| News Comment | Chekhov's winter - Awaydays at 07:41:10
As usual, a wonderful write up, Clive. And, also as usual, the injection of humour goes a fair way to lessen the senses of pain and despondency. It will, no doubt, be a challenging winter. But more than this, I was genuinely moved by your opening section, and description of those bleak school days. I was sorry to learn that and empathise, (though in my case it was because I ended up going to a grammar school, having made the mistake of passing my 11-plus). Thinking positively, maybe your mum was right about such challenging experiences being character building (if you can survive them)... not sure the 0-5 drubbing will have the same effect, but hope springs eternal, and we are currently sitting in our happy 16th position in the league. |
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