| Forum Reply | Are you a Yorkshire Daley? at 19:42 23 May 2020
Still no apology ....... Dear Editor, It was a great delight to discoverer through the 86th edition of the Read School newsletter that this fine school has links with a fine football club. Compared to the history of the school however, even though it’s over one hundred years old Rochdale Association Football club is a mere youngling. The club was the first ever to reach a major cup final whilst playing within the fourth tier of English football, until recently it was the ‘only’ club to achieve such a feat when some tin pot team from West Yorkshire managed the same. Sadly, that where the records end. From the high of discovering my favourite association football club is associated in some small way to The Read school, imagine my disappointment to discover the article went on to make completely unfounded claims about the number of Rochdale supporters that have ventured away from God’s own country, from the red rose county! The article made a veiled attempt to cover the complete lack of research undertaken with the use of ‘perhaps even’ but I expect more from such a highly regarded publication. I would strongly disagree with your numerical claim and can now back this up with data, real data, not that mythical data or as some would say fake news. Having undertaken a poll over a short period I can now confirm there at least thirty loyal supporters that are or have been suffering in this part or the world performing our missionary work. Given more time who knows how many there could be, there may even be fifty ! Most responses to my poll from those that went on to return to the better side of the Pennines ended their reply with a message along the lines of “then got released for good behaviour never to return.”, for me though, I fear that may not be possible and I do quite like it now that I’ve got used to the ways of the very odd folk in these parts. Can I suggest in future the appropriate diligence is followed in gathering at least sample data before making such baseless accusations. I await a full apology. Regards, Disappointed YorkshireDALEy Thank you for this thoughtful and considered response, Ian. I somehow knew that when I was penning those words this time last week, that they would come back to bite me. I thought myself safe though, when earlier this week, there was total Rochdale radio silence, but in my heart of hearts knew that it couldn't last. A man's passion and pride, once stirred, cannot be held fettered within. I really want to publish your letter in this week's edition, but feel that perhaps, the subject matter and the nature of the satirical discourse might be too much for some, that they might not appreciate the subtle layers of wit and repartee going on, such that they may wade in unknowingly, and wholeheartedly on the right, or the wrong side of the argument here. And who can say who is right? Suffice it to say, I will wholeheartedly and unreservedly apologise for my unfounded comments about Rochdale. All, I need to have at my disposal now, are the actual statistics and data in support of Rochdale's army of White Rose fans rooted in this locale that you intimated you would be able to supply. I am sure you will furnish me with those in due course, remembering that, in order to double the fanbase (i.e. to move from one, to two) you cannot include Harrison in your figures. Your loyal servant, The Editor. |
 | Forum Reply | Are you a Yorkshire Daley? at 16:30 19 May 2020
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I make it 17 so far including me and the boy. I'll send in the top 5 funniest replies into the editor, see if they make the next edition. |
 | Forum Thread | Are you a Yorkshire Daley? at 00:16 19 May 2020
I recently got a mention in my sons weekly school newsletter related to me being a Dale fan. The school has recently been connecting with ex pupils and in last weeks edition one James Proctor suggested he’d be the only ex pupil of the school ever to play professional football for Rochdale. I’ll be honest I had to look him up and it seems he had 1 start and a couple of sub appearances in the 95/96 season before he moved on to play in the US. The story went onto suggest that not only would James be the only pupil to play for Rochdale but that in all likelihood I would be the only Rochdale fan to live in Yorkshire!! If you’re now located located on the dark side or have lived over these parts for any period please let me know the town and how many Dale fans in your household so I can set the record straight with a strongly worded response to the editor in chief !! |
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