| Forum Reply | Trump v Zelensky at 14:12 3 Mar 2025
I'm in a similar position as you with knowing a good many people in Ukraine, due to so many tech teams being based out of there, the quality of Kyiv Polytechnic among others is producing so many good quality devs. Sadly, I've lost a colleague to the war who was called up as a reservist on day 1 and have another in hospital recovering from serious wounds. Others like you say are scared to leave to the house in Kyiv for fear of being picked up and forcibly enlisted. But, this could end tomorrow if the Russians withdrew. My view is that it should really come down to Ukraines allies helping to put Ukraine in the best position for it to negotiate peace, to retain as much of its sovereign land as possible and to ensure that this does not happen again in 2, 3, 4 or 5 years. What is happening is the opposite of that with Russia being put into an ascendancy. Supporters of Trump appear to like his negotiating style, I can't help but see it as very simplistic. Maybe I am just not smart enough to understand his weaving |
 | Forum Reply | Madsen Mins at 21:07 8 Jan 2025
Maybe... There was a lot wrong with that team at the start of the season. |
 | Forum Reply | Madsen Mins at 20:56 8 Jan 2025
It could be that he would be better in a team playing the style of football that Cifuentes actually wants the team to play. I can't imagine he goes out there with the intent of not getting involved, its more likely that the style just doesn't suit. Reckon Cifuentes will have another go at changing the style beginning of next season, may see him back in at that point. But he could equally be on his way. Either way it will be Cifuentes decision |
 | Forum Reply | Cook? at 16:04 23 Dec 2024
One can only imagine! And in public too! |
 | Forum Reply | Cook? at 15:55 23 Dec 2024
I thought I saw mention of it being a soft tissue injury? Maybe something Cifuentes said hoping to be true though. If true then 6 weeks, if not then no idea |
 | Forum Reply | Usyk V Fury at 23:40 21 Dec 2024
Fury taking the result well! |
 | Forum Reply | Usyk V Fury at 23:31 21 Dec 2024
Very happy with that! Thought Usyk had control of that but it was close |
 | Forum Reply | Usyk V Fury at 23:05 21 Dec 2024
Both may struggle to get to 12 rounds at this rate |
 | Forum Reply | Usyk V Fury at 22:34 21 Dec 2024
Sadly I think Usyk loses this one. |
 | Forum Reply | End of an Era? at 17:05 18 Dec 2024
Used to be able to cut straight through that bit of green in there before they put the fence up. Haven't gone that route for years, they should have warned us so I could walk that route one last time for the memories.... |
 | Forum Reply | Pub Landlord being sued by Terrorist at 17:01 18 Dec 2024
Amazing what gets people worked up these days. Some idiot sues someone over something stupid and the Sun feels the need to report it. Any excuse to use the word Terrorist I suppose, will help shift a few copies. Feel for you Bucks but can't imagine it will go anywhere, maybe you should counter sue for the distress. |
 | Forum Reply | Angus Gunn charged by FA at 18:10 17 Dec 2024
Interestingly, Google just published a study called "project Aristotle' looking into what makes their most successful teams successful. It wasn't that those employees were paid more, or that they were all 'killer' geniuses but rather it was down to what they call Psychological Safety, those employees felt able to take risks, share ideas and make mistakes without fear of negative reprisals. Treat people well and with respect and you get a reciprocal response. Probably just woke nonsense though! |
 | Forum Reply | Ashby at 23:38 14 Dec 2024
“But it's very QPR to turn the fire on a 23-year-old loaned right back, now playing left back, rather than asking how on earth we've recruited and retained our way into this position.“ I think you may have been banging that drum once or twice over the last few weeks (months) |
 | Forum Reply | McLean suspended for 4 matches at 17:03 12 Dec 2024
Just ridiculous whining from Norwich. It was a straight red, ref missed it so was retrospectively punished. I thought I read somewhere that it was appealed and they added an extra game ban for that. May have got that wrong though, if true it would also explain the time taken. |
 | Forum Reply | Storm at 03:45 9 Dec 2024
I’m not really sure it’s a debate is it? I was reacting to a post which dismissed human influenced climate change because the climate has always changed! How is that debating anything? Maybe we have different opinions on what a debate is. On the subject of football, there are some on here who are able to break the game down tactically and present their reasonings in amazing ways that I for one wouldn’t be able to, the higher up the league the wider the gap between my understanding of what’s going on tactically and the top managers understanding. Doesn’t stop me commenting on it but I wouldn’t exactly be on firm ground to tell them where they are going wrong. |
 | Forum Reply | Storm at 23:42 6 Dec 2024
Find it amazing how many people are suddenly experts on subjects they barely made it to secondary school level on. Imagine someone going into their work place daring to tell them how to do there job.. I accept that people should be skeptical especially in complex situations but to hear some people speak its like they are the bloody experts |
 | Forum Reply | Storm at 23:50 5 Dec 2024
The argument should possibly have been framed around energy security rather than human influenced climate change. Can’t understand why it’s not possible to build better flood defenses. But again it comes down to people not wanting to pay for it. Anyway, having this Saturdays game called off due to adverse weather wouldn’t be the worst thing, need to get some players back. |
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