| Forum Reply | Have the players turned on Ainsworth? at 21:25 10 Oct 2023
I apologise if it seemed like I was singling you out, that wasn't my intention. I was discussing the topic in a general sense and expressing my frustration with such posts in general. My main concern is that discussions like these tend to spiral out of control quickly when shared at a pub on a Saturday, and it can lead to someone getting unfairly targeted. Unfortunately, this has occurred in the past and may continue to do so. It's quite tiresome. |
 | Forum Reply | Have the players turned on Ainsworth? at 20:50 10 Oct 2023
I'm noticing a trend where people tend to assert their opinions as undeniable facts to align with their current perspectives. In my personal view, unless someone is directly involved as a player, part of the coaching staff, or has regular direct contact with them: 1)It's challenging to have a clear understanding of what's happening in the dressing room. 2)Assessing a person's character or their thoughts and actions becomes speculative. 3)Contributing to discussions on this topic lacks substantial certainty, unless one is overly self-confident. How can we truly gauge someone's character solely based on what we observe during a game or in an interview? From my perspective, I find the results, playing style, and in-game management to be subpar. Based on these factors alone, I believe a change is necessary. Other considerations don't hold as much weight for me. If there is indeed a player uprising occurring, it reflects another managerial failure and reinforces the argument for a change. [Post edited 10 Oct 2023 21:01]
 | Forum Reply | So, Chris Willock... at 00:06 20 Aug 2023
Disagree, Ipswich we're never gonna come out second half with the same set up. They came to us expecting an established championship side to dominate at home and when that didn't happen they took the game to us and got the win. 38% possession at home tells it's own story and if your gonna judge our performance on one off individual moments from players like Armstrong then your gonna look at every game thinking we've done well. |
 | Forum Reply | So, Chris Willock... at 23:34 19 Aug 2023
Think you're going off topic here! Regardless of the opinion on Ainsworth, if you can't tell the difference between the first half and the second half then there's a problem. The call to bring Willock off at half time was clearly pre planned and 100% the right call. He's not had a good preseason and was definitely blowing out of his arse. However, what he did do in the first half was clearly lacking in the second and not even you can surely deny that we were weaker without him. |
 | Forum Reply | So, Chris Willock... at 22:11 19 Aug 2023
Exactly, anyone questioning his work rate or desire to play for the shirt is either a moron or has alteria motives. Willock worked his bollocks off today and sadly is just off the pace at the moment. I'll take him all day long over most on that pitch and that includes the Ipswich players. |
 | Forum Reply | **Burnley Match Thread** at 09:57 23 Apr 2023
There's no need to get aggressive, just concerned about a fellow fans mental well being. 😜 [Post edited 23 Apr 2023 9:58]
 | Forum Reply | **Burnley Match Thread** at 21:20 22 Apr 2023
I know we're all happy about the win, but I'd seriously consider seeing a psychiatrist about the delusional thoughts you're having. Ainsworth has a plan 🤣🤣🤣🤣 wow, after all we've seen👠[Post edited 22 Apr 2023 21:23]
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