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SITE MOVE PLAN - Weekend of 11th and 12th July
at 12:07 6 Jul 2020

Are the old posts being copied across? I've been spending a few hours reading old threads on here and it would be a pity if was all going into a black hole. Some of the posts on local history and local events are very interesting.
Have you had your dna tested?
at 11:07 30 Jun 2020

Some of us remember this case solved by dna :
[Post edited 30 Jun 2020 11:08]
at 15:00 28 Jun 2020

There speaks one the few people in the UK who is not a slave to Political Correctness . He is vastly rich and retired. He can’t be sacked. They might send him to jail for race hate, or whatever they decide to call free speech, but he has one foot in the grave already so he’s probably not bothered about that. They might take away his money but his children are morons and he knows they will lose that anyway when he dies.

Down and outs and dying rich people are the last free people left. Tramps have nothing to lose by speaking their minds. That’s why you often hear them shouting abuse on the streets. Although there’s no doubt mental illness plays a part in that as well. But I’m not sure if a tramp is any more mentally ill than a brainwashed SJW.
Have you had your dna tested?
at 20:01 26 Jun 2020

Thank you, I didn’t know that.

If you didn’t realise it I was only joking when I said I wanted to find out who down arrowed me. I wouldn’t have thought a messageboard would have the feature you pointed out. Knowing who dislikes your posts just leads to tit for tat backbiting. I don’t want to know who I have annoyed. In fact, I don’t want to annoy anyone and it worries me that some people dislike my posts.

By the way, I have never claimed to have a "genetically superior IQ".
Have you had your dna tested?
at 17:24 26 Jun 2020

Well we will just have to agree to disagree.
Have you had your dna tested?
at 17:23 26 Jun 2020

I had no evidence it was you I just wanted to narrow down the field. Thank you for that information. If the guilty person is reading this thread then if you stop down arrowing me now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will down arrow you until you look like a cross between St Sebastian and a pin cushion. I jest, of course. Who cares about down arrows?

Now back to Salisbury. First of all they couldn’t have gone to house because they would have been on Skripals cctv or the cctv of someone in the street. What were they doing there? There’s a small chance they were tourists. They could also have been doing spying work unrelated to Skripal and the Skripals were used to frame them. They could just have been couriers working for some dodgy oligarch living in the Salisbury area. There are some Russian oligarchs living near me. The Uk is full of Russians. I chat to one most days. My favourite theory is that Skripal wanted to defect back to Russia but our secret services stopped him and set up a situation to blame the Russians for a chemical attack.

All these are just fanciful theories. I don’t know what happened. All I do know is that the official story doesn’t make sense and in the words of that great and learned woman Judge Judy "If something does not make sense then it is a lie".
Have you had your dna tested?
at 15:19 26 Jun 2020

Your post is a perfect illustration of why are an ideologue and why most of the academics I have met lack common sense.

Let’s start with Popper. I wrote that I was familiar with Popper but I didn’t say I was a Popperian. Have you not just made "an assumption without measurable evidence" yourself. Popper, to my mind, was a one idea man and falsificationism is a useful idea but if you dig into his works a bit deeper you will discover that he didn’t believe that animals and humans used induction at all. I will try to find the quote if you doubt me. Animal learning and our behaviour in everyday life are based on induction. This is why I say most academics lack common sense and their wisdom is usually confined to their narrow academic speciality.

When it comes to diseases in chickens I would accept what you say as gospel but when it comes to matters outside your expertise then your medals and your arguments from authority count for nothing. As far as I am concerned you are on the same level playing field as the duck man on here who waddles about asking questions but not reading the answers. I exaggerate. You are still above him. At least you don’t down arrow me at every opportunity.

I’ve created hundreds of family trees and it is all done by looking for confirming cases rather than setting up an hypothesis and then trying to falsify it. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve come across disconfirming evidence that would lead most reasonable people to give up a line of research. For example, I track someone to right parish but he has the wrong first name and the occupation doesn’t match but a feeling together with an almost unconscious calculation of probability tells me to carry on and eventually I find that I was right.

When you say I can’t say Newton and Bach were geniuses because “They have not been tested” that is silly. Their works are the test and they stand as a proxy for an intelligence test. It is a bit like saying we can’t tell if Shakespeare had a high verbal IQ because he’s never been tested and there’s always the possibility that he could have been an illiterate moron.

I explained the genetic mix question earlier. We are all descended from people from all over the world but we only have significant segments from recent ancestors because half of the dna in each chromosome is lost every generation. As you know the Y chromosome works differently and that shows that our ancient ancestors lived in groups who shared the same Y chromosome characteristics, i.e. not mixed as we are today.

Little is known about epigentics at the moment so there is no reliable evidence for or against any of the claims you or I might make. Your point about polygenic phenotypes is ludicrous. You seem to be saying that we can’t say intelligence is genetic because intelligence involves too many genes. I recently watched a very interesting lecture on Youtube by Daniela Witten, daughter of physics genius Ed Witten, on how they are using statistical learning and network theory to discover what combinations of genes are related to diseases when these diseases involve tens of thousands of genes. The Chinese are doing the same with Intelligence.

Your claim about poverty and race being interchangeable doesn’t hold water. Children from middle class black families in the US score lower on IQ tests then children from poor white families.

When you say there is “no evolutionary advantage to select for lower intelligence” you must realise that is wrong. Being poor and often less intelligence doesn’t stop people having lots of kids. Haven’t you noticed that better educated career women have fewer children than those who left school without any qualifications. Intelligence would be a long way below physical strength and looks when it comes to evolutionary advantage in most parts of the world. However when it comes to living in the colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere then intelligence would come more into play.

Your claim that it is only older Jewish men who believe there are IQ differences between races is not true. You are right that some psychologist will not admit to believing this but that is only because they do not want to lose their jobs. This an interesting statement about what many prominent psychologists believed about IQ and race in 1994.
Have you had your dna tested?
at 23:47 25 Jun 2020

You are referring to the race part of the test where they say 10% of your DNA is from Africa, etc. There are different percentages from the various testing companies because they are using different databases. It is not very accurate.

The part of DNA testing that is accurate and which I find the most interesting is the cousin finder. You can see what dna you share with your cousins and you will be able to find common ancestors. If you have already made some work on your family tree this will confirm your work and it will allow you to extend your tree back. For example, I now know who all my ancestors are going back to the end of the 18th century.

When you go back to the 18th century and even to the start of the 19th century, if you are a young person, you will find that you don’t have any dna from some of your ancestors. We all have black, Chinese and even Eskimo ancestors. For example, they might have been Roman soldiers or early Chinese sailors but we probably wouldn’t have any dna from them. The soldier’s or sailor’s dna in each chromosome has a 50% chance of being passed down to the next generation. After perhaps 80 generations that dna is gone.
Have you had your dna tested?
at 20:11 25 Jun 2020

Sometimes people say things that are so outlandish that you wonder if they really said that. “So you firstly make an assumption Newton, Bach et al were geniuses. We don't know.". Maybe, you don't know but to the rest of us it is obvious.

We know they were geniuses from their works. But, in your world, where everyone can do anything with the right education you probably believe that Bach and Newton just studied hard. Do you think that you could take any kid today and with enough support and education they could achieve the equivalent of inventing calculus or composing the St Matthew Passion?

Despite your academic background if everyone seemed equally intelligent to you then I don’t think you have met many highly intelligent people. I’ve known a few and they have astonished me by how quickly they solve any sort of problems. They see what’s wrong instantly and they have time to double check their solutions before I could even understand what the problem was. But, compared to geniuses like Bach and Newton these highly intelligent people are as dumb as rocks.

This interesting video will give you a bit of an idea why Bach was a genius :

Here’s a short explanation of Newton’s genius :

You ask “why would the word of a physicist be accepted on IQ and genetics?”. The answer is that he is a polymath. That’s the thing about really clever people. He might be a great physicist but he might also know more about genetics than most geneticists and more about psychometrics then most psychologists.

Who are the experts on IQ tests? Psychologists. Most of them believe there are average IQ differences between races. Do you accept that? No. You will only listen to those who confirm what you what to believe. By the way, who are the smartest people in your university? I’ll tell you. The physicists.
Have you had your dna tested?
at 17:32 25 Jun 2020

The cost is in the preparation. You’ve got to extract evidence from clothing in a way that will satisfy some defence lawyer that here has been no cross-contamination. It is not the same as sending your saliva to 23andme in a test tube. If it was as cheap as you say the police would be doing it already. They have been using sites like Gedmatch to find murderers for a few years. If they updated the dna from these kits to Gedmatch the rapists would soon be found. Hsu suggested philanthropists could pay the cost of testing but even then the government would not support the cost of all the trials and the cost of putting the rapists in prison.

You explain that Jews are more inclined to genetic diseases because of inbreeding but why can’t it also explain high Jewish IQ rather than saying that they just study harder.

Someone with an IQ of 160 is a genius. Newton was obviously way beyond that. At the time he was living there were probably only a dozen people in the world as intelligent as him. Leibniz was one. Bach was another. Perhaps the Chinese geniuses at that time were killed for not believing official dogma and that's why we don't know about them.

What "flaws" in IQ tests would give an advantage to the Chinese over Westerners ? Early IQ tests were biased but non-verbal tests mainly involve looking for patterns in shapes. Unless you have very bad eyesight that’s a level playing field. In fact, the Chinese do on average have worse eyesight than Westerners but they still do better on these non-verbal tests.

What is this new evidence debunking IQ differences between races?

The inhabitants of Ivory towers seem to think their elevated position in life means they can see better and further then us mortals. The opposite is the case. You see only what fits your dogma. Your default position is that everyone is equally endowed with intelligence and anyone who disputes that is beyond the pale. I am fully au fait with the philosophy of Popper and Khun. Those of us outside the Ivory Towers are not all dwelling in intellectual darkness. In the spirit of falsificationism ask yourself what evidence would make you doubt your belief in the equal distribution of intelligence.
[Post edited 25 Jun 2020 17:34]
Have you had your dna tested?
at 14:47 25 Jun 2020

I said the cost of the dna tests is in the "collection and extraction" of data. The kits are in thousands of police stations and the dna has to be extracted from the clothing, tools, etc very carefully so it is not contaminated. That is all very time consuming. The actual test is not that expensive but if could be done for a few pennies then the DNA testing companies would charge a lot less than the $50 minimum you see at the moment. Do you expect your electrician to just charge you for a bit cable and a few fuses when you call him out? I guess you are not a Professor of Economics.

When you say there is no evidence of "intelligence and racial genetics" do you mean there is no such thing as intelligence or do you just mean that there is no evidence of intelligence differences between groups of people (let's call them races) that are due to genetics.

That there are average genetic differences between people who come from different parts of the world is obvious. For example, Jewish people will have a much higher chance of having Tay-Sachs disease than black Africans. The reverse applies to sickle cell disease. Whatever intelligence is there seems to be a genetic link. For example, we know that on average intelligent parents will have intelligent children but there is little correlation between the intelligence, as measured by IQ, of adopted children and their parents. There’s a New Scientist link to this here :

The difference between average Jewish intelligence and average Black African intelligence, as measured by IQ and things like Nobel Prize wins, is noticeable to most people who dare to see the world as it is. Are you saying this difference just due to social differences between the two groups and genetic differences have nothing to do with it?

The 300,000 -10,000 difference is a result of the population size difference, as you say, and the average IQ difference between the Chinese and Americans. The Chinese have a higher average IQ than us in the West. You made a derogatory comment about Chinese education but I recently read the blog of Chinese boy who was sent to the UK get A-levels so he could go to university here. In China his parents knew he wasn’t bright enough to get in to any of the top Chinese universities. He came here aged 16 with hardly any English but in two years his A-level results were among the best in the country and he was awarded a scholarship to study at Cambridge. This was someone well below the top rank in China.

If you are going to reply to this then don’t say "I’m a professor of this or that and you must accept whatever I say as truth". In the words of Brian Clough "You can throw your medals in the bin”. I’ve met and worked with more academics than I’ve had hot dinners and as far as I am concerned they are mainly ideologues who lack common sense.
Have you had your dna tested?
at 11:43 25 Jun 2020

I don’t understand why more people are not interested in genealogy and dna testing.

If you want to get into dna testing then you should do it soon because it will not survive the PC revolution in the Western world. The evidence seems to be that our genes have a far greater influence on our outcomes in life than was previously thought. But academics involved in this research are being attacked as racists and are being purged from the universities. Anything which goes against PC dogma is taboo.

The latest victim is Steve Hsu a professor in America. I remember him for two very interesting things he said in a podcast. The first was that there are 300,000 Chinese with an IQ over 160 compared with 10,000 in the USA. Most of the great discoveries made in the world have come from over 160 IQ geniuses like Maxwell and Newton so unless the Chinese geniuses are weighed down by the enormous number of Chinese thickos I think we will see exciting technological developments coming from China.

The second thing he mentioned was that there are 100,000 untested "rape kits" in America. Rape kits are evidence from rapes that the police could not afford to prepare for dna testing. I think Hse said the main cost of testing is in the collection and extraction of dna from these kits. He estimated $1,000 for each kit even though the actual testing would only cost $50. I heard this podcast about 2 years ago so the figures might be wrong. Of course, the main cost of all this would be the trials and the imprisonments so it is fairly certain that the kits will be quietly destroyed.

Dna tests are showing that many fathers are not the genetic fathers of their children. I think the rate of this is much higher than was previously estimated. This is causing family disputes and unhappiness. It won’t be long before someone is killed because of a dna test. That might be an excuse for shutting it all down in the UK. Or they could use privacy concerns. You might find it hard to get health or life insurance if your dna profile was made public or hacked.

If you do get a dna test then I would recommend using a service where you can see the individual segments you have received from your ancestors. Ancestry DNA do not give you this information. You would be better off with 23andMe or Myheritage. I can’t say anything about the others because I have not looked at them. With a bit of research you will be able to work out which segment (a contiguous chuck of dna) on each chromosome came from which ancestor going back to about 1800. You could combine this information with health information about your ancestor and the functions of the shared genes. We are still in the dark about what we get from the various genes but I think the Chinese will fill in the gaps in the near future.
The plane over the Etihad
at 17:11 24 Jun 2020

You have obviously not read the link. You said you wanted evidence but you are just a time waster. I don’t know how old you are but I’ll give you a few tips. Life is short. You’ll find out how short it is when you get to my age. Don’t waste your time and the precious time of others by asking questions unless you are prepared to listen to or read the answers.
[Post edited 24 Jun 2020 17:13]
The plane over the Etihad
at 17:09 24 Jun 2020

The OPCW have fiddled results from Syria and I suspect that Russians didn’t trust the Salisbury evidence to be treated impartially.

Everyone is spying on and hacking everyone so it would be no surprise if Russians were trying to hack into the OPCW site. America and Israel are very close allies yet Israel has a long record of spying on America.

Even if OPCW acted impartially they could only examine the evidence provided by the British who could have added anything to the evidence. This is in a summary of their Charlie Rowley report:

"The team requested and received splits of biomedical samples collected by the British authorities for delivery to the OPCW Laboratory and subsequent analysis by OPCW Designated Laboratories."
[Post edited 24 Jun 2020 17:12]
The plane over the Etihad
at 23:14 23 Jun 2020

Yes, if you think Sandfields is posh.
The plane over the Etihad
at 22:56 23 Jun 2020

Only costs £30 for an ip camera. I have them all over the place.
The plane over the Etihad
at 22:54 23 Jun 2020

Surrey at the moment.
The plane over the Etihad
at 22:27 23 Jun 2020

Anyone who comes up to my house is caught on camera. It is the same for most houses in the street. I sent a video file some crooks to the cops last year. They parked their car outside my house after a robbery.

Skripal had a camera in his house and so did many of his neighbours. If the Russians went near his house there would be film of it.

Just read the article and use your brain.
The plane over the Etihad
at 21:23 23 Jun 2020

We don't know the full story but what we have been told by our lying government can't be true. There are too many contradictions and anomalies in that story.

If you have not been following the case you don't know things like the child eating the bread Skripal gave him to feed the ducks. Or the fact that the CIA faked pictures of sick children and dead ducks in Salisbury to show Trump. Or that the first person to notice and help the Skripals was a Colonel who happened to be head of nursing in the British Army. That was kept secret for a year.

The Blogmire site is now the main site where the case is discussed and there is a nice list of 40 of absurd things we are expected to believe in the link below :
The plane over the Etihad
at 20:56 23 Jun 2020

If you are not on the left then I really am confused.

I haven’t read all your posts but the posts I have seen are in the Politically Correct Looney Tunes category. For example, you want to ban the police and you think “No white person anywhere in the UK” suffers discrimination.
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