| Forum Reply | tomorrow can't come quick enough at 10:30 13 Mar 2020
Enjoy the ride ...Wow wow wow Pops. You must be bored with no footy at weekends , we are at a loss this weekend as well ? But back to it on Tuesday . You can always support Netball , one of the ugly Nevilles is involved with that , or do you lot go round the borough taking photos of drainpipes to see which one would be best to chain yourself too. |
 | Forum Reply | Match Thread: Dale v Rotherham United at 11:38 9 Mar 2020
I have to hold my hand up . Very impressed with Matty Lund. I hope he keeps it up I genuinely didnt think he could perform at this level anymore. Well done sir, yes he bottled a few tackles but he certainly made some excellent passes and a very well taken goal. More of the same from you and the guys |
 | Forum Reply | How someone rates our Fanbase at 09:56 4 Mar 2020
I was looking for bURY ? I wouldnt class us as S""t fans, to be fair we have a decent percentage away following and we are very loyal, usually to our detriment( Kim Jung Hill in particular) . Bradfurt wont like No fans LOL and Plymouth have always had a decent following, I suppose its mainly classed as home support. In which case ours is pretty poor but the product on offer isnt too good at present. |
 | Forum Reply | Player Interviews: Alan Reeves at 09:51 4 Mar 2020
Not much to choose between Dawson & Reeves, wow good dream team combo. I always remember him scoring a header late on away at Cardiff almost from the pen spot. Caused me and my mate a hairy walk back to the city , seemed to upset the locals LOL |
 | Forum Reply | radio bolton. at 10:01 27 Feb 2020
BBC , claiming impartiality....not a chance , sorry Donal or Lucy or Dave in IT . You are an absolute joke of a station, the sooner the whole of the BBC network is brought to book the better. We are lucky that biased sod Andy Walker has a job with Sky otherwise they would be dragging him along as well. Special guest on Saturday v Accy is Nat Lofthouse's great grandson, he's 2 year old but has a good insight to the problems at Noblot and he's bringing a picture of his great grand dad with him so Fat McGinlay, Gallop Boy and Matey can cream themselves watching him bundle a keeper over the line! |
 | Forum Reply | Match Thread: Dale vs Coventry at 10:46 24 Feb 2020
I'm afraid we seem to be playing in the style of BucketBM , he was boring and pedestrian when he did venture onto the pitch. I'm with the majority, try and attack and entertain us FFS, stop messing about. Time is running out. |
 | Forum Reply | radio bolton. at 11:51 13 Feb 2020
The Noblot fans still think they are a big club, and it seems Matey and his bumchums think the same. They are a no mark club at the moment and very lucky they still exist. Just too much delusions of grandeur over there. Look at the farce of trying to get into the stadium when we played in the league...pathetic club cant even manage a turnstyle and now they have an extremely arrogant manager just to fit in with their big club mentality. We should ban Matey FM from the ground since they put that shyster FRMSE our way. Having said that , there was an idiot at the club who took them up on it!!! |
 | Forum Reply | Quest - Kevin Philips at 11:45 13 Feb 2020
We could hope we keep tabs, he does hail from near the Irish Sea , not quite Irish , so dont get your hopes up ! |
 | Forum Reply | Todays hornets game postponed at 11:41 13 Feb 2020
Did you see Millw"nks pitch last night ? And they had the cheek to complain about ours, no wonder no -one likes them . |
 | Forum Reply | Accounts at 10:40 12 Feb 2020
TV money will be down along with crowds because our "product" is not very entertaining. Dumbo/Hill really took us for a ride , yes we enjoyed brilliant success but at what expense... I think it was well managed until the ego got too much and Dumbo just "enjoyed the ride" I cant see how we can increase crowds or get TV companies to put on our games when we play as we do? To the usual Dale fans who say " well we are punching above our weight" etc , no we are not we are here for a reason, we earned it. Now we must fight for it. That will be very difficult seeing these figures and I dont have any answers because I'm not immersed 24/7 in the football world to know about personnel . What I do know is that if we go down , we really are in trouble . |
 | Forum Reply | Match Thread: Sunderland v Dale at 10:23 12 Feb 2020
I keep reading that Lund will get up to pace...sorry fellas, he wont , he's not good enough anymore. It was some seasons ago when he left after giving 15 or so good performances. He got relegated last season and played in a crap team , he just inst good enough for League 1. Along with MJW , Dooley, Andrew & McNumpty, plus we have players who can do a job but are not fit enough like McLaughlin and McShane. Ryan my be ok for this season , but I dont see an improvement or progression from him or Done. Hendo and Alby are on the old side. Alby seems the one who brings something to the side but he's 40 YO!!! BucketBM seems clueless , but it may also be due to the lack of squad depth and talent to pick from, having said that he has lumbered us with some more long contracts and poor players. |
 | Forum Reply | Match Thread: Doncaster vs Dale at 11:11 10 Feb 2020
Yeah but bet they took over the town of Crewe so thats all that matters LOL . Shame there are a couple of poor teams below them otherwise they could take over Harrogate and Alfreton etc ...now that would be more their level . |
 | Forum Reply | Finances at 10:22 31 Jan 2020
Aw no , not another "massive club" going to the wall, my heart bleeds , they did the same paying beyond their means . What will happen to all the towns they take over with their "massive " following . |
 | Forum Reply | Match Thread: MK Dons vs Dale at 10:22 29 Jan 2020
Please no , I actually agree that most need to go , but trusting BBM we will get inundated with Irish has beens and no marks... He isnt tactically good enough either to bring about a change. |
 | Forum Reply | tomorrow can't come quick enough at 11:39 28 Jan 2020
The phoenix club should be called bURY Who ! Get those adverts up around town ....Wow Wow Wow ...Enjoy the Ride , bURY Who are back. |
 | Forum Reply | Superbowl week at 11:35 28 Jan 2020
I dont give a flying F....... Absolute tosh of a sport along with baseball. They complained about football for years being stop start....the hypocrisy of yanks is astounding. Its like watching paint dry. |
 | Forum Reply | FA Cup Replay v Winter Break Froth at 11:33 28 Jan 2020
Klopp has found the liVARpool attitude. He will bleat victim , but his disrespect for the FA Cup is disgusting. I dont mind teams using their squad rotation, its good for the younger ones to get experience , but for the manager to come out and say he wont be there is embarrassing and yet another black mark against a horrible club. |
 | Forum Reply | How Many now at 09:48 23 Jan 2020
McNumpty is a walking disaster. He should be nowhere near our team , the sooner this bury reject gets ejected the better. |
 | Forum Reply | Brad Inman miss at 12:32 21 Jan 2020
Heaven forbid you try and search Calvin Andrew misses .....You tube is still downloading them Comparisson career stats Forward played 176 games scored 41 goals Forward played 241 games scored 45 goals Defender played 337 games scored 41 goals Top one is Paul Tait who got lambasted when he was here , defender is Craig Dawson. and we all know who is piggy in the middle ......yes he scores when he wants . |
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