| Forum Reply | What has happened to the Left? at 18:10 27 Sep 2020
Not much "tolerance ,freedom of expression and speech" from the Labour Party when they kicked out Ken Livingstone for being "anti semitic". Ffs. |
 | Forum Reply | So, students. at 18:04 27 Sep 2020
"Many spending their time in demoes now find the virus has caught up with them and now they're in lock down." I thought that students were spending their time spelling "demos" correctly. |
 | Forum Reply | Another pair of morons at 18:36 12 Jun 2020
Stopping black people for driving in a nice car is racial profiling. Yes the police have a shit job, but they don't help themselves when they're recorded doing racist shite . |
 | Forum Reply | Mike VDH who are they kidding. at 18:19 12 Jun 2020
Well if the club have been paying him mega thousands every week, that would be their fault surely, not VDH's. That's like you being paid £1M a year and then people blaming you for taking the money, as opposed to blaming your employers for signing a ridiculous contract they couldn't afford. |
 | Forum Reply | Another pair of morons at 18:03 12 Jun 2020
So how many white couples driving Beamers did the police stop? |
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