| Forum Reply | The Sandy at 14:16 28 Mar 2023
crowds are shite this season , cant see that much difference in NL tbh - maybe less away support from some of minor teams from down south but a good few clubs with good away followings - Oldham , Notts County, Chesterfield, Halifax, even Gateshead would bring a decent following. Could be some cracking matches with good crowds imho to produce good atmosphere lacking this season |
 | Forum Reply | No more knee at 09:55 15 Feb 2021
about time, common sense over hollow political gestures |
 | Forum Reply | Covid and the mentality of some! at 12:13 24 May 2020
Yep , got to agree, as a big Boris fan myself I think DC has to go , he is a real liability and has few if any likeable qualities. He can only do harm to government and needs shifting asap. |
 | Forum Reply | Boris update - Sunday 10th May at 7pm at 17:48 12 May 2020
FFS, some people are just so politically motivated they just have to criticise anything Boris does. If you do not understand 'stay alert' when a silent and invisible virus is killing people often because they fail to observe common sense precautions then we are all doomed ! |
 | Forum Reply | Coronavirus at 14:12 12 Mar 2020
Just heard a few youths / early 20's guys laughing about coronavirus, saying just like a bad cold and they would soon get over it, still going to pubs and clubs etc, not bothered at all. Problem is when they visit their parents/grandparents and unwittingly pass it on to them then the worry starts. None of them said they have increased washing of hands etc, just that they didnt think it would effect them. Silly boys !! |
 | Forum Reply | Scratch Cards at 10:06 17 Jan 2020
What a total plonker ! Must have too much time on your hands BDMC after Corbyn got such a beasting in the election. Better off with posts about endorsing those champagne metropolitan millionaire socialists Starmer and Thornberry for the leadership of your precious Liebour, or more like R Long-Baily and her revolutionary deluded Momentum supporters. Then again you could post about football matters.... |
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