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Tactical approach
at 17:54 2 Oct 2024

Please please can someone thibnk of something different at free kicks.

I bemoaned this last season that all we do is either cross or shoot and always to no avail.

When they have two or three people in the wall, we have an advantage and when we stand two men over the ball I have said have one man peel off behind the wall and a short pass means we are in behind them and we take two or three of them in the wall out of the game! We did this ONCE last year and scored.

Separately, when we are kicking long and everyone goes to the right side of the pitch , the left hand side of the pitch is empty! Why cannot the keeper occasionally signal intent and two of our players be prepared to peel off as THEY know the ball is not going ointo the same place but is going left?!

Bottom line is DO something different, we are TOO predictable.

Stop passing to the other team (or Jude the cat! on the touchline)

Celar and Frey please anticipate and move rather than waiting for ther perfect delivery

The number of times last night where Nardi wanted to release quickly but no one was running was deplorabe!
Saito and Dembele Join - Loan (n/t)
at 19:17 13 Aug 2024

Nope-- seems to be it!

Hopefully they can talk to each other!
[Post edited 13 Aug 19:21]
Are we weak at left back??
at 01:25 12 Aug 2024

Ok, so now having seen two goals against us resulting from beating Paal on our left and crossing to score_ as teams did consistently last year and in the pre-season friendlies_ has anyone changed their pro Paal stance or consider that he needs support?

I like hime further forward but he lets people go past him and cross to our centre time and again
You ain’t are smart, you just is
at 11:24 3 Aug 2024

Ever wondered why it's Ping Pong or Bing Bong, Ding Dong, King Kong, or Sing Song and never the other way around? No....of course you haven't!

....but if it was it would sound wrong!

It is something you may not know that you know but there is a sequence of vowel changes it is always: I then O or I then A, or, if three words, then I A O.

So Clip Clop, Flip Flop, Hip Hop Tick Tock and Zig Zag, Mish Mash, Tic Tac, KitKat, Jingle Jangle or Bish Bash Bosh, Tic Tac Toe, Bing Bang Bong!

There is a similar rule, not taught in School, we all follow withought knowing which is why we have Big Blue Sky or Little Green men but never a Blue Big Sky or Green Little men! We all place adjectives in the following order without ever being taught to do so, we just pick it:

Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material, Purpose then the noun!

So we can have a lovely, little, old, rectangular , green, French, silver, whittling KNIFE but if you change ther order you'll sound like a maniac! (Extract from Mark Forsyth's Book "The Elements of Eloquence"- Chapter 8!)

Thought some of you may be interested whereas others may just think its Poo!

(i'm sure the will be some crass/ sarcastic comments but that's to be expected . However, I hope at least one of you smiles and thinks...No I didn't know that!

oh yes, bringing it back to why we are all here..."C'mon you R's"

Are we weak at left back??
at 21:40 29 Jul 2024

With respect -
No- not an over reaction based on pre-season as the OP clearly states!
It was a question and at least some if the replies concur that there IS a weakness there, if only lack of support/cover!

Let’s see how it pans out and whether teams again focus on a right sided overlap and crossing attack - as they have for two seasons!

Time will tell and, as both Marti and his post match interviewer said- better to react to things seen in friendlies than wait till the season and start losing points!
Are we weak at left back??
at 13:52 28 Jul 2024

Not a criticism, not a moan but an observation which I hope the team have seen.

Time and again for the last two seasons goals have come from teams getting round the back and Paal not being able (or willing) to commit to tackling and it is noticeable that the goal came from that same area yesterday.

Does Paal need support on our left?
Uncle Albert
at 18:22 23 Jul 2024

Good luck 'unc' and thanks for your commitment!

Spurs Reflection
at 12:21 21 Jul 2024

Too early to seriously crtique but watch out for 'Weakness down our left !'
( I stand in lower loft left of goal and very close to pitch so I see the opposing wingers etc coming my way!)

Others may have referred to this in passing above but all last season, even post Marti's arrival, teams exploited our left with constant overlaps, time and again, getting to the goal line and crossing or pulling back for strker in 6 yd box or on penalty spot to tap / nod in.

I would have hoped that would have been addressed but clearly it hasn't and I fear for goals against coming from that weakness.

On the whole it was a good display and whilst players did look off the pace and some passes went arry there were positives. Corners clearing the first defender, Lyndon tackling etc.

Don't feel we are a bottom 6 team but, as England, we will need our 'centre forwards' to increase their goals per game percentage this season.

Looking forward to it - C'mon you R's

at 12:07 21 Jul 2024

Re the hats and when to distribute, I had the same thought but a friend advised that

(i) A lot of dedicated Rangers supporters go to the pre-season matches so should be rewarded
(ii) A lot of 'potential' supporters might 'try' the game to see what they/ their children feel and this is a way of incentivising them

Last season they did give out scarves during the season so it works both ways but, as I say, i had the same thought!

Personally, talking of incentivising or getting new support, I'd like the club to offer known blocks of unsold School end seats (when away support is minimal) to local primary Schools at seriously reduced rates (£1 per seat or similar) as that would create a better atmosphere than lots of empty seats and as an aside the club would pick up some local supporters for the future. Just a thouight (probably a stupid one!)

(As for the caps the club did say come early as only available while stocks last and I admit to taking one extra for my grandson. Re eBay etc and caps being resold - If people are silly enough to pay £30 for them then that's their prerogative)
[Post edited 21 Jul 12:23]
at 11:51 21 Jul 2024

Nah - not always silly!

If sun shining and you are wearing sun glasses the 'brim' / 'peak' is doing the same as the glasses but your neck can still catch the sun, so cap round, brim protecting neck is sensible.

If no sun glasses then, yes squinting into the sun and cap turned round DOES look silly!

at 11:39 5 Jul 2024

If we are going to try and sell him photos like this just wont do!

Please can the publicity department invest in some picture editing software and relocate the ball to the end of his foot (I've donbe my best but sorry, don't know how to display picture!)
[Post edited 5 Jul 11:48]
at 12:43 23 Jun 2024

About 25 years ago an expert in human body movement (Kinesiology) advised FIFA, UEFA and the FA that, when running and tripping the automatic, unconscious, immediate reflex action was for the arms to go down toward the ground to prepare for the fall.

He sent videos of penalty awards and categorised them as 'true trips' and 'simulation' and recommended that the various groups advise their referees and assistants to watch for the arm movements and if the arms go up then it will ALWAYS be a conscious thought, indicating premeditation and an attempt to make the tackle look worse.

Around the same time another doctor advised the various bodies that if the body is harmed e.g. broken leg, ankle, etc. the brain shuts down the limb and keeps the body still so rolling over and over or lifting a limb off the ground is at worst, over exaggeration.

Once again with video evidence he showed what was a true injury , where the injured part immediately laid still, the brain protecting the injured part and what was an exaggeration of a knock.

A final check is that if someone goes down holding their face, the ref should get them to remove their hands and there will be a mark where they have been hit. If not there then consider over reaction!

It seems so obvious and whilst it may not work in every case I have always looked at the reports as a good guide as to whether it was a trip or a dive and whether or not someone is actually injured.
[Post edited 23 Jun 12:44]
You know you've made it when...
at 15:26 22 Jun 2024

It’s not an Eze crossword , is it!?🤔

Or maybe it is ?
[Post edited 22 Jun 15:29]
A season of three thirds: how Cifuentes and QPR beat the drop – Analysis
at 19:00 5 Jun 2024

Excellent piece
Crawley Town F.C.
at 17:15 20 May 2024

Have to say I was very impressed at Crawley's style of play and passing ability.

I'm sure some will come back and say that this is solely because they are in lower league and it is easier and more open but, nonetheless, I wouldn't mind seeing that sort of play week in week out and promotion too!

Any thoughts as to our poaching any of them because they seemed to be making an effort as opposed to 'others' we have secured from League 1 (now gone from our books- phew!)
[Post edited 20 May 17:15]
Petty Insanities
at 01:33 17 May 2024

Coming up to driver in middle lane of motorway, nothing in left lane, flashing headlights before I get there, beeping as I go by, then pointing left suggesting pull over as I carry on down the road in the left lane ........ and still believing, EVERY TIME that the simple, mindless or arrogant driver (still poodling along in the middle lane of my rear view mirror) actually understands or even cares about THEIR part in what just happened!

Every time...I never learn and I drive myself mad with it= why are there so many thick, ignorant or arrogant people on the road these days?

Thinking of crossing the roof of my car with a Chieftan tank turret, so I can blast these plonkers out of the way!

IF you are someone who drives in the middle lane, when there is nothing in the left lane watch out for the Ford C max with a large barrel on top coming up behnd you
Refereeing and Assistant Refereeing
at 17:19 16 May 2024

Just to let you know...I'm not criticising the assistants at all and everyone in life makes mistakes and that's fine.

I just didn't understand why the flag so often stayed down when the ball is, say, alongside the assistant and then, when it was explained to me, it seemed a reason that the assistants often get shouted at unfairly and surely, if this IS happening, why cannot the crowd be told at the outset?

A simple: the referee today is officiating ALL calls except offsides or the referee and his assistants are officiating today!

How hard is that to go towards preventing unfair abuse?

People want refereees and assistants to be treated with respect and a simple announcement would surely help to that end?!
[Post edited 16 May 17:21]
Refereeing and Assistant Refereeing
at 16:56 16 May 2024

Ok and thanks but clearly we DO see a difference and even watching on TV I watch the assisant and note that he/ she often keeps his/her flag down even when the ball has gone into touch beside him/her UNTIL the referee points and THEN he/she raises the flag!

If you haven't seen this (and, as I say, it is the same for fouls) please watch out for it.

There IS 'inconsistency' that the crowds see week in week out!
[Post edited 16 May 16:59]
Refereeing and Assistant Refereeing
at 16:47 16 May 2024

I'll try to set the background (as brief as poss) and then ask the question.

Two separate games (of many) watched this season

Game 1:

Two assistant referees and one referee.
Scenario 1 Game 1: Ball goes out of play on side line, assistant looks at referee, referee points, THEN assistant raises flag to indicate throw in .
Scenario 2 Game 1: There is an obvious foul directly in front of assitant but no flag, referee blows whistle for a foul and points indicating the direction of play arising from the foul (or of course arm aloft for indirect) THEN assistant raises flag to indicate foul.

Game 2

Two different assistant referees and one different referee.
Scenario 1 Game 2: Ball goes out of play on side line, assistant immediately raises flag to indicate throw in, referee points to indicate throw in .
Scenario 2 Game 2: There is an obvious foul directly in front of assitant, assitant raises and waves flag to indicate foul play, referee blows whistle for a foul and points indicating the direction of play arising from the foul (or of course arm aloft for indirect).

Clearly there is a difference in what the assistant referees do in Game 1 from Game 2

If we see the refereeing as described in Game 2 and then, the next game the refereeing is as Game 1, we get annoyed and abuse the assistant refs for not flagging and or abuse the ref.

I have tried to understand this disparity in the officiating that an assistant has and when he raises hs flag (aside from offsides and corners) and have been advised, by both referees and assitants, as follows:

PRIOR to commencement of game, in the dressing room, the refereee advises his assistants what he wants them to flag for with respect to foul play and ball in touch.

Some refs say that they want the assitants help (and we get the game 2 indication and the assitant involved in the game)

However.... and this is the point and the background

In other games the referee advises the assistants that he SOLELY wants them to look for and flag for offside and corner/goal kicks and NOTHING ELSE as he will decide!

If this IS the case (and from the refereeing and assistants in the Championship and other divisions can someone please explain straight (as opposed to humour or sarcasm please)

1: Why it changes from game to game- a nonsense surely?!
2: Why the crowd cannot be told which form of officiating we shall be watching over the PA prior to the start of the game?

There is a trend to try and prevent side line abuse and referee abuse but IF, from one game to the next you don't know if the game is being run by one pair of eyes or three pairs of eyes, THEN the crowd IS going to get infuriated when the assistant refuses to raise his flag- solely because the referee has told him before the game NOT TO!

It seems a madness but, now that it has been explained to me that it is the referee who decides (and we know what some of them are like) I would like to know where to correctly direct my frustration and not start singing " Lino Lino you're a (whatever)!" when, in reality it is to the referee!

Yes, there are a lot of sarcastic and humorous replies possible here but, trying to be serious, could someone please answer and explain this disparity in officiating matches.
[Post edited 16 May 16:50]
Rude songs thread
at 01:35 14 May 2024

Always makes me smile at Christmas as to how they got away with getting people to think it was "Don't let the bells end!"

The word Rock in a number of 50s songs often was an acceptable substitute for another word ending in CK (try it and you'll see what at least some of them meant) as was Groovin/ Feeling Groovy/ Into the Groove etc!
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