| Forum Reply | Jim Davidson at 04:56 18 Mar 2022
Jim has a decent right hook as well. We were in the same boozer one night about 20 years ago, and my very drunk mate started giving him some chat. Jim showed patience for about 2 minutes and then laid him out with one punch. He deserved it so we all shook hands and went home. |
 | Forum Reply | No court action? at 03:06 16 Feb 2022
Maybe I’m missing something. But with this new ‘protected’ share class of 5% and the seat on the board, there now seems absolutely no point or purpose to paying to be a trust member? The 5% stake is ‘guaranteed’ now, but is effectively meaningless in terms of providing any protections. The board have now effectively agreed to dilution down from its current level. So, why join or renew? It’s effectively become pointless. |
 | Forum Reply | The realisation and subsequent Cardiff meltdown is underway at 10:05 6 Nov 2021
Big decision for us today. Cardiff have Huddersfield, who are just a couple of points ahead of us and just outside the playoffs. If we win and they lose, we go above them. So, do we want Huddersfield to win 3-0 or 5-0 today? |
 | Forum Reply | Has the Swansea model collapsed? at 15:39 28 Jul 2021
‘Sadly for Swansea the PLAYER SALE MARKET HAS COLLAPSED and this model is failing. Grimes £5m is not good and they will no get much for Roberts either. The club must their simply make a small profit and keep good young players under contract for longer. The likes of Benda, Brandon Cooper and Garrick could stay longer and not get picked off if they do well. Adapt to the conditions or pay a heavy price.’ I suppose this is really what the sellouts meant when they talked about moving us to the next level, eh? |
 | Forum Reply | EU countries begging the vaccine off the UK at 08:51 5 Apr 2021
Since 2017, all new UK banknotes are issued with embedded RFID which, coupled with facial recognition on the private/public CCTV infrastructure, now gives authorities completely revamped means to track cash payments. Some issues still exist with synchronisation, but in urban areas they reckon they capture between 88-92% of all cash transactions undertaken, slightly less in rural. For captured transactions, about 80% are linked to a verified biometric/digital ID. Not even your cash transactions are safe. |
 | Forum Reply | Co-Commentator at 06:09 6 Feb 2021
Even when it’s on Sky, I’ll go for Swans TV if Wyn is co-commentating. Hilarious and hugely entertaining. Who really wants deep, technical unbiased analysis when watching the Swans? His commentary for the first goal last night was brilliant. |
 | Forum Reply | Jeffrey Epstein at 09:54 6 Jul 2020
You know this one goes high up when the Royal Family are the smoke and mirrors to deflect from the real story. |
 | Forum Reply | The racists have won at 09:51 6 Jul 2020
“Above the pale” sounds a bit racist as well. It’s beyond the pale. |
 | Forum Reply | The wait was well worth it. at 12:12 1 Jul 2020
The nose of the plane is used as the flag pole when painting flags in planes. Therefore it’s actually the right way up. /geekoff |
 | Forum Reply | Eccleston at 14:00 28 Jun 2020
That Amanda Davies is smoking hot though. |
 | Forum Reply | Shìt Joke thread..... at 12:23 23 May 2020
Researchers have conclusively proved that job interview questions are pointless. Reviewing interviews conducted in 2015, not a single person got the question “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” right. |
 | Forum Reply | Dead Pool 2020. at 15:56 12 Apr 2020
Are we calling this one an honourable draw this year? |
 | Forum Reply | Curfew at 00:27 26 Mar 2020
I always thought the OP was a freeman of the land where things like government laws didn’t apply to them? No natural law that’s going to stop me! |
 | Forum Reply | East Finchley at 08:14 23 Feb 2020
Depends what you want? Bald faced stag is just up from the tube and does a decent meal. Beer choices reasonable. |
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