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Challenging the paradigm of whiteness?
at 20:53 10 Jul 2024

Challenging the paradigm of whiteness?
at 17:02 10 Jul 2024

Next up a visit from the 'purest of the pure' Robin Diangelo who will be paid thousands for an hour or two lecture involving her own sanctimony and hot-air to tell decent people what sinners they are by their very birth.

Seriously many sections of Western society have become a never-ending April Fool day!

Challenging the paradigm of whiteness?
at 16:12 10 Jul 2024

Could you imagine if the yokels in Cardiff Bay were as keen to repair or replace that impossible to sit in broken seat in Morriston A+E as they were to wasting money on a load of absolute b0llocks.
Challenging the paradigm of whiteness?
at 13:12 10 Jul 2024

Wow £130,000 to waste! I

A very close relative of mine ran two clinics for Swansea Bay University Health Board, was part of the three member clinical (not admin!) team/delagation that used to compare notes with the brightest and best from here, there and everywhere when traveling to 'conference' in Dublin etc.

Her opinion on this nonsense, this dung-heap of pseudo-science, this psychobabble, this absolute poison, this quackery manufactured by imbeciles to cater for other imbeciles so that parasites can line their pockets to virtue signal?

Her opinion word for word i.e. “A LOAD OF SH1T”. But don't worry folks some public sector pen-pusher, white collar waste-of-space or university academic outside of medical proffesion will hail its importance.
European Elections
at 16:59 9 Jul 2024

I shudder thinking about the sheer weight of number (Swansea judge description "epidemic") of foreign organised crime gangs that are now operating amongst us, but hey the majority of us neither welcomed or wanted it, thus making us all a bunch of fascists and Nazi's.

And to think this is just the start of far worse to come!!!!
European Elections
at 16:46 9 Jul 2024

You've got to (if you don't laugh you'll cry) find the hilarity of crackpots who label nearly everyone and everything as "fascist" and "Nazi".

Could you imagine if these idiots who label people as Nazi's and fascists were told in advance that their holiday flights were to apply exact 'gapping-hole/security breach' standards as French/U.K cross channel border control and security? Ummm border control and security that the "fascists" and "Nazi's" want!!!!

No I.D required, no security, just walk right through, all comers welcome.... take your seat and enjoy the flight sitting amongst the guys who arrived on board without any passport or baggage check!

European Elections
at 15:33 8 Jul 2024

Apparently one of the victorious coalition parties wants an unlimited; no holds barred "everyone is welcome" immigration policy/intake from countries judged to be affected by climate change.

Mmmmm a billion+ total living in places deemed to be so?

Excuse me whilst the ready-mix lorry parks up and pours 200 M³ of quick drying cement into 100 M³ shuttering capacity! Carefull where you tread and sink!

I guess this new French government (or should I say shower of sh*t?) will be extremely bad news for Labour's fight against illegal immigration also? Because apparently the (LOL) 'bad guys' that lost wanted to prevent a societal catastrophe from overpopulation and unvetted illegal entry by means of those old fashioned thingy's called "border control" and "capacity to cope".

And apprentley wanting to prevent a societal collapse, to advocate law and order, and to deport Islamic hate preachers etc.... IS according to those gloating?..."Nazism".....Phew ain't Labour lucky that the "bad guys" lost?

European Elections
at 13:26 8 Jul 2024

Very educational this video.

A complete and utter stitch-up to derail democracy and an election result/victory for Le Pen?

Apparently Macron's centrists and the left ganged up to form what's known as the Republican Front, to then tactically withdraw to reduce the number of seats that Le Pen could win. (1:12s in video)

And what a bunch the Republican Front are i.e. a coalition of communists, radical greens, socailists, pro-Hamas supporters and anti-Semites.

European Elections
at 11:14 8 Jul 2024

Labour better have a good plan to stop the boats, because if not? Those small boat arrivals are going to increase dramatically from here on in.
European Elections
at 10:40 8 Jul 2024

Aye, the possibility of even greater numbers of illegal arrivals entering the U.K because France will have a new government with a hard-left coalition partner is something to be rejoiced about apparently. LOL!!!!

That’ll really keep hundreds of thousands of undocumented males of military age away from U.K shores?

And it'll hit Labour, because it has two alternatives? Keep the boats coming in ever increasing numbers. OR? Transport them in ("safe and legal routes") free-of-charge via goverment assisted transport to avoid bad publicity. That'll open the floodgates (New York/U.S style) to huge numbers to scary to contemplate.

Why are WOKE/lefty-loons the thickest individuals imaginable?

European Elections
at 21:59 7 Jul 2024

Now if Labour was true about its stated intent and opinions regarding illegal immigration? It may end up with a severe headache at the ballot box in the future because of this very result?

This woman was an hardliner type whom I guess may have tried to enforce that once-upon-a- time immemorial thingy called “border control” that used to be seen as an absolute necessity as far back as the early 2000’s.

So this will mean that it’s extremely likely that if the status quo is allowed to continue? It’ll be a case of even more hundreds of thousands of unvetted/undocumented males arriving on U.K shores within the next decade to add to the 130,000 that have arrived over the last few years.

Now call me picky? But the U.K that has ended up as THE ideal destination (as proven at Crown Court level!) for the Narco-state criminal gang epidemic.......most wanted fugitives, criminals and terrorists?

Would it have been better if it was/is no longer so because someone across the sea was making it vastly more difficult for these types to enter?

I find it very alarming
at 20:29 7 Jul 2024

The cloud-cuckoo-land Trendy-Wendy left are the most gullible, naïve and preposterous types of all.

The types that disregard facts and the proven truth and replace it with stark raving lunacy, fantasy and wishful thinking that is the complete and opposite of reality itself. Throw in a bowlfull of pseudo-science and student activist standard quackery into the mix also.

The Trendy-Wendy lefty-loony nutcase brigade whom as far back as the 1970’s wanted “troops out” of Northern Ireland utterly oblivious to the catastrophic repercussions if that had happened.

Northern Ireland's Belfast Catholics fled for their lives to (enclave) Droheda not because the British army came in, but because the British army wasn't there!
at 21:00 6 Jul 2024

Official Monster Raving Loony Party policy!

QUOTE: "Immigration..We willl replace Border Force with G.P receptionists. This will dramatically reduce the number of people getting in." END OF QUOTE

at 18:29 6 Jul 2024

I remember a good few years back when a middle class guy living in a middle classs area phoned Swansea Sound to label protesting residents who did not want a traveler site in their own community as “racist”.

The guy fell into his own trap when it was pointed out that he himself lived in area that had (I've seen it and it does) an excellent location within for a traveler site also .

Well guess what i.e. the guy went 100% no comment and gave ZERO percent support to what was proposed to him. Funny that?

at 17:34 6 Jul 2024

Labour realises that undocumented small boat invaders from Narco-states and terrorist hotspots week in week out, year in year out in huge numbers will damage the party in exactly the same way that it damaged the Conservative Party.

The danger is that Labour tries to avoid negative press and publicity by transporting these invaders to the U.K via use of inconspicuous/covert methods that ends up as a force-multiplied open door strategy/policy.

If migrants are shipped free of charge to the U.K via HMS Bulwark, C130, Chinook, or private chartered flights for nighttime arrival at remote/out-of-bounds military installations? Then there will be an ever increasing problem.

'Safe/risk free' laid-on free of charge transport (proposed “safe and legal routes”) as opposed to paying a people smuggling gang £1000's for a dangerous crossing on an over-filled rubber vessel hey????

That New York (at local level) politician had it 100% correct i.e. the removal of border barriers, abandonment of border vetting/control and government incentivising had created the dire situation in New York. We must hope that serious intent becomes way before lefty loon ruination and having the common sense of a gnat!
Will Reform win a single seat?
at 16:17 6 Jul 2024

Thanks for that link! I never realised the party would be standing in Senedd election(s).

QUOTE "Mr Farage said Reform is “going to do very, very well” in the Senedd election and based on how it performed in Scotland during the General Election, the party would “very much be in the territory of winning seats in the Scottish Parliament too”. END OF QUOTE
Will Reform win a single seat?
at 15:18 6 Jul 2024

This Reform M.P is donating is entire Westminster salary to charity! Measles?

*EDIT* That guy who won Reform U.K's seat after a recount? He did not even have an electoral agent, had minimal finacial backing and became a one person army who went out and to meet his future constituents. His hard work and determination pulled off an utterly expected result.
[Post edited 6 Jul 15:24]
Labour less popular now than under Corbyn?
at 09:44 6 Jul 2024

What surprised me this (only just found out!) morning was the fall in Starmers vote share 41,343 in 2017....36,641 in 2019....18,884 yesterday.

Absolutely insane drop in votes! Utterly surreal.
Will Reform win a single seat?
at 23:17 4 Jul 2024

Reform U.K will from here on in have a seismic impact upon British politics and traditional voter loyalty, because the party is extremely popular (and growing) amongst the working class.

The pathfinders have paved the way and are now in an extremely advantageous position so expect the brigade to arrive at a latter date! And the current Sit-Rep is humdinger stuff!

The spite, insults and smearing has continued, which is fantastic for Reform UK also, because it motivates people to turn up and vote for the party in even greater numbers.
Will Reform win a single seat?
at 22:15 4 Jul 2024

Poll prediction.

Lab 410 seats...Con 131 seats...Lib Dem 61 seats....Reform UK 13 seats....SNP 10 seats....Other 25 seats.
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