| Forum Reply | Football phone ins / podcasts at 08:31 9 Mar 2020
Set Piece Menu and EJFOF (Elis James Feast of Football) are two of my favourite podcasts. |
 | Forum Reply | Cooper had all the right credentials at 09:38 15 Feb 2020
This, for me. At the time, I thought it looked a decent decision as he was likely to be working with quite a lot of youngsters. The problem appears to be that he doesn't know how to deal with adults, particularly the ones in the opposition teams. |
 | Forum Reply | Bidwell at 09:33 15 Feb 2020
I had serious concerns about Bidwell in the first 15 minutes as it looked like their winger on that side was going to give him real problems but, fair play, he did well. Defensively pretty solid and got forward effectively, it was his best game for a while. |
 | Forum Reply | Play offs at 19:47 13 Feb 2020
It's always the hope that kills you. My point was just that we shouldn't let Cooper off the hook by accepting that the play-offs were never really a genuine possibility. |
 | Forum Reply | Play offs at 13:58 13 Feb 2020
I do take your point but to forget it risks also losing sight of the fact that it should have been a genuine possibility. In August, this squad (perhaps arguably a weaker squad without Brewster / Gallagher / Guehi) showed it could play. Now, with an arguably stronger squad we are boring, toothless and looking nowhere but downwards. Give up the delusion, by all means, but don't forget why it was there in the first place. |
 | Forum Reply | Season ticket renewal at 13:54 12 Feb 2020
I renewed right at the end of last month, mainly to get the kids' ticket for £49 but, based on the quality and trend of recent performances, I'm seriously wondering whether it was the right decision. My daughter came to the game last night for the first time in a while. She used to really enjoy the games but last night the game was so boring and the quality so poor I actually apologised to her for wasting her evening. |
 | Forum Reply | Hull away this Friday at 07:01 12 Feb 2020
We're heading out there for a few days over half-term - sadly won't be able to use that as an excuse to avoid watching a Swans game but still looking forward to it. |
 | Forum Reply | Kyle Naughton at 10:56 9 Feb 2020
In fairness to KN he's been one of the better performers over the last half-dozen games. I certainly feel less nervous with him playing at LB rather than Bidwell. |
 | Forum Reply | No substitutions at 15:18 12 Jan 2020
That's what I would have gone for in the last 10/15 mins - Dhanda and Kalulu on for Routledge and Brewster. Dhanda at 10, Celina wide left, Kalulu wide right and Ayew through the middle. Why Cooper made no subs at all is truly baffling. |
 | Forum Reply | Baston last night at 19:47 3 Jan 2020
I thought Baston was OK last night. Held the ball up well and worked hard, particularly in the first half. Far from our worst performer on the night. |
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