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Serious Disorder in Southport
at 16:16 31 Jul 2024

First, our thoughts must be with the survivors of this act of senseless violence and the parents and family of those who died or were injured.

Second, the far right is desperate for attention and try to achieve this by making up stories which have little or no foundation in the truth. The opening post in this thread fell for the lies being put out to poison people's minds.

Third, if we make exceptions to the rule of law by (for example) naming a suspect in a case before charges have been laid or a Court has considered the case, then we risk a lowering of standards to the detriment of all.

Fourth, this type of event in the UK is exceedingly rare. Outside of children caught in gang related shootings, perhaps the last event was the Dunblane situation in the 1990's. To claim that we need to adopt extreme security measures to counter a once in a decade event is an over reaction. For example in 2021, more than 500 children were killed or seriously injured in traffic accidents. We don't call for all cars to be taken off the road or speed to be 20mph nationwide.

Lastly, the very nature of these events make them almost impossible to predict and therefore prevent. We know little about this suspect to date and nothing about his motive. If we allow people to seize the narrative here and use it as an excuse for racist violence, we all lose.

By all means have some sympathy for those impacted but save your anger for the morons who are led by the nose by those of little more intelligence to acts of misguided violence.
Predicted final Prem league table for 2024/25 season
at 12:08 24 Jul 2024

For me:

Leicester bottom because have a points deduction and limited spending power to improve their team and we've seen them sell some potentially useful players.

Then Forest partly for the same reasons.

Ipswich will be interesting because they've risen so high so fast and keeping that into the PL will be difficult.

Everton will struggle. I think Wolves might as well.

We could finish above all them.

I doubt we will finish ahead of Bournemouth or Brighton or any of our close London rivals.

We will not lay a glove on Arsenal, Liverpool, City. I think Utd are not what they were.
Radio Solent Sports last night
at 13:01 23 Jul 2024

The use of feeder clubs is also a way of managing FFP. I'm going to guess that the rules as applied in the UK and the PL are a lot stricter or better enforced than they are in other places and putting players out to another European club is a good way to keep them off the books. It's also good to see the owners have a plan beyond surviving the first season in the PL.

And who knows, by the time they are ready, our owners may have moved on.

I have some connection at Bournemouth and agree that they are well run. I see their owner has also said that he does not see PL games being played outside the UK. Here I think he is wrong. In my view just a question of time before we see (for example) City v Liverpool or Arsenal v Spurs being played in the present money powerhouses of Saudi and the gulf states. Would not be a surprise to see FA cup games similarly exported.
Olympic teams - who is not eligible and why?
at 09:02 23 Jul 2024

Without wishing to take sides, I understand that after a year in prison he was released on terms that required him undertake suitable therapy and further rehab.

Personally I'm not the same person now as I was at 19. However I can also see that the sort of behaviour for which he was jailed is deep rooted and perhaps immutable in his personality and I do wonder whether any period of rehab will ever prevent him reoffending.

The question is however, knowing all that, should a country select to represent them somebody who broke their societal rules and arguably brought shame upon them?
Olympic teams - who is not eligible and why?
at 17:18 22 Jul 2024

There's a difference of opinion between the Netherlands and Australia about who could/should be picked as an Olympian.

The Dutch have selected a 29 year old volleyball player who as a 19 year old was convicted of travelling to the UK and raping as 12 year old girl he had groomed on the internet. He served 12 months of his 4 year sentence.

The Aussies have said that anybody with a conviction for a sexual offence will NEVER be selected by them for an Olympics.

So, do we believe in the power of prison to reform characters and trust that the individual has - as reported - completely changed his ways and in now a mature adult and not a callow youth of 19? As such he deserves his place on sporting merit.

Or do we think that the moral outrage of his crime is sufficient for him to be forever barred from representing his country, regardless of his ability? If so, is there any hope of such a person ever being a "useful member of society"?

For the avoidance of doubt, I stand with the Dutch and think the Aussies are being very hypocritical given that they regularly "poach" talent from other countries, brush poor behaviours of their touring teams under the carpet on the grounds that "boys will be boys" and are generally ready to bend any rules if the individual sportsman/woman has talent and a chance. (Other countries, including us, do the same of course).
Three goals and two assists in the Championship last season
at 13:28 22 Jul 2024

I've indicated many times that I have a poor opinion of Mara and feel that he is not a player who helps us as a team at the level we're at.


On a personal ability level, he is limited. He is not somebody you can send the ball to and expect him to hold it. His ability to control the ball quickly and move it on is limited. He has no real vision of players around him. He is not blessed with great pace. He gives the impression of being lazy unless one of the more senior players is in his ear telling him to work.

He is seemingly incapable of learning. When he first joined, he was static and his runs when they came were predictable and late. You do not beat PL/Champ defenders by standing still. He does not runt he channels and seems oblivious to making a third man run to open space for others. His shots on target from chances is low. Combine that with being able to make few chances and that is why his goal stats are low.

For me he is just too lightweight, technically, physically, tactically and every other way, to be a starter in the PL. If he does "train well" he is either freezing on match days or finds the difference in intensity between training and matches too much.

I would lend him out to a team where he can get a full season of actually playing and assess him after that.
Biden Steps Down Then
at 10:12 22 Jul 2024

Whomever steps into the Democrat candidacy has a huge task on their hands.

I suspect that the voters in the USA who want a sexual molesting, convicted criminal, serial adulterer and all round liar as their representative, have already won this contest. Momentum is with the Republican blowhard.
European sanctions for players who make racist comments?
at 11:19 18 Jul 2024

Apparently they did.

I did not follow the PL at all last season.

I enjoyed the Championship as they seem to be fewer precious souls who think that they can throw themselves on the floor and get a free kick or cheat or otherwise abuse the spirit of the game. I fear that our return tot he PL will see a return of those features that are slowly destroying my enjoyment of the game.
2024-2025 Strike force
at 11:16 18 Jul 2024

Not sure if Alcaraz will get a start as RM seems not to like the fact that he's prepared to risk a pass that might get intercepted.

LLalana is not a 90 minute player in the PL. He also needs somebody alongside him who can win the ball and give it to him.

Aribo I do like but I'm not sure where his best position is.
2024-2025 Strike force
at 09:47 18 Jul 2024

Armstrong had a good season and although he fell short the last time we were PL, deserves an opportunity.

Stewart is more a provider of chances than a scorer and I worry about his ability to stay fit.

Edozie looks a little too lightweight for me and does not seem to have kicked on in terms of physical or playing prowess.

I'd play my U14 centre forward for Saints before picking Mara.

The lack of a 12 or 15 goal a season striker is a worry.

It seems that RM has spent money on defence and plans on boring the opposition into a stupor to allow the ball to be walked into the net and therefore does not need more strikers.
European sanctions for players who make racist comments?
at 09:43 18 Jul 2024

There's a very decent article on the BBC Sport site this morning about the Argentine players singing a song that is seen by many, especially Europeans, as racist.

One of the Argentine players filmed singing this song (post their Copa America win) apparently is on Chelsea's books (although I've never heard of him).

The suggestion is that Chelsea, or the FA or UEFA and perhaps even FIFA will impose some sort of ban or fine or both on him and any others judged to have used racist remarks even though not on club or league duty.

The BBC articles notes that supporting the international team is a "chance to be aggressively Argentinian" and that such behaviour is common place in league matches in South America. Apparently "unsettling the opposition" by any means is considered to be a fair tactic.

We've seen some Eastern European international and club sides sanctioned (mildly) by UEFA in the past but it seems that South America remains behind that particular curve.

Is it fair to impose club/European bans and fines for South American players on international duty?
Southgate gone - opinions
at 13:01 16 Jul 2024

To no great surprise Southgate has resigned.

Despite being the most successful manager since Ramsay he has clearly decided that he has gone as far as he can.

He leaves the team in a better place than he found it and in a tournament or two we will have good young players with experience and hopefully be able to take that final step.

He has also shouldered a lost of criticism, some deserved, most not, and I'm sure that was part of the decision.

For me he has had a successful time in post not so much for the quality of football (I think he has been naive at times and has picked players out of form or played them in a system they are not used to) but for changing the culture around the squad. He has made changes to the talent recognition process as well and relations with clubs seem to be much better.

I wish him well in whatever he does next.
at 15:24 15 Jul 2024

I really hope Downes coming in does not mean KWP going to West Ham (or anybody else).

Reading the transfer gossip though it does seem like this is likely.

I'd opt for KWP over Downes all season long.
Euro 2024 - observations and a final word
at 14:20 15 Jul 2024

First, on the day Spain were a better team and deserved to win.

Second, I struggle to understand the England set up. We put in a low block meaning that if we did win the ball it would be inside our defensive third. The "out" ball would then have to be either to a CF who could hold on to it long enough for help to arrive, or a fast counter break. With Kane in poor form and being easily brushed aside, the "long ball and hold it" was a non starter. With Kane clearly struggling, a fast counter was never going to happen. We saw when Watkins and Palmer came on, that Spain were vulnerable to a counter but until then, we did not have the players to exploit it.

Third, we played with the attitude of limiting what Spain could do to us rather than what we could do to them. Lack of confidence? Lack of plan? Lack of enough players of sufficient ability? The first two perhaps, not the third.

Fourth, we have the players in this generation to make a difference. Bellingham, Foden, Saka, Rice, Mainoo, Gheui should be the core of the next team. Kane is finished at this level. Stones had a good tournament but did not play like he can for City and that's what we need, a CB with the ability to bring the ball into midfield and draw defenders to him. Shaw/Tripper were competent as was Pickford. Walker is not going to make the next tournament and should be replaced. Given that we seem reluctant to throw the ball into the box, a player like Grealish to "win" free kicks in crossing situations is probably a luxury and I'd play a fast striker like Watkins in preference.

Fifth, the Spanish have moved on from tika taka. They now pass the pass less often before putting it in places to hurt the opposition. We need to do that. The WC is 2026. Too soon for a new generation coached in the Spanish manner to be in place but the core players above already have that and we need perhaps three/four more from the present under 21 and youth teams.(Incidentally the new defender we have from Peterborough looks to be exactly right).

Lastly, I hope Southgate steps down from active coaching but stays on as adviser. The team and process is so much better now than when he started and he has left a successor in a better place. Given where we were, he deserves a gong of some description so let's give him that and then look to a new generation of manager.

Overall, we exceeded expectation to get to the final (we lost to Iceland a few weeks ago) but we now know how far we need to go to win something. I think WC 2026 might be too soon, but Euro 2028 (which is here and Ireland) should be a taregt and then WC 2030.
Divided opinions - should England have had that penalty v Netherlands?
at 11:45 11 Jul 2024

Whilst I'm thankful we did, in my book, never a pen.

Your view?
Who are you voting for?
at 11:49 19 Jun 2024

I'm not really close tot he arguments on immigration but a quick internet search seems to indicate that in the year to June 2023 (or perhaps December 2023, a bit unclear), legal immigrants t the UK were around 685,000. What are called "irregular" immigrants perhaps around 58,000. So say 8% of total immigration is "irregular".

There are around 68m people in the UK. If the irregular immigrants continue at the above number, in ten years time they will be 0.008% of the population.

So we have another example of what is at the end of the day a very small minority making huge political headlines.

I'm going to suggest that there are more important things to concern us.

The NHS. The sorry state of policing in the UK. The lack of investment in UK businesses. Potholes in our roads. The bankruptcy of local councils. The wasted billions on high speed rail.

However the red tops love to keep picking away at immigration because they know that it excites passions and allows them to alternately praise or condemn politicians, especially those who put what is a small problem front and centre of their political agenda.

The immigration system is broken and sending people to the middle of Africa is not the answer. The answer is also not a system that cherry picks the best and brightest of other countries and allows them entry.

Part of the answer may be a requirement to show that if you wish to be in the UK you need to be financially self supporting (i.e. have a job) or be here for education you are paying for (and are required to leave at the end of the study unless you have a job) and are limited on how many "family" you can bring here.

As I said however, politics seems to be about which minorities can shout the loudest, preferably with a red top stirring up trouble for the sake of sales. That's quite sad.

Thankfully I am about to go overseas on business for a few weeks and will miss the rest of the increasingly rabid discussions (having voted by post).
Entitled idiot (with a broken nose)
at 10:36 19 Jun 2024

I've seen the incident and disagree that the coach pushed him back on to the pitch.

If the coach did do that, then he should also be yellow carded.

It is also Mbappe's responsibility to not get a yellow card, so why did he do it?
Portugal Win
at 10:06 19 Jun 2024

I can't say I was impressed by Portugal. They were playing the youngest team in the tournament, all big lads with a defensive mindset and failed to make more than perhaps two good chances.

Of the better teams who have played so far, only Germany (who played against 10 men for half a game) had a convincing start. Perhaps Spain would be next best but again their second half was very pedestrian.

I would say at this stage, England are no worse than any of the seeded teams.
The 2024/25 Fixtures Are Out For Saints
at 10:03 19 Jun 2024

Have to say I'm disappointed.

Would have bene better to have Bournemouth on Boxing Day and Easter.

The last few games look to be tough as well and I hope that we are not in need of 7 point from the last three games, because that would be difficult.
Entitled idiot (with a broken nose)
at 10:01 19 Jun 2024

So if he picks up another yellow for some petty foul does that mean he misses a game?

Personally I detest the attitude of players who think they are bigger than the game and can dictate their terms upon it.
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