| Forum Reply | Yesterday at 19:11 21 Jul 2024
Pete Doherty -Libertines -Time for Heroes. |
 | Forum Thread | Away Kit at 22:36 12 Feb 2022
Why were we wearing that god awful identikit black away kit today when there was no colour clash? I appreciate that whatever shirts we are wearing doesn’t necessarily influence the players performance and we have won away wearing it but I can’t help thinking the blue and white hoops is a physiological boost for us and conversely has an intimidating affect on the opposition. I have just watched Warbs post match interview wherein he obviously focuses on today’s shortcomings and accept that to him the kit we are wearing is irrelevant. I don’t know who makes the decision on what kit we wear when there is no clash but I imagine the players and possibly Warbs have no say in it. I understand that the black second strip is thought to be more saleable as casual wear but I live just off the Shepherds Bush Road and in recent times have been pleased to see kids and younger adults wearing the hoops whilst out and about in contrast to the usual Chelsea, Liverpool, Manure trend. Apologies if this is pedantic nonsense; I have had a couple of Leffes’ and a bottle of red this evening to drown my sorrows. |
 | Forum Reply | Spuds Ground at 18:25 7 Feb 2022
It’s not too shabby around Stamford Bridge. |
 | Forum Reply | Oh how very Fulham … at 00:40 19 Oct 2021
That’s an interesting stat about the number of ST holders to the NW of Fulham, perhaps due to your years in the Prem? The support mainly from SW London and Surrey is understandable due to the long standing local support being pushed out due to rocketing property prices over the years. It’s the same with us. Nevertheless I do think the main footfall heading south to the Cottage is from away fans. If you are playing anyone from north of London their fans are likely to come into Kings Cross, St Pancras or Euston and get the Piccadilly or Hammersmith & City to Hammersmith and walk down. They would have to change to the District to go further to Putney Bridge. No big deal either way. Changing the subject the new stand looks very impressive and glad to see it’s so close to the pitch. I remember standing on the open terrace there before the Eric Miller stand with all the flagpoles at the back. |
 | Forum Reply | Oh how very Fulham … at 23:04 18 Oct 2021
I live in Hammersmith and have been going to watch us at Fulham and also many other matches there against all and sundry with Fulham supporting friends since the 1960’s . The 1972 fixture where Martin Busby’s leg was so horrifyingly broken by a savage tackle from Paul Went you could really hear the snap and his screams all over the ground and I always think of this every time I go there. Anyway in all this time I have walked to and from the ground and have always noticed that the foot traffic from Hammersmith Broadway has invariably been predominantly away fans and when arriving at the ground being met with a hugely larger throng of home fans coming from the Putney direction. Similarly, after the game there is a battle against the masses heading south which immediately subsides once you get past the Hammersmith End exit. There are Fulham fans living in Hammersmith and Shepherd’s Bush but in my experience over the years, not that many. |
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