| News Comment | Time To Get Behind "ALL" The Players at 10:02:44
I've never booed a player in a Saints shirt,whether warming up or on the field of play.Doesn't mean to say I haven't slated them good and proper post match though.Bad form to boo imho but you pay your money and I guess your entitled to do what you see fit...and it was Guly ffs! |
 | News Comment | Why Nicola Cortese Is Our Best Bet at 20:13:26
Most chairman aren't there to win a popularity contest and ours is no different.Were always banging on about consistency and giving managers time so let's do the same across the board(no pun intended).I'm sure NC does have an ego bigger than Scicily but trying to hound him out and concentrating all our efforts on behind the scenes stuff is getting us nowhere.I'm just a simple Saints fan who wants us to do well and don't have the first clue about what goes on behind the scenes and before the advent of the internet and twitter..neither did any of us. What we want and what we've got seem to be poles apart for most and who says that will change with a different regime at the helm.Maybe all manner of scandal will come out in years to come but for now the constant and tedious chairman bashing is getting us nowhere fast.Just get behind the lads like we do so well and leave the business to the suits.Maybe I'm being naive but that's how I roll on this one. |
 | News Comment | 21 Months In The Life Of Southampton FC at 21:57:39
'over the past decade or so we've tended to look at things in black and white'...Surely that should read red and white but apart from that a well balanced article. PS:What's the criteria involved that enables stalwart status,not disputing Pat's rightful and justified place at the table but was just wondering? |
 | News Comment | Saints V Sheffield Wednesday The Verdict at 16:48:41
We looked solid,calm and composed all evening aided by a toothless,relegation haunted Wednesday performance. Barney along with Fonte stood out yesterday with AOC and Chaplow both well below par,Lambert is looking a little leaner and keener which is a great prospect for our run in and the rest of the lads went about there jobs in a professional,workmanlike manner. Room for improvement?...always but 3 more points,another clean sheet and looking and playing like a team. Charlton are there for the taking on Tuesday so let's have a good go at them and dish out that hiding we've been promising. |
 | News Comment | Saints At Peterborough The Verdict at 15:51:11
Fair report apart from Barnyard in my opinion.Must be the difference between being there and watching it on the tv because i didn't think he made any decent contributions and went missing for most of the match.I also think that Chaps deserves a mention if we're talking of people running their socks off. |
 | News Comment | Saturday's Attendance Was Poor at 18:13:55
Feel that excuse is the wrong word to use,it implies that some kind of apology is being made.My REASON for not going on Saturday was that i went on Tuesday for the Brighton match and i had concert tickets for Saturday night in London and i wanted to take my wife out for a bite to eat beforehand.I took time off of work on Tuesday and including the match it became a six hour round trip so a fair weather excuse making fan i aint. I didn't want to go so i didn't! |
 | News Comment | Saints V Bournemouth The Verdict at 08:24:20
I thought the back four were solid,the support play was constant and the forwards held a good line all afternoon.Nothing spectacular but everyone did their job and the points are in the bag. |
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