| Forum Reply | Banners at 21:31 3 Dec 2017
Garyjack, great to see that someone cares and has gone out of your way to find a price for doing this. While I'm not a rich my Christmas sock and jumper extravaganza should amount to £50 quid, so with permission from the other half I will gladly use it as a start to any fund.It would be the best present ever to see the look on the faces of the sellout when that flies over, and the cheer that would ensue.Not sure how to this will be arranged but I'm sure it is my pledge will only be the first of many,hope this truly happens. |
| Forum Reply | Banners at 20:41 3 Dec 2017
Sure we had a pilot called (Kinsey) on another thread (sorry new to doing this so don't know how to link anything) think it was about the runway at Fairwood. Job done pilot sorted (foc) hopefully. |
| Forum Reply | Banners at 14:33 3 Dec 2017
Big banner on the back of a plane flying over the liberty saying. YANKS ,JENKINS,SELLOUTS,GET OUT OF OUR CLUB....... Don't think they own the air above the liberty (yet) so no steward problem. Sky would have a field day and yanks would hate it bad publicity for them, O,h and all paid for by the fans representatives our supporters trust.... |
| Forum Reply | Blast from the past! at 16:50 7 Oct 2017
Sure my brother will know quite a few names, he's still in touch with a few of them but he is in Florida for the next ten days so I'll post some of the less obvious names when he returns. |
| Forum Reply | Blast from the past! at 15:27 7 Oct 2017
His name is Jason Thomas but for some reason they called him (Will) I think It must of been after me (William) as i was down there a few years before him ?? |
| Forum Reply | Blast from the past! at 23:59 6 Oct 2017
My only claim to fame in life ,my less talented younger brother is On the top row of the photo far left,bye god he's put on weight!! |
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