| Forum Reply | My dad at 15:14 9 Apr 2020
So sorry to hear that, Bosh. Typical of you to write such a lovely post at such a hard time. You are always the voice of reason on here. And like others have said it was always nice hearing your just backs including mentions of your dad. |
 | Forum Reply | Half decent tv at 07:15 3 Apr 2020
Wisting was excellent on BBC4 I think. Just in the middle of Quicksand on Netflix. Very good, too. |
 | Forum Thread | How much exercise do you get a week? at 18:30 15 Sep 2015
I just had a check up and according to that bloody BMI index I need to lose some weight. I wouldn't say I was fat and I don't have a big gut, but according to my doctor I still need to lose some weight to get the BMI down. I was just wondering how much exercise you guys get a week. I'm 46 I play one hour of footy every Sunday I then practise golf for 2 hours later in the week I also get 18 holes a week in at the weekend I hate gyms so the only alternative is to do more walking. I feel like I could do more but with two kids and a ball-breaker of a wife :) its hard to get the time to do stuff. |
 | Forum Thread | Podcasts at 19:33 17 Oct 2012
I've found myself spending more and more time in my car lately because of work. Can anyone recommend any good, preferably free, podcasts to download. I've tried audiobooks but they send me to sleep which isn't the best thing when driving. Cheers. |
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