
Should We Play The French National Anthem At St Mary's On Saturday ?

The French national anthem La Marseillaise could be ringing out at St Mary's on Saturday, but would Saints fans be happy about this.

Of course and normal human being would have been appalled at the events in Paris last Friday, but is it going a little too far to ask Premier League clubs to broadcast the French national anthem La Marseillaise before all games this weekend ?

This is the suggestion being mooted by the Premier League and was discussed at a meeting of club officials yesterday with the final decision being made by the Premier League expected later today.

Although it was pertinent that the England fans joined in with La Marseillaise at Wembley earlier this week, it was a scheduled airing of it due to England's opponents being France.

So the question for Saints and indeed all supporters of Premier league clubs is whether they would be in favour of it being played before the fixtures this weekend.

Personally I would be against it, of course the terrorist attack was deplorable and as i said any right minded human being would condemn it, however although I would favour a minutes silence as a mark of respect to the dead in Paris, I would not want the French national anthem played for several reasons.

Firstly I think it is a step too far in the fact that there have been other attrocities in this World that we have not taken this step for, we have not played the USA national anthem when they have suffered terrorist attacks, nor the Spanish to name but two.

Secondly if the supporters do not respond then it has the potential to turn into a PR nightmare.

Thirdly it is not our national anthem, let us honour and respect the French and indeed other nationalities who lost their life last week, but let us do so in a quiet dignified way rather than a chest beating national anthem, that is not ours.

This is no reflection on the french or our long standing rivalry with them over hundreds of years, we feel their pain and mourn their loss, but that does not mean we should sing their national anthem.

So what does everyone else feel, would you be comfortable with La Marseillaise when our own national anthem was not played after terrorist attacks on the UK, or would you prefer a mnutes silence ?

Give your opinion in the comments section below and by voting in the online poll on the left hand side of the page.

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