| Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:32 6 Jul 2020
Now that the Welsh Gov are allowing 2 households to meet up meaning lets say grandparents from one house hold being allowed to visit there grandchild etc, do you guys agree with this or would you still feel to weary to allow it to happen. |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:45 5 Jul 2020
You still do not get it do you, they have saved an immense more amount of lives than 5000 because they did not lock down and continued normal medical care for everything else, how can u possibly not understand that. |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:41 5 Jul 2020
Most states in the USA are bigger than England, Brazil is a far more heavily populated as well and is a filthy country with a very poor health care system, maybe you should avoid making comparisons, at the end of the day Sweden did not lock down and out of a population of 12 mill or so have had only 5000 deaths and have saved a lot more than 5000 lives by continuing there health care as normal now like you I am no expert but am just going by the facts. |
 | Forum Reply | If we persevere at 18:23 5 Jul 2020
Can not build a team full of other clubs players, honestly think we have been lucky with a lot of results this season, also some very strange team selections and decisions by Cooper has cost us quite a few points, hope I am wrong but I can not see us being so fortunate next season with a with a new squad of on loans and cheap as chips signings. |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 19:08 4 Jul 2020
The Hospitals have been empty in most places and they still have denied patients with the potential to die from far more serious stuff than the covid virus, and you do not know for a fact that the hospitals would have been crammed, an example of that is Sweden, they never locked down and to this day have only 5000 deaths, granted more than there neighbours who did lock down however due to continuing normal medical care for everyone they estimate to have probably saved up to half a million lives in the long run. |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:58 4 Jul 2020
Really, now I do not recall that, maybe you are thinking of someone else, commenting on Wales and Holidays. |
 | Forum Reply | Leeds Match Change at 18:48 3 Jul 2020
Hope not, took a bet out over a year back that we would be relegated to division one during the 20 - 21 season losing pts may effect my winnings. |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:38 3 Jul 2020
Yep and stop neglecting the millions that are being stopped from there routine check ups, start seeing these people asap or the deaths caused by this neglect will far outweigh those caused by covid, as I said earlier this is an impending ticking time bomb. |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:31 3 Jul 2020
The vast amount of people who will now die in the not to distant future due to not having access to early diagnosis and treatment for the many serious illnesses out there will not be alive and able to go places, you just do not see the bigger picture do you. |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 18:36 1 Jul 2020
People still can not grasp the fact that the lockdown is going to cause way more deaths from other illnesses in the long run than those caused by the virus, everyone debates is the lockdown being ended to soon or not, yet the really serious issues and impending time bomb of people not being to access early diagnosis and treatment due to the lockdown seems to not register in most mindsets. |
 | Forum Reply | Lucky Dip at 18:37 27 Jun 2020
Not negative mun, he is just being realistic. |
 | Forum Reply | Trump rally at 18:55 21 Jun 2020
I know, my spelling is dreadful. |
 | Forum Reply | Trump rally at 19:25 20 Jun 2020
Visits to Auschwitz, Dachau and Sachsenhausen concentration camps, the Eagles nest and the Bergof in Berchtesgaden, Shindlers Factory and Amon Goeths house in Krakow, Nuremberg to visit the rally grounds and the court house were the infamous Nazi trails took place, Lidice outside Prague, also Berlin and Munich for obvious reasons, El Alamein war cemeteries, Shindlers grave in Mount Zion and quite a few other places proves your point I guess. |
 | Forum Reply | Anyone been to Egypt? at 18:42 20 Jun 2020
I found the Pyramids quite disappointing, Cairo was and eye opener to say the least, well worth getting a taxi tour driver to really get into the nitty gritty of the place, Luxor and the Nile were amazing as was the Valley of the kings, we went with Marella cruises and Petra in Jordan was in the itinerary as well, had a great choice of excursions to choose from. |
 | Forum Reply | Trump rally at 18:33 20 Jun 2020
You should not bring Adolph into this, the Nuremberg rally's were a far greater spectacle than a Trump rally. |
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