| Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:40 10 Jul 2020
Apples and oranges England is the one of if not the most densely populated Country in Europe They are testing more than we are, it’s simply not a fair comparison And anyway if they are having more infections then they’re in a better place if “if” there’s a second wave. Herd immunity is part of the mix whether you like it or not |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:09 10 Jul 2020
They’re craving bad news to say I told you so In reality things are getting better in England and coupled with that they have freedoms The curtain twitchers on here are afraid of this success it might mean they need to go to work |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 14:38 10 Jul 2020
More changes announced today Remarkably similar to England just a few weeks behind. I’m sure it’s a pure coincidence |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 08:23 10 Jul 2020
No I’m referring to relaxing restrictions not the initial lockdown Many on here were talking of a second wave how it was all so irresponsible |
 | Forum Reply | You’ve had your round of applause, give us your money! at 08:20 10 Jul 2020
I’m actually beginning to wonder why I’m engaging with you. You are clearly either being obtuse or you’re a troll. How you can jump to all of these conclusions based on me saying I think some people should pay parking is pretty odd. This isn’t debate this is looking for fight, calm down dear |
 | Forum Reply | The racists have won at 00:09 10 Jul 2020
Btw it’s uncalled for and I apologise to Drizzy. I’m sure he’s a good egg and in real life we’d probably get on. |
 | Forum Reply | The racists have won at 23:50 9 Jul 2020
You’ve never left Swansea have you? Probably married the first girl you met? Am I right? |
 | Forum Reply | Cooper to Bristol City at 23:17 9 Jul 2020
How the fck are people not satisfied with how Cooper is doing? Bemusing |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 23:16 9 Jul 2020
This is the point, no one really knows until this is all over. e.g. we might have higher deaths but another Country might have 20% unemployment which means higher deaths over a longer period of time We might be recording much better When this is over there will be an enquiry, we need to learn lessons not encourage cover ups. |
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