| Forum Reply | Ollie v ODH at 23:12 7 Mar 2017
I don't get the ODB / Hasselbaink comparison. Can someone explain, or is it inexplicable? |
 | Forum Reply | Mark Fisher at 16:23 20 Jan 2017
Yeah, s'funny that. In France you get full on national mourning when someone like Foucault or Sartre carks it - literally front page of Le Monde, snaking queues, gridlock, convulsions, not a dry seat in the house. A loss of a figure like that wouldn't need explaining. Which makes MF all the more singular and important in this little corner of the anglosphere, where public intellectuals, such as they, tend to be decrepit Oxbridgians stroking their rings on supine tea time telly. I'm fully with the 'anti-experts' brigade on this one: expertise is the technocratic boneyard where knowledge goes to die. Fisher's insistence on 'anti-representation' and living your ethics was pretty much untenable, but serious. Found k-punk pretty forbidding at the time, but am finding it immensely rewarding combing it over now. & v heartening to see MF bigged up on this board. As S Reynolds indicated in his Grauniad piece, Mark's influence will probably grow with time - something to be thankful for. |
 | Forum Reply | Mark Fisher at 14:43 20 Jan 2017
Still in shock about this tbh. Mark Fisher was the best cultural commentator in the UK by a country mile - the big (br)other I never had. Showed me that theory didn't have to be about w*nking about in universities, and that you didn't need money or a privileged background to live a life of genuine class. A devoted trees fan, but in spirit he was more like the Rangers of the 70s: an aristocracy of style. For the mods over the rockers, glam over prog, post-punk over lumpen punk, jungle over most other things. Brilliant on Kubrick, Tarkovsky, his bete noir Tarantino. Definitive on Joy Division, Roxy Music, Grace Jones, etc etc. There's an entire education laid out in that K-punk blog for anyone who wants it. RIP MF. |
 | Forum Reply | Wonderful humane gesture by the club at 20:17 2 Nov 2016
Bastani's a sound bloke and talks a lot of sense. His outfit Novara media are always worth checking out. Did once tout M'bia as a candidate for the 'next Viera', but we were all young once. |
 | Forum Reply | Stronger at the back without Hall at 23:37 22 Mar 2016
Stats are still very crude but getting better. Perception is a more information rich way to tell if a player is any good or not. And I welcome someone arguing against a fan favourite, a contrary view allows everyone to restate just why the player in question is favoured. Hall is strong, mobile, positionally astute, good on the floor, good with the ball. He could work on his upper body strength, and you wouldn't call him quick, which is probably why he was released by Spurs - the physical basics on which to build the mental aspects of the game are not worldbeating. That said, he doesn't have the obvious physical limitations at CB of someone like Connolly or Mancienne. Is already better than Gorkks, and better than Ned who maybe hasn't developed as far as we'd hoped he might (and is not a great right back either for me: looks like he's concentrating but positionally dubious, leaves far too much space for crosses and always has.) Furthermore, considering CBs reach their peak at about 30, if Hall can continue to develop his game as he clearly has before joining us, he could be pretty masterful in a few years. Currently the least you can say is he represents real potential, and I'd be happy if we signed a grizzled counterpart over the summer to start alongside Hall in a first-choice CB pairing for next season. Hall is the first young CB I can remember who's shaping for a long and successful career with us (Caulker had raw potential, but his head seems screwed on wrong). As has been said, a real find. |
 | Forum Reply | Chris Ramsey two year deal? at 00:38 7 May 2015
Yeah, but no one's asking for that, are they. A youngish manager with a good pedigree at lower league clubs or abroad, who the club can really rigorously interview to guarantee as far as possible that this is exactly the man to rebuild a team and club ethos around - this is not Flash 'Arry, this is a long term appointment. Mind you, Bungle routinely finds himself in interview situations with his pants around his ankles, while mediocre managers play him like Amateur mode on FIFA 15, so maybe we just don't have the wherewithall at the club to assess talent and suitability and make a savvy appointment anyway. If it is the case, and I suspect it may be, that the levels of incompetence at this club when it comes to appointments run deeper than the sh*t stains on the riverbeds of the Walbrook, then okay, this might not be the worst we could get. But I'm in the with the naysayers. Over the period of tenure Ramsey has proven himself reasonably competent with team selection, but stupidly inflexible at times, and a poor maker of substitutes to turn a match. He just doesn't come over as that sharp, nor that indepedent or strong minded, and I want a manager who can make up for years of poor management, with the balls and basic politics to remodel this club in his own image. Chaunce the Gardener may prove me wrong after pen is put to paper, but I feel he might be better on the allotment tending the green cabbages, while we look for a once in a generation agricultural expert. |
 | Forum Reply | QPR may regret failing to exploit FFP loophole at 23:12 6 May 2015
Yeah, not sure I get this, can anyone clarify what "reversing" the process of impairment might entail? Does it mean this -- if you're not amortising transfer costs over each year of a player's contract, and recording the full fee on year 1, this may, depending who you signed and when, rejigger the accounts in your favour? So we'd be paying for Charlie outright 2013/14, thus bearing a lighter load this year? |
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