| Forum Reply | Management stats at 10:30 13 May 2013
What a load of bollocks. The most accurate way to do it is to compare the reverse fixtures. But that doesn't suit does it.......... |
| Forum Reply | Are you sure? at 11:32 11 Feb 2013
I'd check the timings of the appointments of Chairmen if I were you. Oh, and I suspect that you really need to be thanking Georges Prost. |
| Forum Reply | Cortese / SFC at 13:29 6 Feb 2013
Absolutely, I mean how dare Cortese introduce Liebherr to save our club from a long and painful death, install an ambitious yet achievable business plan, improve the infrastructure of the club, weed out underachievement, seek continual improvement in every part of the club AND deliver it! It's fecking outrageous. |
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