| Forum Reply | Andy Burnham at 10:01 6 May 2024
Is this the same Mark Hodkinson, the author, the journalist who is well connected in the football world? The same Mark Hodkinson that was disrespected and dismissed by Simon Gauge and Richard Wright when he offered to help the club in their hour of need? In fact, the same Mark wrote a piece for this very forum on that very issue when they said they didn't want 'another opinion'. We owe a great deal of gratitude to Mark Hodkinson and the Trust for saving the club. If what you are saying is correct TS, then this paints a totally different picture than the Chairman painted at the EGM. My question is, was Simon Gauge aware of the Ogdens interest when he gave 'that' speech at the EGM? If so, we were all misled. |
 | Forum Reply | Nicholas brayne at 13:01 9 Mar 2024
Well well well. Here you go again. You aint learnt nothin you lot have you. I think you all should be cautious about what's happening. I'm hearing all kinds of sh*t happening at your EGM. Well respected previous board members being totally disrespected and their offer of help refused point blank. Heard he was one of your top men as well. Chairman issuing threats of which way to vote. That's not good. I also hear that this Brayne's name is circulating again, or perhaps he never went away. Didn't he bring some fraudsters to your door? Heard he was promised a seat on the board. Who knows he may be part of your current deal and be on your board next year with your Gauge geezer and your man who misled the EFL. That's what I'm hearing. But you're right, lets see what unfolds and don't tie yourselves up with rumour. I also read with interest the post from a Mr. Holmes and some dodgy stuff going on with shares and registers. I wonder who else has been given some shares then in the last year? You expecting any impending board resignations? Interesting times ahead and if any of this had have happened in 2021, you'd have been all over this. Brexit, sour grapes, conspiracy theories? Time will tell. |
 | Forum Reply | It was all Alexander Jarvis's fault at 22:31 5 Aug 2021
You know very well Alexander what you've been offering money for.... 'Don't worry I'll keep it low profile'... yeah yeah yeah... if it comes out what you've been doin.... |
 | Forum Reply | It was all Alexander Jarvis's fault at 22:16 5 Aug 2021
Now wait a minute you cheeky little b****** Flying in from Moscow, flying to Tampa, interviews at the BBC - its all a sham kid... you said you had 50% of the club in your pocket.... and now what's this your going around offering money for peoples names to sort them out.... wtf |
 | Forum Thread | It was all Alexander Jarvis's fault at 21:22 5 Aug 2021
Listen.. you northern lot... you can pick up on my spieling mistakes all day you numpties but you need to know that this wasn't our idea... We were rang by Alexander Jarvis from Liverpool about the deal... You had someone one in the club that told him 'get the top 5 shareholders and you got the club'... So all we done is seen a bargain.. Jarvis set this up with your guy, not us |
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