| Blog Comment | The Mood: What's going on at Swansea City? at 15:29:38
I think that the majority of disappointment related to the non signing of Jo Allen, something that you have not even mentioned in your blog. The fact that rumour has it that he could have been bought for £10m and Jenkins offered only £8m definitely gave a bad feeling to this transfer window. Then to see him going to Stoke and afterwards to see Bony also go to Stoke , put the final lid on a depressing period. Also Jenkins has lost a great deal of respect because of his betrayal of the Trust in the takeovers add up to the real reasons for the gloom and doom |
 | Blog Comment | Why we need to get behind Garry Monk at 07:38:53
The biggest difference between Laudrup and Monk is that Michael Laudrup was coping with having to play five games in a fortnight and a squad that was suffering from many injuries as a result. How you can write an article comparing the two and not mention that is beyond me. |
 | Blog Comment | The Right Choice? at 06:26:03
Our board has fundamentally changed in the last year.They are no longer investors.They have had their 'loans' paid back to them in the form of dividends. Jenkins is no longer the fan overlooking the running of the club.He is an employee,and a very well paid one at that. If the Board were true fans, when they received their dividends they should have relinquished their shares,or at least part of them,so that the real power of ownership could have been passed to the Trust. This is what Mel Nurse did.He is a true fan. |
 | Blog Comment | Whose money is it anyway? at 15:54:36
A very interesting article.I personally see nothing wrong in the present system of shareholder dividends.The payments reward the original investors ,not all of whom are in the Morgan's class. The payments obviously ease the pressure of those shareholders who might otherwise have been tempted to sell their shares to raise much needed funds for themselves. The secret of the success of the club has been the apparent unity of the Board, and their trust in the Chairman.By paying dividends in this way therefore it is less likely that the shares are offered for sale on the open market,thereby allowing individuals or trust funds who are only interested in the club as a selling investment, to upset that unity. The fact that Mel Nurse sold his shares back to the Football Club rather than to another person, retains that unity, and as one would expect from Mel was the best way to proceed with that transaction from the Club,s own interests. An interesting aspect of the dividend route is that the Trust is and will build up substantial cash assets.I cannot personally see a lot of point in them retaining cash in this way, as the Trust would not be allowed to reinvest this cash in increasing its share capital. Perhaps they should consider using at least some of the cash to help young and disadvantaged people in the community, by paying for away trips, tickets, mascot costs, etc for such persons, who would never ever have the chance otherwise of having the Swansea City experience. |
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