| Forum Reply | Any Trust members at 12:24 31 Jul 2020
Hey Spratty. I'll address you directly, as that's always the best way. As I've previously stated, I'd welcome you to raise that complaint, and as I've said any member can raise a complaint about the conduct of any member as they wish. Anyway, on reflection, I partly agree with you, this place doesn't bring out the best in people and I include myself in that. I cringe at some of the arguments I got into, even if more often than not I've usually replied in the manner someone has spoken to me. To anyone who thinks I've spoken out of turn to them, I apologise. It's not the place it was and I'm glad I made the decision to stop posting (a decision I shall be reimposing very swiftly). It's much better for my blood pressure. If I could just make an observation, which I hope is taken in the spirit it is meant, these things work both ways. You can't complain about how you are treated if you treat people in such a way, or often worse. I'm not the only person on the Trust board you've taken personal aim at, and far from the only person on here you have too. As I say, it works both ways, and if you look back at some of your comments I suspect you will see they have been inappropriate. Or not, I don't know. Who knows what the future will bring. Co-options are still open if you want to join the board and help progress the legal effort. Lord knows the Trust always needs as many passionate people as possible. In my experience it's a far more productive way of spending your time than complaining about things. It also gives you a much broader perspective, which I find is always a good thing. |
 | Forum Reply | Any Trust members at 12:13 31 Jul 2020
This thread has made me break my New Year's resolution of not posting on here. Best I do though, just to clear up a couple of things. The Trust board, like any committee, is always going to reflect a wide number of views. I don't know what the new board will think (even if 6 of the 8 are continuing), I don't know who will be in the officers positions etc, but it probably doesn't matter anyway for the following two reasons: a) the members have voted to proceed with legal action and b) at this moment in time, there's absolutely no reason to deviate from that course. That could change if something changed (e.g. an offer to settle was on the table) but there isn't so there isn't. If something changes, then I would expect that to be an issue for the membership anyway, just like it has been the last two times. However, as you say, it is for such matters that the Board is elected, and everyone has the ability to stand. You'd have got in unopposed this year. There's still time to apply to be co-opted, and I'd urge anyone interested, even if simply on a single issue, to do so. |
 | Forum Reply | Goodbye my friends at 10:49 21 May 2020
So sorry to hear this. A courageous last message from a courageous contributor. My condolences to your family at this time. Nos da. |
 | Forum Reply | The Leigh Dineen interview at 11:49 1 Jan 2020
It does rather lead on to what other conditions of sale existed, given continued access to the directors box for example. |
 | Forum Reply | The Leigh Dineen interview at 11:37 1 Jan 2020
I'm sure the contradiction between his earlier comment in the article that he had no control over his 5%, and his later assertion he retained a shareholding but then decided he would take it out, is noted. Both statements cannot be true. Also of interest was that he knew years earlier what his exit date was. Sounds very much like a condition of sale that he retained his position and salary. |
 | Forum Reply | FAO Supporters Trust Board Members that post on here at 11:34 1 Jan 2020
That last para really is spot on. Stu does a shit ton of stuff and does a very good job IMO. He gets some stick for not being active online, but you won't find someone more active amongst the fan base in person. |
 | Forum Reply | FAO Supporters Trust Board Members that post on here at 11:31 1 Jan 2020
This. And this is where I bow out on this one. It seems someone thinks they can say absolutely anything, without being called out on it, so long as there aren't profanities in it. Which is patently silly. |
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