| Forum Reply | In for a penny ITV at 12:40 19 Apr 2020
I've never seen such a rubbish programme in all my life. |
 | Forum Reply | The Brewster song. at 10:28 22 Jan 2020
Thanks for your replies, and still on the subject of songs, why don't we hear "can't help falling in love with you" (Elvis) any more? |
 | Forum Reply | The Brewster song. at 20:35 21 Jan 2020
377 people have read this message and i'm still waiting for someone to tell me what the lyrics are to this song; does that mean that they don't know them either? |
 | Forum Thread | The Brewster song. at 12:09 20 Jan 2020
Please can someone tell me the words to this song as I really can't understand what's being sung? |
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