| Forum Reply | Amy Prosser at 20:57 24 Apr 2015
Hi Darran, It's Marcus here. I know we had our differences during my time on the old planet swans, but I'd still like to say that I'm sorry to hear about Amy and hope she makes it though. As you definetly know being her father, she's a strong person and a great kid who's always looking on the bright side of everything, all despite her problems. Been keeping my fingers crossed for her ever since I saw this thread. I only seen Amy once outside the Liberty knowing it was her from her photos, but didn't come up to talk to her as she wouldn't know who I am, although I do know Brymill Jack (Steve) who I met after that 4-4 Wolves game after asking him if he posts here. Football is taking a back seat for me from now after reading all of this thread. Leon and Trunds are both brilliant players and people, especially having met them both and how amazing for them to do what they have done. All the best to you and your family and keep up hope for Amy like you have been since the start. |
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