| Forum Reply | Cardiff will not stop until they have stolen everything Wales has at 08:40 19 Nov 2018
As a side note, I did email Julie James about the hospital. I'm expecting the 'we invest loads in Swansea - look at this new road we built' etc. But, we'll see. Start to think that fighting for Swansea is a lost cause - the population and the politicians want to damn it to eternal poverty |
 | Forum Reply | Cardiff will not stop until they have stolen everything Wales has at 10:37 16 Nov 2018
We vote in a government that continuously gives us nothing, gives everything to Cardiff, and we keep voting them in. How is that not thick? They'll now give Cardiff the lung Surgery, like they gave them the MTC and Neuro surgery, and so on. Just like they've closed the BBC operations in Swansea to centralise in Cardiff. Just like they supported Channel 4 moving to Cardiff. Just like they gave money to regnerate Penarth Pier but couldn't fund Mumbles Pier. Just like they spent more on the Millenium Centre than they have on any project in Swansea, ever. Just like they give Cardiff council more money PER CAPITA than Swansea Council, despite the higher GDP of the city, just like they heavily funded Cardiff Bay, and continue to with £20m p/a, just like they promised to create a second marina in SA1 then changed their mind, and so on, so forth. We'll keep voting in the same people who want to turn Wales into a city-state, and Swansea will get poorer and poorer. Of course public transport to Morriston Hospital isn't great from Cardiff, funnily enough, public transport to the Heath isn't great from Swansea either. But they'll still use 'overwhelming opposition' to stop the plan. We don't realise the situation, or, if we do, we are too apathetic to do anything about it. Not sure which is worse. |
 | Forum Reply | Cardiff will not stop until they have stolen everything Wales has at 16:05 15 Nov 2018
Welsh people are too thick to realise it's unacceptable. Only Wales would continue to vote in a government that fails in education, health, the economy, pretty much everything, with ever increasing majorities. This will continue forever, because Welsh people will never break out of their apathy to stop it happening. Red sash + donkey = Welsh people voting for them. |
 | Forum Reply | FAO Plaid Cymru Nationalists at 17:17 7 Oct 2018
Hahaha, so Welsh nationalism is all great, British nationalism is all bad. Do me a favour. Welsh nationalism is booing GSTQ at the Olympics (very inclusive), or measuring our success against how England fare in competitions, or blaming Westminster for the ineptitude of our own government. British nationalism is equally bad which is why parties like UKIP are a laughing stock. Welsh nationalists, as articulated above, hate everything British because of nonsense historical reasons. Again, the sheer fact they want to leave our biggest market and where we get the majority of our money from (who do you think pays for free prescriptions because it isn't the call centre jobs across south Wales) to expatriate those powers to a foreign power who we don't elect...all so we can be slightly different to England. It's so strikingly xenophobic it's laughable. |
 | Forum Reply | FAO Plaid Cymru Nationalists at 10:16 6 Oct 2018
Okay, so, few points. Regarding the hatred of the English, pretty obvious from all Welsh Nationalists, i.e, Kilkenny and Trampie. You also see it a lot on social media, for example, those that won't support Team GB because it's too english or whatever - Look at the furore over entering a Team GB football team at the Olympics, despite no evidence suggesting that we'd be forced to give up independent football status. I see so many people blame England for every ill this country faces, when many of our problems are created by the Welsh Assembly, but because it's Welsh, it's meekly accepted. Also the fact that they refer to anyone who doesn't want Welsh Independence as a 'Brit Nat', conflating the idea of what nationalism is. Nationalism isn't patriotism, or even dual identity. Nationalism is what the nationalistic parties (like Plaid, SNP, UKIP) strive for. This just denigrates the argument and comes across as 'anyone but England'. As has already been pointed out, it's unlikely that Spain would allow us to join the EU, even if the other 27 did agree, so no, we wouldn't be able to trade as we currently do with England. It's kind of like what the ROI are doing now; angry that Britain voted to leave, but don't see the paradox that they also disliked being ruled by a foreign power. The EU is not the all-saving factor our liberal press would have you believe, or otherwise, unemployment wouldn't be lower there than in south Wales, which is far more economically deprived. This almost certainly comes from our ties to England. If we 'went it alone', we'd end up like an eastern European country, living on handouts with soaring unemployment. But, at least the hard left nationalists would have the satisfaction that we're no longer tied to England. Also, regarding the point that 'we don't get aid from England, we pay taxes', the same is true of the EU. The UK is a net contributor, and during the whole time we've been in the EU, Wales has remained one of the poorest regions in the UK, yet we still are told that the EU has created endless wealth here. Bigger cities, like Cardiff, Bristol, London have done very well out of it. The poor areas have stayed poor. I still don't get why people want to leave the UK, where we get more money from, and have historic ties, to become independent and give all those powers to a supranational government based hundreds of miles away...unless it's because it's an anti-English thing. Happy to be ruled in Brussels, but not Westminster. Seems the long and short of it |
 | Forum Thread | FAO Plaid Cymru Nationalists at 11:34 5 Oct 2018
Can someone explain something to me, please? So, you want to leave our biggest market (the UK), on top of all the financial aid we get from England (infinitely more than from the EU, the south east of England basically bankrolls the UK), to join the EU and expatriate those powers to another foreign power in Brussels? This post isn't meant to be inflammatory, I genuinely don't get it. Besides an irrational hatred of England, the stance of 'life isn't worth living outside of the EU', doesn't match with 'life isn't worth living inside the UK'. They're entirely contrary, in fact. If you want independence, and be in charge of all our own rules, then fine, I get that, but then don't then gift all those powers to Brussels. If you're concerned with leaving the single market, why would you advocate leaving our BIGGEST market - not to mention the number of people who commute across the border. The EU isn't the land of milk and honey that the nationalists and media portray it, just look at youth unemployment across the EU - there are much bigger and wealthier countries with higher unemployment rates than us, because we're part of the UK. It just strikes me as 'we're willing to take anything to stick it up the nasty English', but would love clarification on how these two stances aren't contrary. Thanks |
 | Forum Reply | Take Action: Stop Cardiff from stealing more from Morriston at 09:33 20 Aug 2018
Surely there can't only be 6/7 people who care about our hospital? The rest of you will, no doubt, complain afterwards that 'Cardiff gets everything', continue voting Welsh Labour, without realising the irony of your laziness. One day, it may be your mum, dad, child, or sibling who needs this hospital, and they'll be forced to travel 50 minutes because too many people are too lazy to fill out a form. I despair for Swansea some times. |
 | Forum Reply | Take Action: Stop Cardiff from stealing more from Morriston at 12:42 10 Aug 2018
Well done, all. More voices the better. Apathy has allowed Swansea to get into this state. If we're not careful, Morriston will be a shell of a building, which means the city loses all its doctors too as they move to Cardiff to train in another centre of excellence. |
 | Forum Reply | Take Action: Stop Cardiff from stealing more from Morriston at 15:25 9 Aug 2018
Thank you all. The more voices we add to show there is support for this decision the better because Cardiff is gearing up for a fight on this, and as we all know, they always win with the WAG. @jack_lord, you just fill out the form supporting the decision |
 | Forum Thread | Take Action: Stop Cardiff from stealing more from Morriston at 08:53 9 Aug 2018
The WAG are banking on nobody from Swansea filling this out. That way, when they get tonnes of complaints from the spoilt brats, they can say 'due to overwhelming opposition we have decided to stop the decision'. Please, take two minutes, fill out the form, and try and stop more services being sucked into Cardiff, leaving us with a skeleton hospital service which is not fit for south west Wales. http://www.whssc.wales.nhs.uk/thoracic-surgery-services-in-south-wales You never know when it'll be you or your loved ones who need this. Remember, apathy is the enemy. |
 | Forum Reply | Now Cardiff is trying to steal more from Hospital at 15:47 3 Aug 2018
This, in a nutshell. But the morons of Swansea continue to vote them for historic/uneducated reasons. @MrSwansea, locally, I voted labour because I’m a big fan of Rob Stewart, very pro-business and all this city deal stuff has happened under him. More has been done under his stewardship then the rest of my life (and I’m 30). For those who care about our city and our hospital and don’t want it to be an outpost, please fill in this form because you know Cardiff will be throwing their toys out the pram about it and they need to know there’s support for moving services to Swansea http://www.whssc.wales.nhs.uk/thoracic-surgery-services-in-south-wales |
 | Forum Reply | Now Cardiff is trying to steal more from Hospital at 12:26 3 Aug 2018
We do indeed, the Welsh may well be the thickest nation in Europe, demonstrated but our appalling academic results and awful GDP. But, for the 5% who actually care about our future and don’t just vote labour because their families have always voted labour, it’s really sad to see this happen. It drives me crazy that they get away with this and the cretins of Swansea are happy to let it happen. Always victims, always complaining, never do anything to change it. This has to change or we’ll forever lag behind the rest of the UK. |
 | Forum Thread | Now Cardiff is trying to steal more from Hospital at 11:13 3 Aug 2018
They really are the spoilt brats who get everything and won’t let anyone else have anything. How long until Welsh Labour reverse the decision and apologise to Cardiff? At the end of the article, there’s a link to the consultation, please fill it out before they steal more from us |
 | Forum Reply | Promoting a business at 11:52 9 Jul 2018
Fair point. Well, I've started doing some freelancing, digital advertising (Google Ads, Bing Ads, social media ads etc). If anyone is interested, or has a business to promote, feel free to take a look https://swanseappc.com/ And, of course, if it's not allowed, please remove |
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