| News Comment | Hung by his own players, Hughes now in untenable position — full match report at 01:58:26
Very sobering thoughts one and all. Sitting here in sunny Oz it is hard to imagine the frustration you dedicated supporters must be going through... and wonder what we may have been like IF we had genuinely developed some of our own through the 'academy?' As we are seeing, 'first class' players come with BIG dollars and a range of mixed emotions - Emo's if you like? Neandathals more like it! Whereas young tyrons come with ONE attitude - to give everything to be accepted into the big league. A champion team will ALWAYS beat a team of 'champions!' Let's hope this embarassment stops... and soon! |
 | News Comment | Hughes’ old pals act continues with Johnson signing at 05:50:03
This happens in Australian Rules as well... but then again most of those clubs do not have an Academy like QPR! What happens with all those lads? Surely you must introduce them to senior football slowly - yet none of them seem good enough to play seniors. What the hell are they doing at the Academy then? How many of our own 'graduates' played senior football last year? You want speed... skill and a healthy competitive attitude - surely one or three fo these boys will give that over the journey? Use 'em or lose 'em... |
 | News Comment | Lessons unheeded, QPR down to ten and beaten at home again — full match report at 07:57:44
Sometimes the further away you are - the clearer the solution becomes. What we need are some REAL men playing for the R's! A little more physical presence to make some of the boys 'grow a leg.' No - I'm not talking about boofheads... just good hard toilers who care about the club and their performances. BIG cheques don't equal ability or determination. Some of the best footballers going around are those who have had to fight and scrap for their very existence in EPL. Harden up for goodness sake you nancy boys! |
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