn internationals has just about finished off grass roots rugby by wrecking the first half of the season as well with so many club games now lost to both Autumn and 6 nation internationals that the season is so disjointed and players finding other things to do on Saturdays that parks games and local lower tier clubs are decimated and struggle to recover player numbers.

All to raise money to pay already well renumerated professionals and of course the Alicadoo's and camp followers on the payroll's of the various national rugby boards.

A few years ago my own local side managed the grand total of 11 games all season due to constant interruptions of international games throughout the season, the club like many others with increasing frequency now no longer exists.
Nigel Farage
at 13:04 30 May 2024

I'm afraid that is a totally disgusting post by yourself.

How dare you have the complete and utter cheek to label decent citizens who simply disagree with politicians from other countries who can never be removed by the UK electorate deciding laws and policy in the UK as acting in a racist fashion?

You should hang your head in shame.
Welsh NHS Quiz
at 12:17 19 May 2024

Same here

About 3 or 4 years ago my mother fell in the garden and broke her hip. Advised not to move her she spent 6 hours lying in the rain, covered with blankets and rain coats waiting for an ambulance to show up.

Not out in the sticks but in the middle of Penarth.

To compound matters when I visited her in Llandough hospital, the ward in my view was filthy, dirty dressings and other debris littered the floor whilst the (presumably university graduated nurses) chatted in the nurses station or stepped over the mess whilst foraying out onto the ward occasionally.

I picked up many of the dressings and other assorted debris as I was so disgusted and shocked at what I was witnessing.

Some might scoff at the suggestion that rod of iron matrons be brought back to oversee hospital wards but I'm all for it after that appalling experience of our wonderful NHS
General Election
at 12:02 19 May 2024

In regards to the prospect that either the Conservatives or Labour will be left to wreak their own special kind of hopelessness, incompetence and despair after the next election.

The most accurate saying in politics springs to mind :-

'Unfortunately whoever you vote for the government always gets in'
A centre forward who does not like heading the ball.
at 23:00 1 May 2024

Two Words

Walter Boyd
Welsh education
at 19:37 14 Apr 2024

No Welsh politician at any level has to take a recommended pay rise.

They are quite at liberty to refuse any such rise.
Swansea City v Stoke City : Match day thread TUESDAY
at 21:07 10 Apr 2024

Thats a goal every day of the week.

[Post edited 10 Apr 21:25]
Vaughan Guessing
at 01:49 22 Mar 2024

3 years time locals.

2 years Welsh Assembly or whatever they're calling themselves this week.
[Post edited 22 Mar 1:51]
Wales v Italy 6 Nations ...
at 23:07 16 Mar 2024

This isn't an interim or rebuilding of the national team. Its all we've got.

I've been pointing out for years ( even on national TV news warning of the state of the game over 20 years ago after nagging a TV reporter friend of mine to investigate and run a pice on the six O'Clock news ) that the grass roots game has been neglected to the point that I doubt that parks rugby has more than 4 or 5 years before it collapses.

I'm not entirely sure that the clowns running the show think where the next generation of players good enough for the International game are going to come from when grass roots clubs all over Wales are collapsing at a rate of knots.

The playing base of Welsh rugby is now so low that its almost struggling to call itself a mass participation sport.

I'm afraid that its far too late to save the game in Wales now it needed to be addressed those 20 odd years ago and in truth was probably too late even then.

Those who take their kids down to various clubs youth and mini Rugby set ups on a Sunday morning and insist that there's hundreds of youngsters participating so rugby is in fine fettle clearly don't acknowledge that out of the hundreds participating at such a young age I doubt if 15 of those kids go on to play senior rugby.

Those like myself who actually watch a fair bit of parks rugby up to 1st Divison and Championship level have watched in dismay for years the plight of club after club struggling to put more than one team out or even just the one senior team.

So its not a case of rebuilding the national team there is very little if anything behind the shambles on display today.

We've simply run out of players due to the low numbers playing and the increasingly collapse of the feeder systems below regional and international level.

The level of talent on display today was acutely embarrassing,

If that Wales team on the park today had played the all Blacks this afternoon I'd have put money on a 100 point job personally.
Germany Legalises Cannabis ...
at 13:43 27 Feb 2024

I don't claim to be an expert in these matters.


A couple of years ago I read a full page article written by the Dutch Chief Medical officer, in which she stated that anyone who thought that the legalising of Dutch Cannabis cafes proved that that everything was Hunky Dory in the legalised cannabis stakes was off their tiny little rockers.

She went on to articulate fully the horrendous schiczophrenia and Psychotic disorder Tsunami that was engulfing the Dutch healthcare Service.

So I suppose on balance I can either give credence to the opinion on this matter of bloke down pub / football message board


The Chief medical officer of Holland who took the trouble to detail her considerable experience of the subject.

And my vote goes to.................drum roll......

The Chief Medical officer of Holland.
Germany Legalises Cannabis ...
at 13:52 24 Feb 2024

Dealers out of action and tax revenue too.

Oh yes just like the massive illegal tobacco trade and tax evasion on ciggies doesn't exist because the sale of tobacco products is legal?
[Post edited 24 Feb 13:54]
Welsh Farmers revolt
at 16:46 21 Feb 2024

Like many you seem to be unaware that EU money is money contributed by member states.

So as a net contributor the EU money that you refer to was British tax payers money redistributed back to British farmers after a large chunk was taken out to hand over to farmers in other EU countries and other projects.

Simple mathematics would dictate that without the large redistribution chunk handed over to grateful recipients in other EU countries that even more could now be spent by the UK government on our own agricultural industry and infrastructure.

The fact that this may not be happening has nothing to do with Brexit but with the decision making of various national and regional government bodies around the UK.
Is this the start of a kick back
at 12:38 20 Feb 2024

As my friend pointed out its not farmers who will struggle for food if this politically inspired madness continues. They're the only ones who won't have to worry about food shortages.

Its the rest of us who will be scrapping in Tescos and elsewhere for the last loaf of bread.

Whether you're fond of farmers or not and happy to point out any of those driving around in top of the range vehicles and other displays of wealth etc etc I certainly wouldn't be anywhere near hard working enough to farm plus living on my nerves in regards to whether my crops planted are going to survive torrential drenching rain rotting the seedlings or blistering sun with too little water in any particular year.

Some years crops are wiped out in their entirety due to weather conditions and others like last year although surviving crop yields can be devastated down to 30% to 40% of normal yield due to too much sun and not enough rain for example.

Resulting in shortages and much higher prices in the shops.

I don't think that many people realise how delicate the balancing act of food production is and how easily we could be hitting a crisis at any given time.
[Post edited 20 Feb 12:42]
Is this the start of a kick back
at 18:45 18 Feb 2024

A farmer friend of mine mentioned that Cardiff Bays edict would mean him taking 50 acres of his land out of food production and him having to plant trees on the land.

At the same time the parish council down the Bay has got an application in to build almost 600 houses on its own prime farm land in the area.

Hypocrisy and lunacy are two words that spring to mind.

One would have to wonder how the rest of us and the occupants of all these new houses built on current farm land are to be fed after the houses are built on green sites and other farms have to lose 10% of their previous crop producing land.
[Post edited 18 Feb 18:49]
Far post
at 20:28 5 Feb 2024

To be honest I'd imagine most posts would be too agile for our players and have the ball off them in an instant.
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