| News Comment | The Squad Is Stronger But Is The Team ? at 13:48:09
I pretty much agree with all of your comments Nick. Our second half performance against West Ham was terrific. As good as anything I witnessed last year. Probably better. As for the knockers and boo boys I'd like to say this. I hate you. I hate you more than I hate Lovren, Lallana and Redknapp. You're entitled to your opinion REEDYREEDOREEDZ but I really don't share it. I will be amazed if we don't finish above Tottenham. In fact, i'm going to put money on it! |
 | News Comment | Could Schneiderlin Leave For Spurs Before The Transfer Window Shuts at 18:55:48
Jesus Christ I hope Morgan doesn't read this article. Just when it 'seems' he might be back on board with Ronko you suggest that he deserves a move. Why does he deserve a move? He might have his dreams but we've got ours. Yes we do need another quality CB but why does it have to be one of Spurs cast offs? Dawson's got no pace and Chiriches didn't pull up any trees last season. Krueger can't go back on his word because it will send the wrong message to the vultures and it will disillusion our fans . How many seats will be empty for Saturday as it is? |
 | News Comment | WELL! WELL! WELL! at 23:28:16
Agree totally. Pocthetinos pressing game was hyped to the eyeballs and for those of us who watched just about every game it became frustrating. Possession without looking dangerous. It didn't work against the top teams who picked us off and it didn't work against the bottom teams who parked the bus. Think Villa and Cardiff at home and West Ham wherever we played them. Ronko will be more tactically astute I'm sure. Should never have sold Chambers though. Could have covered RB, CB and even sat behind Clyne as RB allowing Nathan to bomb on. Even if Gardos is the real deal who will cover him and Jose in the event of injury or suspension. Who will cover Clyne and Bertrand? |
 | News Comment | Ralph Krueger A Statement Of Two Halves at 13:46:32
Credit Krueger for coming onto Talk Sport. His statement that Morgan and J Rod were not going anywhere was most welcome. However, this raised one serious question. Had anyone told Morgan this? Surely to god, the hierarchy should have held meetings with the two want aways and explained the situation to them before going public on national radio because Morgans tweet then became the story. I can only presume that no meeting had taken place with Morgan and his agent other wise, he wouldn't have tweeted in a fit of pique. Ralph has now painted himself into a corner. He can't go back on his guarantee that both players will not be sold but someone (RoKo) has got to get the players back on message. I want to feel confident that the board know what they're doing but I'm not. |
 | News Comment | Saints Board Needs To Show Leadership at 11:03:35
I think its the impending sale of Chambers thats tipped us over the edge in terms of our feelings of outrage and dismay. I'm Ok with Lallana going because we've probably seen the best of him but we haven't seen the best of Chambers yet. Keeping Chambers would have given us something to hang onto in an "all is not lost" kind of way. Les Reed owes it to Ronald to put his sodding foot down and 'man up' to the want away players, their agents and avaricious predators. I only hope that Les Reed is keeping his head down because he's about to 'blow our minds 'with some great signings and put a smile back on put faces. But is he? |
 | News Comment | Is This Summer As Bad As The Summer Of 1992 ? I Would Say Not ! at 14:10:56
Nick, would you be so kind as to copy and paste margilambs post and send it to Les and Ralph because they need to understand what intelligent loyal Saints fans are going through. I'm not underestimating what difficulties the board must be having but I would re iterate what margilamb has said. What if Koeman becomes disillusioned? Pochettino MUST have been TOLD that Shaw and Lalana would be sold because Ronald was. This after being reassured that no one would be transferred without his agreement. I am in total agreement with margilambs point about communication and lack of intimacy. Oh and one more thing. To those fans who think its OK to ridicule and berate certain players - Fox, Hooveld and Guly for example. You might question their ability but if they're doing their best and wearing the shirt spare them and us the vitriol. Their mates hear and read all this stuff too. Thats right, the guys who have left or about to leave. Loyalties a 2 way street. |
 | News Comment | It's Not Doom And Gloom According To The Bookies at 10:59:12
I appreciate your positive spin Nick but can you understand why some fans are feeling a bit dejected?. If we lose Morgan and Lovren as seems likely then we'll have lost (arguably) our best 5 players. Make that 6 if JRod doesn't commit. Thats tough. I mean really tough. No doubt we'll make some good signings but to integrate them all will take time. Would our best players have left had Pochettino stayed? We'll never know but its interesting that Koeman said he was 'told' that Shaw and Lalana were going to be sold when he first spoke to Les Read. I would suggest that this is what Pochettino was 'told' too. Much as I'd love to see see Pochettino fall flat on on arse you can understand why he jumped ship. His stock was high, he was told that 2 of his best players were going to be be sold and he thought that this is good as its going to get at Southampton. Picking up on your piece Nick, I suppose that if anyone can Koeman can but its such a shame we can't pull up the draw bridge now. I just hope that the club stick out for a minimum of £25 m for Lovren, he will be a big loss . Like him or loathe him, he's absolute class. Anything less than £20 m for Morgan is unacceptable too. If clubs don't match our valuation then they should be held to their contracts. There would be no point in them sulking and not performing because they would harm their chances of moving in the next window. |
 | News Comment | The Good The Bad And The Ugly at 14:04:34
Well observed piece. I would further add. When we started losing games last season, I consoled myself with 'Oh well, look at the stats, we had more possession than Arsenal etc" Like you though, after a while this began to wear thin and I found myself getting frustrated. Why the hell couldn't we be more flexible sometimes and do what other teams were doing to us. Soak up pressure and hit teams on the break. I'm hopeful that RoKO will be more pragmatic than MoPo. As for Lallana. I'm glad he's gone and thats not sour grapes. He's good but not great. I'd put him in the 8 to 10 million bracket. His ability to turn in tight spaces was let down by poor delivery and powder puff shooting. He saw a lot of the ball with us and our lack of goals stems partly from his poor end product. At Liverpool there are other players who like to keep the ball, Sturridge, Sterling and one other play who unlike Lallana, does possess a killer pass - Coutinho. I think Lallana might struggle. We got a tremendous price for Shaw. Is he really worth 30 million? Did Man u really think they were getting the next Gareth Bale? It will be money well spent by Man U if he's their left back for the next 12 years. But will he be? He's got a bit of pace but not enough to get to the by line against 2 out of 3 opponents. I can see a scenario in a couple of years when a newer brighter shinier left back comes onto the scene somewhere in Europe or wherever and then Man u will jettison Shaw. I might be totally wrong of course but to me Chambers is a more exciting prospect. Can't agree with your comment re Davies, i really thought he played well last season. Bit like Didier Deschamp used to play. Winning possession, recycling the ball maintaining tempo in metronomic fashion. Much as I hate to say it, Lovren will be a big loss playing wise. I know we will get top dollar for him but quality centre halves as as rare as hens teeth and he is quality. Imagine playing a back 3 with Jose in the middle, Chambers on the right and Lovren on the left. Still, if no one coughs up 25 million for Lovren money it might still happen? |
 | News Comment | Saints Fans Need To Keep Calm Its A Marathon Not A Sprint ! at 11:17:58
Funny thing is, if so many of our players think (or other people think) they're good enough for champions league, how come we didn't finish higher than 8th last season? Suggests we under performed under Poch. Fact is, the players he inherited in January 2013 would have made most managers look good. Poch must think this premier league lark is easy. He's going to find out its not this season at Spurs. As Nick has pointed out, we didn't win 1 game after going behind at any stage in a game during his tenure. Ironically, the geezer he replaced at Spurs did to to us. Twice! As for losing Rickie (legend) and Llalana, our failure to convert possession into goals was a weakness so we need new blood up front. Having said that, I agree with other posters, we need to lift the draw bridge now. There are players I would hate to see leave. Far more, than the 3 that have gone. |
 | News Comment | Matt Le Tissier Column - Matt On The Saints Situation at 22:32:53
I've been watching Saints for 45 years and no one has given us more joy than MLT. He's right. Cortese leaving in the middle of a window could potentially screw us. Cortese would have known that. |
 | News Comment | Saints V West Bromwich Albion The Verdict at 12:29:52
Saintandy11 Can't agree with your comments about Davis. He's underrated. Brave committed, reads the game well, recycles the ball quickly and hardly ever gives it away.. |
 | News Comment | Saints V West Bromwich Albion The Verdict at 12:09:46
I'm pretty sure that the reason we weren't direct with free kicks and corners was because at 6.4 and 6.5 Olsen and Mc Cauly are probably the most airily commanding centre half's in premiership. To float high balls into their box would have played right into their hands. I too am puzzled why Cork is always the first to be substituted. Having said that, I can understand why he will be replaced by Wanyama when fit. Whats the problem? Corky is a good player and will still be an important member of the squad and frequently used. I agree with Abingdon Saints comments about big Vic, we look formidably strong defensively when he plays. |
 | News Comment | Saints V Chelsea The Verdict at 22:47:35
In reply to Montcristo, I would like nothing more than to see Ramirez come good but its alarming to see how often he gives the ball away and misplaces passes. Have you ever seen him win a 50 50 challenge? Giving the ball away to the likes of Chelsea is suicidal, you get punished. He's skillful but not skiful or strong enough to keep possesion when challenged. Oh to be proved wrong. |
 | News Comment | Saints V Chelsea The Verdict at 16:13:22
When Oscar and Willian came on it was like a game of Playstation. These 2 scurrying little figures darting about while everyone else seemed to be moving in slow motion. I'm surprised that anyone was impressed with Ramirez, a couple of decent runs and 1 super through ball to Jrod but how many times does he give the ball away? Christ. My daughter could take the ball off him. Think I've seen enough of him now. |
 | News Comment | The Transfer Window Is Opening But Will It Be Another Pain at 13:31:06
Good points Nick but look at this way. If we were to sell all the players (good and bad) bought since promotion, I'm willing to bet that we would be in credit. Just think how much Lovren, Rodriguez and Clyne alone must be worth now. Wanyama and Steve Davis are worth more than we paid form them IMO too. I know that we don't want to sell these players but if we had to buy them now, having shown what they can do playing for Saints we would be up against stiff competition from most of the top clubs and they wouldn't be ours. Anyway you run a great site. Best wishes for the New Year and COYR. |
 | News Comment | The Transfer Window Is Opening But Will It Be Another Pain at 12:01:26
Very few clubs can afford to waste money but most do. if you want to buy a sure fire winner a la Van Persie or Suarez then you're talking mega bucks and they ain't going to come to you anyway. That's why clubs like us have to take a punt. Take Mayuka, didn't he win the golden boot at the African cup of Nations? He has pace to burn, just what we needed. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out so far and maybe it never will. All I'm saying is, it's not easy. |
 | News Comment | The Transfer Window Is Opening But Will It Be Another Pain at 11:34:16
I agree with some of your points Nick but It's easy to be right in hindsight. Unfortunately, you never know how a new recruit will work out until they start playing for you. I can't think of one prem. club that has not made terrible costly mistakes in the transfer market. You can do all the homework and research you like. It works both ways, Lovren is probably worth 20 million now and how much is Clyne worth now? Some of the others may still come good, you never know. The club were entitled to believe that Oswaldo would score more goals than he has, he's a current Italy international. How many goals did he score for Roma last year, 16?. This is why our belief in the academy is so vital, your own players coming through are a known quantity. This is the future and will in time, give us an edge. |
 | News Comment | Saints At Everton The Verdict at 20:37:49
I totally agree that you don't get points for possesion but possesion does provide a base for control the game. We need to be more clinical and we really need our 2 South American imports to produce some flair and magic. I guess thats why the Don invested 27 million in them. |
 | News Comment | Its Christmas ! But Saints Need To Stop Giving Gifts at 15:20:46
Okay. If Boruc, Shaw and Font had been fit we would have beaten Spurs. They weren't and we didn't. Its disappointing but no one will be feeling worse than those 3 players getting all the flak. It's up to the club to get better cover but in the meantime lets get behind those selected. |
 | News Comment | Saints V Manchester City The Verdict at 15:09:16
In many ways this was the best performance of the season for me (even if we didn't get 3 points). Many of us feared the worst. How could we avoid defeat having lost at home to a poor Villa side 3 days earlier? How could we cope with yet more injuries to key players? How were we going to get the better of a rampant city? You've got to give credit not only to the likes of Cork, Davis, Shaw, Lallana, Chambers, Lovren and the whole team but also to the manager and his team. On Thursday MP said the most important thing was to stay relaxed He kept his cool and so did his team. Brilliant. Man. City have 'world class' players on huge salaries but which was the better 'team'. We not only showed great spirit but we are now starting to show much more invention too. A good day. |
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