| Forum Reply | Katie Hopkins at 00:35 20 Jun 2020
"didn't last long in the position apparently" She didn't win, wasn't even in the final so how the fk could she last long in the position. |
 | Forum Reply | Am I racist at 07:42 14 Jun 2020
Racist?.. I don't know I no longer read any of your moronic posts. Tvvat?... Oh yes. |
 | Forum Reply | Darran should not be mod at 11:30 11 Jun 2020
This is like compilation album of priceless threads. Now thats what I call Planetswans - Vol2 |
 | Forum Thread | The new normal - Bus W@nkers at 18:12 3 Jun 2020
Had cause to take the 7-43 to town this morning, I get on at the routes "turn around point" Bus was "full" i.e 10 people on board, after 3 stops. Bus drove past at least 20 people at various bus stops en-route to Kingsway. I cant imagine what it was like later in the day. I wondering how this, and other services(shops etc) will hold up as more people seek to use them. |
 | Forum Reply | Pennard cows!! at 19:38 30 May 2020
Dont fk with Pennard cows. Nails. |
 | Forum Reply | "White lines" at 18:46 28 May 2020
Star Lords mum in Guardians of the Galaxy. |
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