| Forum Reply | How much longer? at 17:29 9 Dec 2021
Yes, and OJ Simpson is innocent, because it was proven in court. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 15:38 9 Dec 2021
You speak like someone who's never watched one of his shows. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 21:15 8 Dec 2021
Mate, just give up. You're never going to get through to them. The world is going to crap, and they just can't see it. No matter what you say; it won't change their beliefs. I don't know what will wake them up. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 09:23 8 Dec 2021
I'll disregard your views that I'm 'immature', 'uninformed', 'brainwashed' as they're downright derogatory and unsubstantiated. Listen, in the past few months in the UK and abroad, we've seen an unprecedented rise in heart attacks, sports stars collapsing and people dying suddenly in general. I believe 183 FIFA footballers/coaches have collapsed in the past 6 months, how can you be so sure that that can be ascribed to covid? If it was covid, why weren't these players/coaches collapsing last year in unprecedented numbers, when covid was at its worst? Yet for some reason, these players are starting to collapse after the mass administration of the jab. What a coincidence. We're also seeing rises in patients with cardiac problems in hospitals in Scotland, and we're are now seeing 300,000 more people with heart-related issues, however, according to the Evening Standard the problem is 'post-pandemic stress disorder.' Your characterization of that Alex Jones video, as far I'm concerned is absolutely ridiculous. Alex Jones is a remarkable individual who has had the global elites number for years. That video I linked is another example of that. In the video, Jones correctly predicts the emergence of mandated vaccines, new variants of covid, mutations, lockdowns, 'covid didn't go away because you didn't take your shots' months, months, months, before it actually happened. How can it be a conspiracy theory-type nonsense, if Jones was completely correct in his predictions. In my view, this Jones video is the dagger that the pro-covid vaxx types of this thread have no answer for. It indicates how the covid pandemic is being weaponized by the global elites and being used as a pretext to bring in a worldwide totalitarian system, that Hitler would be envious of. Alex Jones was entitled to his views on Sandy Hook. It's free-speech. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 23:38 7 Dec 2021
Seems as if the European governments are going down his route. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 20:49 7 Dec 2021
Alex was spot on in that video, and it was said well before vaccine mandates emerged and new covid variants hit. Why do you characterize Alex Jones as a fascist? He's merely a libertarian. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 20:46 7 Dec 2021
Listen, Scotia. I know it's been a bit heated in this forum; but just to let you know, I don't want to have an online spat with you or other people who support the jab. I just want to have a mature conversation with people on the covid jab - that's it. Aguero had covid in January 2021, and seems to have recovered from it in the same month, therefore, I think it's unlikely that covid was culpable for his collapse months later. You don't know that most of those players who've collapsed hadn't been vaccinated. The majority of the populace has, therefore, it's likely they were. It's also likely that the fans last week who collapsed at the football were vaccinated, due to the fact you need a vaxx pass to get in the stadium. Can you give me your honest opinion on this? https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=61a3efc5ac365c6d6de9159b |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 20:18 7 Dec 2021
They are. How do you know Aguero had a covid infection? He was vaccinated, surely he should have been protected from any severe problems from it. Where's the evidence that Fleck had covid? 'one thing that is clear is that a link to vaccination is unlikely.' There's been an increase in cardiac issues, and people collapsing after the mass administration of the covid jab. How is it unlikely that the covid jab is culpable for these increases in health problems? |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 19:28 7 Dec 2021
So why are sports stars collapsing in unprecedented numbers then? |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 19:24 7 Dec 2021
One doesn't have to read the full article; it says 'the combination of high prevalence and high levels of vaccination creates the conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge'; it does what it says on the tin. Furthermore, the article claims that 'the likelihood of this (new variant emerging) happening is unknown', which is quite alarming. [Post edited 7 Dec 2021 19:33]
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 18:57 7 Dec 2021
Nah, but that wasn't the vaccine; that was post-pandemic stress disorder. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 18:48 7 Dec 2021
I don't have the time to check if all one-hundred-and-eighty-three were vaccinated, regrettably. However, considering the majority of the populace is vaccinated, and the collapses are happening soon after most people have had their first two jabs, it's very alarming. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 18:45 7 Dec 2021
The information I've linked here says otherwise, you see. The authors of this information must be very thick, then. Which is quite alarming considering one of the linked sources is from Gov.uk. |
 | Forum Reply | How much longer? at 18:24 7 Dec 2021
If you're not aware of all the sport stars who are suddenly collapsing recently, I suggest keeping up with the news a bit more. |
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