| Forum Reply | Innnnn one - Report at 17:04 26 Oct 2023
Super, Smashing, Great. Thanks Clive. It is a sad fact that for much of the past year, the only pleasure I've gained QPR wise, is that derived from reading your reports. [Post edited 26 Oct 2023 17:05]
 | Forum Reply | Everything we’ve come to expect from this team and more - Report at 21:44 17 Apr 2023
Thanks for the reporting throughout the season Clive, so much more entertaining than the games and the source too of beautiful, delicate phraseology now much plagiarized in my professional life. “Knowles, your draft report of February 23, you’ve served me another dogshit sandwich.” It’s hard to see a single positive element about any solitary aspect of the club at the moment. I fear a long absence from the Championship. Maybe Disney+, Amazon, Apple TV or Netflix can syndicate a couple of Hollywood A listers to take over a basket case London club and make a docu-series. They could kick off the series by getting some faux tribal bloke in to do some chanting or maybe a witch doctor to curse the opposition. Actually, that would likely be considered just too ridiculous for a reality show. At the moment, it seems that’s the sort of left field miracle we need to rejuvenate what is a clearly failing and wholly unsustainable business. |
 | Forum Reply | Season ticket cancellation at 20:08 15 Mar 2023
Yeah, everyone should jack in their season tickets. Best only support a team constantly winning eh? “Fans” like that should stick to Manchester clubs or Liverpool. Or if you want real certainty, why not go support Celtic? Most clubs have long periods of ups and often longer periods of downs. If all fans were like the op Sunderland, Bolton, Bradford, Charlton etc would be out of business, as would we. |
 | Forum Reply | Best and worst gigs you've attended at 21:47 13 Mar 2023
I’ve seen The Cure many times over the last 35 years, always great. Elbow and James similar. My two worst gigs by a country mile, Stone Roses at Wembley, they were clearly disinterested, Ian Brown had long since had lost his voice, just awful walked out. Also, Maroon 5 Wembley Arena, barely spoke to the audience, played their formulaic crap set and only at the very end, when they were filming a video for what was to be their new single, did they bother to interact with the audience as they wanted to film the crowd all hyped up. Utter rubbish, didn’t help that I can’t stand the band I suppose. |
 | Forum Reply | Something about a massacre on February 14 - Report at 00:00 16 Feb 2023
The glass is half full …….. of pi55. It is conceivable that if we perform like that again on Saturday and Borough perform as they did this evening, the goal tally could reach double figures. I don’t think I can recall such an immediate and subsequently prolonged slump, we are truly shocking. Feel sorry for Critchley. I think he’s powerless to do anything about it. Not sure anyone could. Can’t see anything but relegation ahead. |
 | Forum Reply | Peter Gabriel at 21:50 12 Jan 2023
He’s an incredibly talented musician, composer and songwriter. Fantastic live performer too, seen him a few times.I don’t think he gets the recognition he deserves. Having said that, what do I know? I think Bowie was hugely overrated. I don’t get rap at all (especially the likes of Playboi Carti - my sons present chosen listen) yet some rappers are deemed genius. The grunting of Springsteen and the grumbling mumbler that’s Dylan have both always left me at a loss to understand how some people almost consider them deities. |
 | Forum Reply | The Beale's bailing thread... at 16:46 27 Nov 2022
I agree, the silence has done nothing to assist and the position could be fast becoming untenable. |
 | Forum Reply | The Beale's bailing thread... at 16:41 27 Nov 2022
Not sure we know for a fact it was Amit responding, my understanding is that such social media accounts are easy to replicate. We should be as wary of what is posted on here as is put on any of the rag media. For instance, on planet LFW, Amit is a billionaire, when in the real world he is actually the ex-son in law of a billionaire. His worth is not remotely that of his former in-laws. It is rumoured Amit was allegedly given the QPR role to keep him employed and away from the core Mittal family business, that too could be BS, of course. |
 | Forum Reply | The Beale's bailing thread... at 15:52 27 Nov 2022
Wow - so much venom. Seems to me there has been nothing but speculation built on media rumour. All we know for a fact is that he went to a Rangers match. If he or the club are guilty of anything, it’s failing to issue a firm press release one way or the other. This has just allowed the rumour mill to fester. Some of the comments on here, based on what little fact we actually know, are appalling in my humble opinion. |
 | Forum Reply | Mick Beale at 00:22 20 Oct 2022
Come on Les - offer MB a £10M bonus if he gets us promoted. It’s a drop in the ocean of the financial gains we’d get from a promotion. It will make his decision far simpler. |
 | Forum Reply | Worst ever player at 00:34 5 Aug 2022
When we were the Premiership Players Last Hurrah Benefit Fund we hired a sack load of 5hit players. Park Granero Samba Bosingwa But for sheer money grabbing stubborn hanging on, SWP must be up there. |
 | Forum Reply | well i'm content anyway. at 17:30 31 Jul 2022
As the only team in the Championship yesterday to fail to lodge a single shot on target and with the equal lowest number of shots of any team off target (just 4) I am far from content. |
 | Forum Reply | Worst film you've ever seen. at 19:23 24 Jul 2022
Just about anything with Jim Carey or Vin Diesel or has in the title anywhere the words “Fast / Furious”. The Adventures of Chris Fable - bought this horror of a DVD 10 years ago for my then 5 year old son. We still laugh at just how dire it was. By and large, most films that are a number 2,3,4 etc. The more the franchise is stretched the thinner the plot, the imagination and quality. Possible sole exception being Godfather trilogy. |
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