| News Comment | …song as old as rhyme — Report at 10:26:18
Thanks Clive...I had been toying with moving back home and putting together the pro's and cons...Rangers were on the "pro's list" originally I am now looking at upgrading to a nice new house in Surfers Paradise near the beach. Cheers mate. |
 | News Comment | Polter proves the strikers’ case — Report at 23:07:37
Thanks for the reat write up as usual Clive. Ive read most of the boards and have yet to find a positive spin on this display. Not sure where to begin reall so I'm just going to write it off as JFH having a bad day at the office. I said early in the season that i didnt think our players were good enough to get promoted, I actually hoping to god that we dont now. Feel sorry for the youngsters who must have been promised so much when they signed only to get shafted by the owner and DOF. Loungo need to get out now to save his international career and what the others need o do to get game time is a mystey to me. You dont have o be a conspiricy theorist to see something very wrong is going on behind the scenes. Ill await the next episode of this soap opera with baited breath. |
 | News Comment | The Burton Albion view on Hasselbaink - Interview at 20:47:01
I too am very hesitant at being happy with this appointment. Hes saying all the right things, doing all the right things and looks the right fit....just waiting for something to go wrong ! |
 | News Comment | Another long night by the river — autopsy at 01:04:26
Cheers Clive, another good report that opens my eyes to a few unknown facts (goals etc) i enjoyed it even if some on another site didnt and "stooped that low". Hope you got the apology you deserved and keep the reports comning, no matter how depressing the games are. Some of us sad gits were up at 4am watching this crap ! |
 | News Comment | Khan's misjudgments continue to plague Fulham - Interview at 00:27:10
Good inteverview with a decent Fulham fan. Ive got nothing against them at all (apart from local rivalry) and have many Fulham mates. Even ben there a few times. Seems like our 2 clubs are replicating each others direction and so many similarities. Good luck for the season - except against us obviously ! |
 | News Comment | The season is long and hard... — Knee jerks at 23:58:39
A decent review and totally agree with the Ramsey stuff. Give the bloke a chance FFS. We played an established Championship team and almost (should have) won with 5 new players. Plenty of time for improvement but at least we havent got to**ers like Barton, BAE, etc showing us up. You can bet this lot will make a better effort in the cup as well. Mid able this year and I'll be happy. Just my opinion. |
 | News Comment | Naïve Rangers undone at the death — report at 22:07:32
Thanks for the report Clive as I obviously only got TV coverage... Looked to me as though we did ok. We were up against an established Championship side and proved we could sore-no matter how we did it. Fair enough , we threw the points away but thats another issue. Im not making any judgements on the team or Ramsey yet as they havent really go together. I really dont understand some of the VERY toxic stuff im reading on other social media, and i think there must be more to it. If anyone needs questioning then its Ferdinand not Ramsey. Cant disagreee with any of your report. Thank you. |
 | News Comment | Perch arrival eases defensive shortage — signing at 20:36:14
Good signing for me. Caulker hasnt lived up to his billing for 3 seasons now, Perch has just been voted player of the season for the second time. I know who I'd rather have :) |
 | News Comment | LFW End of Term Report 14/15 — Midfielders at 02:21:01
Great report(s) Clive. Been laughing to myself at work all day. Agree with all of this one and most of the others. My only reservation is Mutch. I just dont think he's very good! - biut its all opinions of course. Thanks for that and cant wait for the final instalment. PS, Was Adel down as a forward of Midfielder ? PPS- What about including or doing a part 5 that feature the management teams and trainers/staff etc? Just a thought |
 | News Comment | Nutmegs, I prefer — column at 20:51:30
ngbqpr, you are of course correct. I only read approx 75% of the article because there was so much i didnt agree with (and Im at work) but I put it across incorrectly. Firstly, i was trying to say what a brillaint article it was and how well written. Regardless of my opinions on Adel, the piece was a joy to read so well do Clive. I honestly used to love watching Adel especially during "that" season and when he was on form and performing, it was how the game should be played. And there in lies my problem or should I say frustration. The guy ha so much skill that it is criminal they way his career has gone.You can blame anyone you like but he ha had many chances and just let them pass him by. I just ant get teary eyed over a player who, when you take into account the amount of time he's been with us, has given us more bad times than good. Thats obviously just my opinion and i dont wish to upset his "disciples". Each to thier own I suppose but just cant help feeling cheated. Peace ! |
 | News Comment | Nutmegs, I prefer — column at 04:42:56
Well i wonder if the writer is pro Adel or not !! I guess he never gave the ball away only to be rescued by Ali and Derry all season eh? He is where he is for a reason. A great playe some time ago, but best gone. As for the championing of Joe Allen....come on? Apart from that a nice article though shame i dont agre with a lot of it. Thanks and well done |
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