| Forum Reply | Youngest MLS player at 01:32 19 Jul 2024
Talking of young players Cathal O Sullivan at Cork is looking to be a great talent at 17. Would be worth a punt and leave him on loan for the next year or so. |
 | Forum Reply | Sinclair scores again at 23:53 21 Nov 2023
Was at the game tonight and Sinclair was a headache for the Italians for most of the game till he tired. Great play for the first, beat his man down the left wing and a nice pull back into a dangerous area. Pace and power in abundance. Deserved his goal albeit nothing spectacular. He genuinely loves every minute, proud during the national anthem and really tries to get the fans going with his enthusiasm and celebrations. I missed the scuffle at the end and just seen the aftermath but will be interested to see what actually happened. My mate who I was with said Sinclair chinned the Italian player. I think it was Gnotto from Leeds |
 | Forum Reply | what schools did you attend. at 20:36 27 Jun 2023
St Swithun Wells - infants St Raphaels - Northolt - Primary School Salvatorian College - for 1 year before I moved back to Ireland. Great times and my fondest football memories playing on both teams (along with Hayes End Wanderers at Barnhill). A number of Rs players (some first team but mostly youth) ended up coming from both schools during my time there (1988-94). |
 | Forum Reply | The best and worse of the area you live in. at 22:20 21 Jul 2021
Haha its a trek alright. That red Corolla had around 10 QPR stickers on the back window keep an eye out. Others didnt understand my excitement when seeing it given how few and far between we are. Do keep in touch sure and we can catch a match in town. |
 | Forum Reply | The best and worse of the area you live in. at 23:51 20 Jul 2021
Hey Brian, Think we may have spoke on here a number of years back. Are you living in Cork now then? I must literally pass your door everyday. Im living over near Anglesea street myself and was even closer last year as i was short term on the western road. Didn't realise you were so close we will have to catch a game. You don't by any chance drive a red Corolla covered in QPR stickers? I saw this car out the straight road in recent months. 90% of the homeless issue in the City is due to substance abuse from what I see, if the root cause can be fixed, most probably have homes and families to go to. |
 | Forum Reply | Furlough, there's only one Furlough at 19:30 1 Apr 2020
While the sky fees have been the foundation of these astronomical wages etc this one for me is on the clubs and players. All fans should boycott matches based on this initial response, players are privileged to do what they do but they dont realise it as the money has poisoned it all. Only by fans voting with their feet(and your sky recommendation) do football club wages no longer become viable and the whole thing comes falling down. This would need to be a global movement however. Wage caps are the only solution globally in my opinion. This in turn will reduce the need for the astronomical TV money given(reducing sky fees) and therefore clubs can be run on a lot less while at the same time making it more competitive again. In reality in 6 months nothing will change and Neymar will still get his €375k clapping bonus. |
 | Forum Reply | Furlough, there's only one Furlough at 19:04 1 Apr 2020
Completely agree Medway, Government should not have to prop up any premier league and most likely all Championship teams. The TV money received is more than adequate to sustain them. What Spurs did yesterday was embarrassing imo. All premier league players should have their wages frozen without issue for the duration of this and income should be funnelled down to sustain the livelihood of lower league teams. Its disgusting if you ask me and really makes me fall out of love with football even more. Premier league players make an average of 70k and are now sitting at home playing fortnite and fifa 20 and loving it. |
 | Forum Reply | just cancelled Sky sports at 23:17 19 Mar 2020
Just to update there is a pause button on the web portal now. Pretty seamless and they will apparently automatically resume it when the sport comes back on. |
 | Forum Reply | Irish General Election at 09:05 10 Feb 2020
Some interesting comments on here. As someone from Cork who lives and works between Cork and Derry/Antrim the divide in people up here still is vast, Within a 500m drive from my house up here i will meet 6 Union Jacks and this is a predominately catholic town, these people will not go quietly. The hatred and divide is still part and parcel of daily life. The segregation and lack of integration even by the youngest of both sides is still very apparent. I was never here in the bad times but always feel a little tension in the air up north, maybe thats just me. To talk of a hassle free united Ireland however is very ambitious. Similarly to the US and UK people wanted change and are tired of the old guard. The SF surge in the south is part due to change and part due to a romantic view of SF and a united Ireland. If there was a whole of Ireland referendum i have no doubt the result would be to unite but this would be made up of votes by many of my friends in Cork for example who share these romantic views yet have never stepped foot in the north nor will they after, they are having a say in something very alien to them, its an uneducated view and shows in the republican content they share around facebook etc but it is these people like my friends from Cork who would have a say on something they have never lived but listen to in Wolftones songs. Very extreme views from yourself there MrSheen but cannot see that in the times we live in either, trying any of that would not only alienate Ireland from Europe but then alienate SF from the people again. Would most likely result then in history repeating itself and asking Britain for military assistance. |
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