| Forum Reply | The Road to '76 at 21:11 14 Dec 2022
Just tried to Google and or Amazon for a copy and can’t find it anywhere: anybody any ideas wher to buy a copy? Ta. |
 | Forum Reply | Coventry at 18:18 17 Nov 2022
Must admit that having turned up early to grab a parking spot, I found the outside bar selling Madri at £6 a pint a welcome relief. Plenty of sunshine and a beer who could guess at the carnage to come? |
 | Forum Reply | Tropical storm at 09:45 10 Nov 2022
Was in Naples FLA during Hurricane Ian recently. Horrendous devastation everywhere. |
 | Forum Reply | Pin Badges at 13:40 25 Oct 2022
Still got mine minus the year tags sadly. Not a pin badge per se but my dad was a bus driver and I’ve got his old PSV licence badge which I’m quite proud of. |
 | Forum Reply | Forever Rs at 17:42 20 Oct 2022
You're right. I clearly remember coming back from that game and the train journey was toxic with pure bile coming from some peoples mouth. Personally having seen us win at Everton; wolves; Stoke AND at home against them, I found it more than a little frustrating and I'm sure given more time he/we would have survived and prospered. Instead we got bloody Mark Hughes and have been paying the bill ever since. It's a bit similar to the latest Govt fiasco, where the baying mob got rid of BJ only for he to be replaced by a total incompetent! (sorry shouldn't have used the political analogy). |
 | Forum Reply | The Pound at 17:05 25 Sep 2022
Cracking post and perception of how I see it as well. |
 | Forum Reply | Blue badge parking at 17:20 17 Sep 2022
As long as you or your passenger are the holders of said badge, you will be able to park in any of the roads between LR and SBM underground as they are all pay and display. Having a blue badge entitles you to park for free in those areas for an unrestricted time! ( wish I’d known that before the Watford away game where I parked; looked at restrictions; saw 2 hours max; and so decanted to a private carpark that charged £12). Being new to the scheme I found it confusing but if you consult your handbook you will find this is correct. Just don’t nick my space on matchdays.🤣🤣 |
 | Forum Reply | Saturday's Game ? at 18:13 9 Sep 2022
Well said. Sometimes events are bigger than the individual and this is just such a time. It disappoints me to read some posts on here where “it’s all about me”. Sadly this reflects society today; little respect for authority, elders and others, values that were drummed into me by my mother and that have served me well throughout my life. It’s a football match versus a significant historical event and whether you are a royalist, republican or meh, that lady gave her everything to this country, performing her duties right up to the very end. God Rest Her. |
 | Forum Reply | Watford match thread at 09:56 28 Aug 2022
I was directly behind the goal (as near as you can be to the divide) and my original view was that the Watford player definitely played the ball forward with his hand. Unfortunately the replay is from the blind side where you can’t see this . Hey Ho we still won and IMHO there wasn’t one of the starting eleven who let the side down today. |
 | Forum Reply | Frank Clarke RIP at 08:10 4 Jun 2022
Fair play; my memory isn’t what it was obviously. |
 | Forum Reply | Frank Clarke RIP at 19:34 3 Jun 2022
I may be wrong but I believe he scored the R/s first ever top flight goal? (1 - 1, v Leicester). RIP Frank [Post edited 3 Jun 2022 19:35]
 | Forum Reply | Coventry roll call.... at 14:56 20 Jan 2022
Just a head's up for anyone that doesn't know; Coventry Arena Station is being served by Bus replacements this Saturday. There's only one per hour showing back to Leamington Spa to join the CR train! |
 | Forum Reply | A Little Light Entertainment. at 22:15 5 Nov 2021
I was in A Cooke’s the day they were filming the scene there. All of the Stars bar Sting were noshing pie and mash for their lunch. |
 | Forum Reply | RIP Jimmy Greaves at 11:34 20 Sep 2021
Definitely at the Loft End and 1-1. I was right behind the goal and saw it as clear as daylight. |
 | Forum Reply | RIP Jimmy Greaves at 11:27 19 Sep 2021
RIP. As a kid growing up in the sixties he (almost) persuaded me to follow Spurs, luckily I stuck with the R’s and was privileged to see him play at LR. Unfortunately he blotted his copybook that day by scoring a “hand of God” goal at the loft end and as an naive 11 year old I was devastated that a “hero” could be such a cheat! |
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