| News Comment | Saints Ready To Sell Lambert ?? at 17:14:33
Oh I agree, it's a perfectly reasonable supposition, which is why I personally think it is no more than educated guesswork on their part. I'm sure that even SRL himself knows that there is a chance, however small we hope it may be, that if he cannot command a regular starting place for his club it will potential affect his World Cup dreams. Simplest thing for every is for him to knock in a few goals and Osvaldo to do likewise - then we'll all be happy! Easy this punditry business isn't it :-) |
 | News Comment | Saints Ready To Sell Lambert ?? at 16:30:49
Hi Nick, I don't know you, but you're a Saints fan, so that makes you alright in my book, but why oh why does it always have to be 'I told you so'. It's a shame because it sometimes detracts from some very good points you make. p.s. One small website (Goal) posts a speculative story, which gets picked up by other websites, then gets mention on a Saints Forum and finally makes it to the national press - it's still a speculative story sourced only by a very small website who are very unlikely to have any special inside knowledge. He may stay, he may go (and if he did I would wish him all the very best and move on without any recriminations towards the player, manager or chairman - that's football, that's life). Fair play for all the work you put into the site Nick, genuine hats-off to you for being more than a keyboard gobsh*te and the effort you obviously put it, but it shouldn't need to be you against those who disagree with your point of view, you're better than that I hope. |
 | News Comment | Saints Ready To Sell Lambert ?? at 16:30:44
Hi Nick, I don't know you, but you're a Saints fan, so that makes you alright in my book, but why oh why does it always have to be 'I told you so'. It's a shame because it sometimes detracts from some very good points you make. p.s. One small website (Goal) posts a speculative story, which gets picked up by other websites, then gets mention on a Saints Forum and finally makes it to the national press - it's still a speculative story sourced only by a very small website who are very unlikely to have any special inside knowledge. He may stay, he may go (and if he did I would wish him all the very best and move on without any recriminations towards the player, manager or chairman - that's football, that's life). Fair play for all the work you put into the site Nick, genuine hats-off to you for being more than a keyboard gobsh*te and the effort you obviously put it, but it shouldn't need to be you against those who disagree with your point of view, you're better than that I hope. |
 | News Comment | Rangers Administrators Sold Players Contracts To The Newco at 18:01:03
but you can rip up the contract of a footballer Nick if you have grounds to do so (gross misconduct or similar) the only issue in football is that if you want to terminate a contract of a footballer without proper grounds to do so you have to pay up that contract in full - which is the problem Pompey have. There is also the special position football creditors have. But that is not relevant here. No contracts were cancelled and no-one (it appears) wanted to do so from the Newco. It is actually pretty straight forward (although lawyers can always try to make a case as to why it is different). The legal matters at hand are the TUPE regulations. To my knowledge (and I have seen no evidence anywhere in the media that says differently - even Green has not given any indication here) there are no exceptions within the TUPE regulations that apply to football. It is the TUPE regulations that provide the legal cover for any employee to refuse to be transferred to the newco. As long as they give notice in the correct way and in the correct timescale - and the regulations do not specify a timescale only that it should be 'reasonable. To be fair it is that which Green may try to use to argue his case i.e. how long did it take the players to make it known they did not want to transfer and was the time that elapsed 'reasonable' BUT he cannot legally in any way shape or form claim that the TUPE regulations are not relevant because he paid some money that was accounted for as being 'for the transfer of contracts' the law does not allow for that. At least that is what my best-man who is a QC of 20 years standing confirmed to me. But you are right in one thing. If it involves football it will always get more messy than in almost any other industry. |
 | News Comment | Rangers Administrators Sold Players Contracts To The Newco at 17:03:09
but it does not matter what Green paid for what. It does not matter than he paid the administrators £2m odd (of a total of £5.5m) and that it was recorded as being for the contracts. The law and the TUPE regulations still provide the employee with the right to refuse the transfer to the newco should they wish to do so. No-one can legally force an employee to transfer to a newco simply because that newco has purchase the assets/goodwill etc of the old business. This whole issue will come down simply to whether or not the players invoked their rights under TUPE in the correct, timely manner, not whether a portion of the money paid by Green was accounted for as being for the players contracts. |
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